Skies On Fire

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Jaemin made his way into the flaming house, he looked around, the entire downstairs was almost engulfed but managed to make a clear path up the stairs.

"Hurry up now before I open anymore windows! Oxygen!" Skylar's laughter echoed throughout the upstairs.

Jaemin kicked the door open to find Jasmine in her Father's study positioned in the middle of the room in a kitchen chair with her arms bound behind the chair and tape over her mouth and he imagined a gag beneath it.

"Kept me waiting long enough...woo getting hot in here." Skylar grinned, fanning herself with her hand and moved to stand in front of Jasmine. "She's burning tonight, you'll have to go through me to even try to save her." Skylar then pulled her hand out from behind her back and threw a dagger.

The dagger spun through the air and Jaemin quickly dodged to the side and the dagger stabbed into the wall by the door and his eyes narrowed at Skylar and he ran forward and jumped, swinging a leg around to kick her in the head.

Skylar grabbed his foot, yanked him around and then threw a punch right into Jaemin's face before then turning around and pushing Jasmine away from the center of the wall and closer to the edge of the room where some of the flames were, Jasmine's muffled screams filling the room. Skylar then grabbed a mirror off the wall and turned to try and slam it over Jaemin's head.

Jaemin took the punch and stumbled back but quickly grabbed Skylar's wrists and then let go, quickly stepping back and took hold of the top edge of the mirror and pushed forward, slamming the bottom edge of the mirror into her stomach which sent her falling down. He then tossed it to the side and glass shattered every where. He grabbed a large shard as she was getting up and swung around, grazing her in the shoulder.

Skylar screamed as she quickly tried to dodge to the side but her tee shirt was ripped and the glass grazed her skin, enough to draw blood and she ran behind Jaemin and grabbed a pillow off the bed, swinging it into the flames to catch the fire. "Pillow fight!" She threw it towards him.

Jaemin quickly turned around to catch the flaming pillow flying his way and he kicked it back towards her only for Skylar to dodge out of the way and make a run for the door to snatch her dagger from the wall, she then ran forward as if to charge him only to jump up and flip over him only to twist and spin in the air and land at his side, stabbing him in the arm.

Jaemin turned around, trying to keep up with her but then yelled out as the knife went into his arm and then he quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled it back, spinning her around and throwing his arm over her shoulder while pinning her other arm behind her back only to have her use her body weight to push him back and to stop himself from being pushed into the fire, he let her go and dived to the side.

Skylar fell down and Jaemin yanked the dagger out of his arm only to have his feet knocked out from under him by Skylar's swinging leg, he fell down but then quickly crawled ontop of her and went to try and stab her but both of her hands grabbed his wrist and a struggle of strength would begin.

Skylar grunted and lifted a knee up and hit Jaemin in the stomach and then she rolled over and twisted his hands and pushed down, trying to get him to stab himself in the throat.

"Damn it!" Jaemin screamed and grabbed Skylar by the hair, pulling her head forward and slammed foreheads with her and then finally knocked her off in time to get up and stumble back.

Skylar cried out in pain, the dagger flying out of her hand and then she got up, holding her head and she looked at Jaemin and then grabbed Jasmine's chair. "You see this? She's wet..." Skylar started laughing and grabbed a lit cigarette from the ash tray that was half burnt down and took a drag. "If I drop this? Well...she's burnt burrito, baby."

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