36. Random Lance Headcannons

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~Basically Leo Valdez.

~But is a son of Aphrodite.


~Have you seen his face masks?

~You get mad whenever he uses a pickup line on some random girl.

~You stomp off, leaving the Cuban male chasing after you.

~Almost broke up because of fighting about this.

~He swore never to flirt again.

~You both are happier now. 

~Doesn't want to do intercourse until after marriage.

~You can live with that.

~Loves sharks.

~Went shark diving once


~At least Lance loved it.



~You always manage to make him his comfort food.

~Garlic Knots.

~How sweet is that? <3

~Poor son.

~Wants to have three kids.

~Two sons, one daughter.

~Loves to cuddle, while listening to music.


~Knows more than 50 animes off the top of his head.


~Cosplayed as Sailor Moon once.

~Funniest thing ever.

~Pranced around, yelling:


~Pidge has blackmail.

~One time you two stayed up all night watching Seasons of Attack on Titan.

~You almost got a heart attack when he snuck up behind you and yelled, "JAEGER!"


~No but seriously Jesus Christ Superstar is a musical. Look it up people.

~Lance loves you more than Blue.

~Practices cheesy pick-up lines on you.

~You just laugh and kiss him.

~He loves that.

~Favorite band is Makeout Monday.

~Will fite to to protec.

~Also, goes to the beach basically everyday.

~Had an EMO PHASE.

~Pidge, of course has blackmail.

~Most hilarious thing ever.

~Had black eye shadow all over his eyes, black eye-liner, and of course, that FRINGE COVERING HALF HIS FREAKING FACE

~Once you dyed his hair completely blue overnight when he got drunk... On nunvil.

~How even-

~Surprised he actually liked it.

~But it just got embarrassing when he started complimenting himself. 

~Started to hug you and didn't let go until 2 hours later when Shiro pried him off of you.

~Turns out he fell asleep. On you.

~Part sloth boy???

~Started the trend where the paladins would purposely call Lotor the wrong name.

~"Hey, it's Prince Lotad guys!"

~"Hi Prince Loiter."

~"Prince Lower? Is that you?"

~"Prince Loser, we meet again."

~"OMG it's Prince Loudish!"


~Because he's worth it.

~Lance=Part Altean boy???!

~Allura almost cried when we pretended Lance was Altean.

~She basically worships him now.

~You get a bit jealous, because they basically act like siblings anyways. 

~Lancey-Lance, Space Boi, Babe, Honey, Water-Dude, Haru, and Ocean Man are all nicknames for this precious boi.

~Babe, Sweet-cheeks, Chica, Gurl, Space-Bae, Bae, Hun, and What I'm Currently Doing (Don't judge).

~You love this little blue stinker.

~He loves you too.

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