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"Don't waste your time in anger, regrets, worries, and grudges. Life is too short to be unhappy."
― Roy T. Bennet


One more day. Just one more day 'till my birthday. I can't believe I've been on this freaking island for two days! I've never in my entire life celebrated my birthday without my family and I'm not willing to break that tradition now.

This thought kept haunting my mind for the whole morning. Apart from this, my stomach kept growling like a lion for the past hours, I can't blame it, I haven't eaten for two days. I loath Pan more for this.

I kept pondering about my escape plan. Even though I haven't got any chance against Pan, I still have a little faith in myself. Just a little, but it's enough for me to believe.


My head shot up at the sound of the leaves cracking.

''Who's there?!'' I swear if it's Pan, I'm going to beat the hell out of him for scaring me! I mean, I would if I wasn't locked up. Ugh.

''I-I'm sorry f-for scaring y-you...'' I loosened up at the sweet and terrified voice. The cage gaps did allow me to see some parts of the island, but I'm up here hanging in the air while the trembling voice remains its owner below me.

While being here, I haven't had a chance to think about the fact that I'm not scared of heights that much anymore. I mean, I've been hanging in the air for a long time and I haven't died yet! That's a victory.

The cage hit the ground with a thud and me with a grunt as my butt hit the hard wood.

''Ouch.'' I looked through the gaps to see a very worried look on a girl's face.


''How did you end up here?'' He asked sternly. I couldn't think of a reason as to why not tell him that, so I just answered truthfully.

''Your shadow brought me here.''

''I didn't ask him to.'' He gritted through his teeth.

''Ask it.'' I shrugged as he raised his eyebrow and looked straight into my (E/C) eyes.

''You are a girl, I don't need more useless creatures on this island.''

End of the Flashback

More. Looks like I'm not the only ''Useless creature'' on this island, after all.

''S-sorry.'' I frowned at her. She seemed very scared of me. I haven't done anything to her, have I?

''What are you sorry for?'' She gasped at my confused and low tone and looked down at her trembling hands. Her blonde hair fell down in front of her face like a curtain. Just her hair color made me sure about her identity.

''Have I done something wrong or why are you quiet?'' She remained still, so I just left her alone. If she wants to have a conversation, I'd be more than glad to talk to her.

''L-leader ordered me t-to give y-you some f-food.'' I raised an eyebrow at her and looked down at the wooden tray full with fruit. Hmm, it wasn't there before, right?

''Please, stop shuttering. I won't hurt you.'' I looked softly at her and leaned back. Looks like someone wants to take care of my hunger. Probably my stomach kept him awake. Hehe.

The cage door slowly opened and there stood a skinny blonde with my breakfast. I would make a run for it but my body needs energy, which I'm out from right now.

Finding Neverland // Peter Pan X Reader (editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora