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''Sometimes words cut deeper than any knife ever.''

''Who said that?''


''I don't know.'' 


''Hmm... I like that saying.''  Sweet sound made appearance from her chapped lips.


''What's so funny?'' Black eyed boy answered. She replied with a giggle.

''Fine, don't tell me.. Like I care.......'' 

''You wanna know, don't you?'' 

He gave her an annoyed look and shook his head. ''Whatever..''

''Well, fine then.''


''I've got to go back to the camp. Do you need anything?'' He stood up from her so-called bed and shot her a questioning look.

She pondered for a minute, deciding whether or not to ask him about  Micheal. Clearly it wasn't the right time so she shook her head and smiled up at him.

''No, but thanks for asking.'' He rolled his eyes and woosh-ed away from her cave. Well, it's not actually hers as a property but after sometime of living there she kind of claims it as hers. 

She lied back down on the bed and fixed her gaze on the ceiling of falling petals. They change colors with the emotions in the cave. For example, if the people or any type of living in the cave is happy, the petals are bright yellow. If sad - grey-ish blue, nervous - green and so many others. But she hasn't experienced red, yet. What emotion could that color possibly be in connection with?

Anyways, now the petals are dark blue almost black, which means the person in the cave is tired. More so exhausted. And that's confirmed with the yawn she just let out. 

With one last glance at the ceiling she closed her eyes and fell asleep immediately. 

  The sky became dark and low with ominous black clouds and the wind picked up, howling, crying, warning, baying like a wolf into the night. The first crack of lightening rent the air and within seconds the rolling boom of the thunder reverberated overhead. Lightning came like a rip in the inky night, as if behind the dark canvass was a brilliant light just waiting to flood through any crack no matter how small. 

   The terrific sound that followed this action made the sleeping girl shoot up from her bed and curl up in the dark corner, shaking with fear.  No one to comfort her, or hold her shivering form. 

  ''Please, stop.'' She kept whispering as if the nature would listen to her. And as if joking on her another lightning stroke on the sky, coloring her cave with bright light, followed by her loud cries and a scream after glancing at the silhouette slowly coming towards her.

''Get away from me!!'' She screamed and with her shaking hand she pulled out her knife and threw it at the creature. Thinking it was an animal, trying to stay dry in this awfully wet weather. But oh, boy was she wrong...

''Woah, hey, it's me.'' Familiar, raspy voice echoed in her ears, slowly approaching her scared body and setting the knife down next to her. He lowered himself in front of her,  followed by strong arms sneaking around her shaking form and pulling close to the warm body of the hero.

''Shh, calm down, girl.'' His voice was slowly soothing her, but it didn't tune out the sound of rain.  

''Tha-thank you.'' She whispered to his chest as it vibrated from his chuckle. 

''Yeah. Whatever.'' He whispered back. 

After holding her for a few minutes, he noticed her figure was not shaking anymore, neither from fear nor from cold. 

''Better?'' He didn't get an answer for awhile and he thought the girl had fallen asleep but she moved closer to him, if it was possible and nodded her head.

With a little smirk, he picked up her shaken form from the ground and made the way towards her bed. Slowly lowering himself down, with her on top and his arms around her, hugging her close.

Small smile appeared on her chapped lips as her head moved to rest in the crook of his neck. 

''Thank you.'' She breathed out.

''Mhhm" He hummed back.

And with no more words shared between these two, they fell asleep in each other's arms, through the silence after rain.

Finding Neverland // Peter Pan X Reader (editing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin