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He walked into the tent with his head held high and took a sit on his usual seat, in the front. 

His piercing gaze landed on the boys standing with their heads lowered. 

''Well, take a seat,'' The strict voice echoed. They quickly obeyed and sat down on the opposite seats of each other.

''There are a few topics I wish to discuss with you two today, but most importantly, I have to inform you about our visitors,'' Their heads snapped up as the realization painted their faces.

''The pirates?'' Felix asked his leader. 

The said male nodded slowly as another question was heard, but this time it was Damien who asked.

''What do we have to do, sir?'' 

''Don't let anyone leave the camp within these two days. I don't have time for their immaturity if I'm not mistaken last time the Pirates were here we almost lost half of the boys because of this.'' Pan said with a hint of anger. 

Felix and Damien sensing this nodded and stayed quiet, waiting for the leader to speak up again.

A couple of minutes later he broke the silence by standing up and dismissing them.

''But what about the other things you wanted to discuss, sir?'' The blonde boy spoke up as he and his friend followed their leader's movements and stood up as well.

''I don't have time for that right now... Do as I said and don't question me ever again.'' With that, he walked out and headed straight towards the woods, stopping when he heard a small voice calling for him.

''Leader?'' A small young boy with dirty blonde hair walked up to his leader and bowed in respect. 

''What,'' Pan looked down at him and waited for his answer.

''M-may I ask s-something?'' He smiled a little after seeing the older boy nodding. ''A-are you headed to see (Y/N)?...Sir?'' He added quickly.

Peter frowned at his question as he answered with one. ''Why?''

The little boy fiddled with his dirty fingers as he spoke up shyly. ''I-I was hoping to see h-her again...''

''Micheal, may I ask why you want to see her?'' A small smirk crept on his face as he asked the little guy a question. The said boy blushed bright red as his head hung low.

''I-I missed her.'' 

Peter wanted to chuckle at his words but he would never do this in front of any of his boys.

''Is that so? I'm afraid I have to decline your wish, maybe some other time,'' The saddened boy nodded at his leader's words as he bowed just like he did in the beginning and waddled away. ''Oh and Micheal?'' He whispered the rest to the young boy. ''I would be glad if you kept (Y/N) as a secret between you and me.''

''Why sir?'' He asked with his face scrunched up cutely, a sign of his confusion.

''To keep her safe from danger, Micheal.'' 

''Then I will never speak of her with anyone but you, sir.'' He spoke loud and clear as to prove his promise's firmness.

Amused by this, Pan ruffled young lad's hair and disappeared in the thin air, leaving a very happy boy behind.

Finding Neverland // Peter Pan X Reader (editing)Where stories live. Discover now