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Early hours of afternoon in Neverland has always been bright and lively, with the birds still chirping from morning, the animals slowly waking up, small breeze flowing through the trees, and of course the loud yells of the boys. But today, it's different. 

The trees are swaying a little, the grass as green as possible but the outlook they give is anything but alive. He remembers the sound of the leaves crouching underneath his feet in Fall, sound of snow slowly being stepped on and sinking, a path of flowers laid out for him to destroy, but in Summer, there's nothing good to him, nothing is beautiful to him. He hates Neverland, he hates the fact that he can't leave, the fact that he can't leave even after that bloody demon gave him the permission to. He hates the fact that the only reason he's on this cruel land is a girl.

 He stopped walking, his hand instinctively going in the pocket of his leather coat for a canteen that contains ,of course, the alcohol.  

''You came back.'' A very stern voice echoed. 

The pirate took a big gulp before answering. ''We need food.''

In a blink of an eye, a young boy with pitch black eyes and sandy brown hair, appeared in front of him, starling the man slightly.

''Food. Nw nw, lying to me, Hook? Since when?'' A stern voice turned into playful attitude as his face showed fake hurt.

''I'm not lying.'' Another gulp.

''She's not here.'' The boy watched as the pirate tensed at the mention of the certain female.

''Really?'' That was not a question, she was..is here, but there's no way this bloody Pan will ever let him have a glance at her.

''You don't believe me, do you?'' The captain looked up at him with his eyebrow raised as if asking -what-do-you-think. ''Well, search for her as much as you want but be aware of the time I give you to stay here. Two days. No more. If I see any extra living anywhere after the time passes, trust me when I say, they will no longer see the sun shining.'' His face stoic and his voice as stern as it was in the beginning of the conversation. ''Understood?''

''Why, scared I'll find her?'' Another gulp.

The boys lips parted as they let out the sound of him chuckling. ''Usually you are the one who's scared of me, Hook. She's not here, and even if she was,-" He smirked mockingly, "her decision would never change. You know what I'm talking about, right, Captain?'' 

The said man quickly took out his sword and lounged at him, only for him to smirk and disappear into the thin air.

''Two days, Hook.'' 

A scream of hopelessness and anger was heard from the captain. His knees making a sound as they collide with the ground. Shoulders slouched as they shook a little, cries left his beard covered lips as the tears poured down from the chocolate colored eyes.

Another day without her in his arms. How many to come?

Finding Neverland // Peter Pan X Reader (editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora