On The Line

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Miracle laid in the bed, he hadn't been admitted to a hospital room but instead was placed in a room within the ER since he had remained somewhat concious and he looked at Cody who sat in the chair beside him, watching television. A sigh escaped as his vision started to clear.

"What happened?" Miracle asked.

Cody immediately turned his attention to Miracle when he heard the boys voice. "What do you last remember?"

"Being in Eric's room. We had champagne and then things got hazy, we did things." Miracle cringed at that part of the story. "Then it all went black."

Cody nodded. "Well he smuggled you out of the room. We were hoping you would come out with the envelope but Sarah noticed you were on the move with her GPS."

Miracle looked at the television. "So what happened?"

Cody looked down. "We all ended up at the marina, a guard closed the gate before we could get in. Melanie played off being the guys girlfriend, that is how we got in. Melanie and I found the room where he was, we're lucky he answered the door. Melanie had a drug on her that disarmed Eric but they had smuggled you out of the back door. It was okay though because Kevin saved you."

Miracle frowned and looked away. "I can't believe you guys went through all that, just for me." He shook his head. "You should of just let me go."

"We are your friends, don't say things like that. I really believe that you would do the same for us." Cody looked away. "Jasmine set the helicopter on fire. Sarah felt really guilty that she couldn't do a thing to rescue you because Melanie injured her earlier in the day and so she drove the guys car into the helicopter and it exploded. Sarah is dead and Eric and a number of his men escaped on a yacht."

"What?" Miracle jerked his head around to look at Cody. "Sarah died? She died? She...she died?" Miracle looked devastated and slowly pushed himself to sit up, his arms feeling as if they were lifeless and barely had the strength to even do that.

Cody looked at Miracle. "We had no idea. The cops were there, we were all getting back together, Kevin was getting you to EMS and there was so much commotion. Next thing we knew, she was driving this Eric guys car right out and straight for the helicopter. We know or at least assume why she did it. She had no reason to die, she was happy but the one thing that upset her was that she felt like she was powerless in doing anything to save you." Cody frowned. "I guess she thought it would help Jasmine destroy their getaway."

Miracle sat there, silent for several seconds and then he shook his head. "All I do is hurt people." His body shook as breaths became heavier and tears fell from that face that intensified in a look of devastation.

"That is not true." Cody shook his head and reached out, taking Miracle's hand. "Don't ever believe that." He almost wanted to cry for Miracle.

"Yes I do. I got Brad killed, I got Sarah killed, I got Sterling beat up..." He shook his head. "And I could of gotten you all killed this very night."

Cody grabbed Miracle's face, angrily and leaned forward. "Stop!" He spoke up in a louder tone. "You couldn't of helped those situations, you couldn't of known. And you can't stop people from caring for you. And that is exactly the reason for everything, you risk for the people that you care about, that is just what you do and I know in my heart that you would do the very same thing."

Miracle looked at Cody and then lifted his hands, grabbing at his shirt before leaning closer, pressing his face into Cody's chest. Cody sat beside Miracle, wrapping his arms around him and let him cry because he knew that the best thing in the world was to let it out. "You're safe, time will eventually make this all better." He rubbed Miracle's back.

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