Animal I Have Become

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"I can't escape this hell
So many times I've tried
But I'm still caged inside
Somebody get me through this nightmare
I can't control myself"

- Three Days Grace "Animal I Have Become"


Colton’s P.O.V

 “I cannot keep doing this, Tony,” I spoke as sat down the glass of scotch that was in my hand. Looking over at him, I waited his reply.

Tony glanced up from the book in his hand. Once he was focused on me, his eyes bore into me, “You have too,” Tony stated before he began to read again, clearly attempting to leave the topic in hand in the dust. 

I watched him as he sat there on my couch, reading his book as if the situation around us was not going on. My lips twitched down into a deep frown, for I didn’t like his reply. “I can’t, Tony - I can’t lie to her.”

Tony closed his book and sat up straight before settling sights back on me, as soon as he realized I wasn’t going to drop this. “If she knew the truth — if they all knew the truth — all our hard work would have been for nothing...” 

He was right but the mere thought of what I was putting Alice through was killing me. 

“Think about it this way,” He continued, “if she had stolen from someone else, she would be dead now. You are treating her a thousand times better than any other gang. Plus, she was a druggie, she deserves to pay for-”

I stood up, shaking with anger at his accusation, “Don’t you dare talk about her that way!”

Tony stared at me, shocked that I reacted in such a way. As soon as he recovered, he sighed, “Your love for her is going to get you both killed, I swear.”

Calming down, I sat back in my wingback chair. “If Alice gets hurt in this plan of yours, Tony, it will be on your hands not mine. I told you when I found out that it was her that stole the money and drugs, that we should just call off the manhunt for the robber — Let her live her life and let us finish our plan — "

“Don’t you dare turn this on me,” Tony spat as he cut me off. “You, as well as I, know that if you’d let her get away with the crime that people would question your authority — they would also figure out she was your weakness. Plus, it was me that told you not to go back to your hometown after her mother called and begged you to come back. I had a feeling something — like this — would happen."

“If I didn’t go back, I would have never known it was her that we sent people out to go kill. She’d be dead and you — and your boss — would be dead because it was y’alls idea to get me to show my ‘ruthless’ authority once more, by having someone killed."

Tony didn’t respond right off the bat. Instead, he stood up and walked over to one of the many shelved that were in my office. He placed the book along side the other books on the shelf. Turning around, he looked me straight in the eye. “You can’t tell her ... However, once we go through with everything and the results please my boss — then you can tell her.” Tony began to walk out but stopped as he hand rested on the door knob. “We are all playing our part in this Colton. Don’t be the one on the team that screw this up...”

 With that said, Tony left the room — leaving me to my thoughts.



I know, this is SO short - but I wanted to post something and give y'all a glimpse at what is 'really' happening. 

Sorry for the late update - @Kyerie came and visited me! We've been writing pen pals for almost five years. We've never met face to face and over the years we've grown to be really, really good friends! ... She surprised me this weekend by coming to my hometown and we got to actually hang out - face to face! I was so excited and writing was far from my mind!  




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