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''Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."                                                              

                                       _Martin Luther King.


''(Y/N)? Come on wake up! We're going on a holiday remember?''  What the.....George?

I quickly shot up and hugged my little brother. He's... He's here.

I'm holding him. I'm freaking holding him!

''(Y/N)? Are you okay?'' I laughed with tears running down my cheeks. I can't believe this! 

''Oh, my sweetheart! George! Baby! You're here!'' I kissed him everywhere. He's in my arms, wiggling around to set himself free from my tight embrace, but I can't let him go. I can't lose him again.

''Georgie, baby, you're here, in my arms. You're here.'' I couldn't believe this. I finally got him back. Was it all really a dream?

''Actually, he's not.'' My eyes quickly shot up towards the voice, I grew to hate with everything in me.

There he stood, looking more demonic than ever. His dark eyes had adopted even more coldness. His handsomeness leaking from him but his triumphal expression and that terrifying smirk had me frozen on my bed.

''Y-you......'' I croaked out. My voice, quiet and terrified. Suddenly everything drained from their color.

Everything was dark, a pitch black. Emptiness had surrounded me completely. I glanced down at my empty hands, that once had the little angel in them.

Air escaped me, thoughts escaped me. I was left defenseless. I have only felt this weak before and I can only try not to remember that awful night. The night when I became lost.

''You're weak. Even weaker than I thought. Useless little mistake. I should have killed you when I had time, but it's never too late, is it?'' The voice was closer this time. I began to regain feeling within my body. My head kept pulsating harshly on my skull. His deep voice sent fear down my spine, causing my weak body to start shaking violently.

My mind kept spinning around. My thoughts kept crashing into each other. Every cell, every organ ached so much that the pain was unbearable. 

''G-go on t-then. Kill m-me.'' At this condition, I still could manage those words but something told me to regain my confidence and look at those cold eyes. 

My ears almost burst from the vibrate his demonic laugh made. I closed my eyes shut. I almost felt as if my body was giving up but I continued fighting. I tried to move but the only thing that I could do was to open my eyes.

I knew what that meant, and I was way too terrified to face him.

''Gladly.'' I cried mentally but I knew my fear would bring my death closer. So, I did an unexpected thing. I opened my eyelids and looked straight to his now bloodshot red eyes that glowed in the darkness. If he was going to kill me, I would watch him do so. 

''W-why?'' I cursed myself for being so weak, but the fact that I was, didn't make me feel any better.

His demonic eyes switched to black again. He seemed to be enjoying my suffering. His expression only showed amusement. 

''Because I want to.'' I wanted to jump on him and put my claws in his throat. Deeper and deeper until he begged me to release him. 

''You demon! Do you think I'm scared?! Do you think I'm scared to die?! You would do me a favor if you ended my life! I'm stuck with you in this burning hell and you think I would prefer to live?!'' I screamed at him. I felt my body had stopped giving up on me as I could easily shot up and stand on my ground.

My talk took it too far. Pan's hand was at my throat, and he was tightening his grip. I gasped for air, my throat closing over the pressure he exerted from his long, strong fingers. Tears sprang to my eyes, and when no air was getting to my lungs, my stomach lurched in fear. I didn't show it, though. 

I croaked a small laugh. 

''What's so funny?'' He asked impassively. I was getting under his usually unflappable skin.

''You're in my mind, aren't you?'' I murmured to him through clenched teeth. Blood seeped out of my mouth with each word, each movement, and he could tell the strain that I was undergoing to stay conscious.

''Yes.'' He smirked that creepy smirk and released me. My knees buckled as they hit the dark floor with a thud. I started coughing hardly while trying to catch my breath. His silhouette was standing over my dying body. I could tell that he was enjoying my condition, but I won't give him that.

I slowly stood up and finally caught my breath. 

''You're a monster.'' My throat was sore from all the action it got. But this was happening just in my mind.

His bloodshot red eyes turned into their natural color. Pitch black.

''Thank you.'' He chuckled darkly and crossed his arms. I knew he was out of his mind, but this much? 

''You know I'm in your mind and I can hear your thoughts?'' He laughed again and disappeared into the darkness. I know this trick. I quickly turned around to gasp at his closeness.

I stumbled back with my legs still weak, trying to keep my distance. 

''Hmm, I'm bored now.'' He smirked and in a blink of an eye, I was back in my cage breathing deeply.

''I..*deep breath* hate you.'' I simulated my heartbeat as I glared at the smirking demon through the cage-gaps. 

''We finally share the same feeling.'' His smirk disappeared while that demonic look took its place. ''You should try and lock your mind. Your thoughts are flying everywhere.''

I rolled my eyes. ''How am I supposed to do that, exactly?'' He flashed me another smirk and disappeared into the thin air. ''Pan?! Stop doing that!'' 

I angrily hit the cage. That son of a b*tch! He left me hanging again!

''How many times should I scream for you to get back here!? Ughhhhh!! You bloody-''

''Uh-uh. Watch your mouth, girl.'' He reappeared in front of my cage. Sitting in the air as if it was a chair. He just loves getting on my nerves, but I won't let him use it as his advantage. He's just another villain I want to destroy and I swear to George I will complete this mission. 

Finding Neverland // Peter Pan X Reader (editing)Where stories live. Discover now