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We stood still, not saying a word, not moving an inch, just stood there, face to face, the second time in a day. Why today?

His cold eyes were staring at me like a hawk, observing my frozen form quietly. His crucial gaze left shivers upon my skin as I tried to tear my eyes away from him. Why did he have to come here, after everything he did and said, why would he even spare a second to talk to me? He's not sending me back, is he?

"We're having a feast tonight, " He spoke up eventually, walking towards my bed but not sitting down yet.

"I'm aware." He sat down after giving me a questioning stare. "You've ordered me to prepare it in the cave, " He shook his head and gave me a smirk. His traditional, lying, smirk.

"I remember." My eyes widened as I quickly added.

"Oh, of course, I didn't mean it like that-"

"Stop, I know." Fine, I'll just shut up then. "Take a seat,'' He gestured to the chair behind me, as I obeyed his wish.

"Is there anything I can do for you, leader?" He did not answer just eyed me like before. Something tells me he's not here to yell at me.

"I've noticed how you treat the kids and I believe you take care of them better than Wendy, so I wish to thank you for your kindness." Is he for real?

"Your welcome,'' What the heck.

"Although I think it's better to stay away from older boys, you probably get why." I hate him so much.

"They won't harm me," My cold voice held so much hatred it wasn't so hard for him to understand the message.

He nodded slowly, his smirk wiped off completely, I wanted to see his eyes but they were looking down.

"Wendy can assemble everything, I don't want you near the kitchen, " He stood up and walked towards the end of the tent, stopping at the entrance to look back at me, "We don't need cuts on you now, do we?" He shot me a small smirk and walked out.



I can't believe Damien managed to get me out of my bed this night. I don't want to see him or anyone else at that stupid feast. I prefer to curl up in my blanket and sleep away.

"I hate you for this, " I narrowed my eyes as he shook his head and forced me down on the log.

"Only for a while, you can go back to being boring after that, " He winked playfully and I couldn't help the giggle escaping my lips.

After what happened between Pan and me, I lost the touch with Felix as well, he was not a great help in any way, shape, or form, but Dami... Dami got me through so much pain... I owe him a lot.

I looked over at Wendy, she was standing next to the tree that Pan was leaning on, they're awfully intimate with their loving gases, they make me sick.

"Need a drink?" Dami spoke in my ear because of the noise, I nodded as he stood up to get me some ale.

I looked away from those two as I saw the little ones bugging Chris and Logan, running around them in circles, I laughed quietly and looked at Dami who sat down beside me.

"Thanks, " I snatched the drink away and took a long gulp. Its nasty substance making its way down my throat, I almost gag at the taste but stop myself from doing so.

I shot a glare at Dami while he kept laughing at me, me doing the same but hitting him as well.

"I-I hate you!" He couldn't form the words as he almost toppled over from laughing so much.

"What's going on here?" We stop the laughter instantly as we faced his stoic face in front of us.

"We were laughing?" I spoke up hesitantly but closed my mouth after he shot me a glare.

"I could see that, have you already forgotten our conversation?'' I didn't answer right away and stood up unhurriedly.

"Which one exactly, the one where you almost killed me and told me to stay away or the one you told me I should close my legs?" His glare haltered and I took that as a sign to leave. He should remember his words and actions. I'm not supposed to talk to him and I've been managing that until today. He has no right to be like this. I won't let him hurt me again.

I nodded at Dami and left the bonfire without a glance back. Wendy can tuck the kids in and clean up, she's the mother, after all, not me.

Finding Neverland // Peter Pan X Reader (editing)Where stories live. Discover now