The Right Moment

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April 2009

"So! Spring break." Aiden walked into the kitchen. "My sister left for college last year, California, and I was thinking of going to visit her. Do you want to come? I know every chance out of town would..well be great for you."

Miracle sat at the table, slicing an apple into slices and looked up at Aiden. "Sure, that would be cool."

"Um..Miracle? It begs me to ask you something." Aiden walked over to the table. "Have you thought of where you're going to college?"

Miracle looked up and grinned. "Aren't you supposed to like start applying for that like months and months ahead? Well I didn't do it, haven't even considered it, probably should of thought of it last year but with crazy Eric, well it's kind of hard to think about that sort of stuff."

"I could imagine." Aiden slowly nodded.

"My adoptive parents, Craig and Martha had started a savings account when Hunter was a kid, it was his college fund. Well by the time I came around, they would always talk about how he probably wouldn't even need it because he would get a scholarship. Craig would say things like it would probably just end up being for me. Martha said that it would probably just pay off for them because I probably wouldn't even know or care about anything after high school." Miracle sat the knife down and started putting the slices in a bowl.

"Why was Martha so mean to you? Wasn't it her idea to adopt?" Aiden asked, confused.

"The bitch knits in the car and as far as I know has never poked her finger." Miracle looked up. "Okay, exaggeration, she only knitted in the car going down the road once."

"Who does that?" Aiden looked a little disturbed.

"Stepford Moms." Miracle shook his head. "They never bothered to take the time to talk to me or even ask me if I knew what I wanted to do, but truth be told, if they did, I would of just proved her point and she would have just had one more reason to believe she was the perfect, know it all, Mom. That's right because I really didn't know and I didn't care to think about it."

"And why is that?"

"Because they all say do what you want to do, go for your dreams, find the job you like." Miracle sat the salt shaker down. "First of all, who likes a job? Who likes working? Would you want to be a doctor that has to see peoples insides? If I tried that I would be lucky I didn't vomit and probably get fired and be sued for everything. Or what about a teacher? I mean first you leave high school only to go to college, learn to teach what you already learned and then you just turn around and go back? That's kind of twisted. Or a lawyer, do you want it on your concious that you ruined peoples lives? Sure the money and all the rewards are nice but I bet if you could have it all for free, you wouldn't bother with the jobs or care about them." Miracle shrugged.

"Maybe those aren't the jobs for you then, did you ever consider that? You only listed three jobs in many." Aiden spoke after Miracle's rant. "What about your acting? You said you didn't know how it worked, someone would need to teach you, wouldn't they?"

Miracle chewed an apple slice and then swallowed. "For real? Britney was on television when she was a kid."

"Because her Mom made it happen and did it for her, all she had to do was the thing she was good at."

"I still don't need college for it, just rent me a how to video and by the end of it, I'll know."

"You are so stubborn." Aiden shook his head. "Okay so you'd know but you wouldn't have the credentials. Want to know what that is? The thing that makes the people impressed. You know what her Mickey Mouse club was? Something Britney could put on her resume when she decided to start her career. Could a how to video give you anything to even create a resume for?"

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