The Return Of Eve

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At the arena for Main Event !
Nikki is walking into the divas locker room
Nikki: Hey girls
They all say hi
Brie: Hey where's the kids
Nikki: With Maggie and TJ
Brie: Why
Then Nattie walks in
Nattie: Well Rosie officially knows how to do the sharpshooter
Nikki: Wow so fast !
Brie: You taught her the sharpshooter ?
Nattie: Yup and no broken bones or bruises !
Nikki: Good !
Nattie: TJ and Nate where doing their own thing to
Brie: Wow speaking of them where are they ?
Nikki: Yeah where are my monsters
Nattie: I was walking with them and TJ to they guys locker room and we ran into John and he is with them
Nikki: Okay !
Brie: So Nicole have you talked to John ?
Nikki: I did !
Nattie: About what ?
Nikki: Us having another baby !
Brie: What did he say ?
Nikki: He said he wanted another baby so in 3 more years I'm done !
Brie: Aww Nikki that's great !
Nattie: I'm so happy for you how many more kids are you going to have ?
Nikki: I told John 3 is my limit and 4 if it's twins again
Brie: How did he take it ?
Nikki: He's fine he's happy with that ! And I guess after we discussed it we started trying ? Haha
Nattie: Omg Nicole no wonder you were fine with the kids coming with me and TJ
Nikki: Haha hey they brought it up we just gave them permission
Nattie: So have they decided on what they will do when it comes to school ?
Nikki: Yup they said they would hate being away from you guys so they want to online school so September I will enroll them.
Brie: Is it what you want for them ?
Nikki: I want them to be happy and they are
Brie: Okay I'm going to go see if we have a match
Nikki: Okay I'm going with John
She walks away and goes to find John but instead finds an angry Randy
Nikki: Randy what's wrong !
Randy: Jojo cheated on me
Nikki: Omg Randy I'm so sorry !
She said as she hugged him
As she hugged him he hugged her back and then John walked around the corner of where Randy and Nikki were hugging but hid to see what was going on
Randy: Thanks Nikks I needed that
Nikki: No problem Randy but how did you find out and with who ?
Randy: That guy she was dating from when she first got here and I caught them making out at her house when I went to surprise her for the weekend
Nikki: The one who wanted her to quit ?
Randy: Yeah him
Nikki: Well you know what her loss Randy you're an amazing person and if she couldn't see that then that's her problem I know it may seem hard right now but things will get better and any girl would be lucky to be with you
She said as she hugged and gave him a kiss on the cheek
Randy: Thanks Nicole you always know how to make me feel better
Nikki: Anytime now if you'll excuse me I have to go see if I have a match tonight
Randy: Ok see you later
Nikki walks away and Randy thinking he was all alone started talking to him self
Randy: If only you knew I still love you Nicole and that I never stopped I only used Jojo as a way to try to forget about you but I just can't but you have a family and you're in love with John I wouldn't ruin that for you
He leaves back to the guys locker room
Then John walks out and watches Randy leave
John: I can't believe he still isn't over her but at least he knows he shouldn't disrespect us and our family
With Nikki
Nikki: Hey Stephanie I just wanted to know if I have a match tonight
Rosie: Hi mommy
Nikki: Hi honey I thought you were with daddy !
Stephanie: She was but made her way over to see me and yes you have a match and 3 segments
Nikki: I swear this little girl will leave you without a job ! And okay with Brie ?
Stephanie: Well better her than someone else match with Brie 2 segments with her and one with John
Nikki: Who's his match against today ?
Stephanie: It's a 6 man tag team match against the Wyatt Family
Nikki: Who are Johns partners ?
Stephanie: It's a surprise and I didn't choose them
Nikki: Who did ?
Stephanie: You'll know later now go get ready and your waking out with John to but only walk him to the ring then walk back before his tag team partners make their way out ok ?
Nikki: Okay will Rosie be staying with you ?
Stephanie: Yes please !!
Nikki: Okay see you guys later
Later in Nikki's match which unfortunately she lost her match to Tamina but either way the kids loved her as well just not AJ
Brie: Hey Nikki I'm going with Bryan and Nate
Nikki: Nates with Bryan ?
Brie: Yeah
Nikki: Okay I seriously need to keep track of my kids haha
Brie: Well both John and the kids were in the locker room with Bryan when Rosie of course wanted to go with Stephanie and John took her but didn't return to the locker room for a while
Nikki: Okay well I'm going to go get changed for our segments are we going the white with the neck thing that goes around well yours white mines yellow
Brie: Yeah let's do that one for the first segment and the white and black one for the second one
Nikki: Okay meet you for our segment then
She goes to get ready and after her and Brie are done doing their segments they see someone they haven't seen I'm a while with John
Nikki: Eve ! She said in disgust
Eve: Oh hi girls
Brie: What are you doing here ?
Eve: Oh well I just missed wrestling so much I had to come back and to my surprise they have me doing a segment with John and someone else but I don't know who yet !
Nikki: That would be me
Just as Eve was going to say something Nathaniel runs up to John
Nathaniel: Daddy can uncle TJ teach me more moves
Eve: You have a son now ?
John: Yeah I do isn't he cute
Eve: He's handsome just like his father she winked at John and Nicole stood there in anger !
Then Rosie runs up to John
Rosie: Daddy guess what
John: What is it princess ?
Rosie: I can do the sharpshooter !!
John: Omg princess that's amazing
Eve: And you have a daughter ?
John: Yup my little princess he said as he kisses Rosie's cheek which made Nikki smile
Then just as Eve was going to ask who the mother was Rosie starts talking again
Rosie: Mommy can I go back with auntie Stephanie and uncle Hunter
Nikki: Of course you can sweetie Nate are you going with her ?
Nate: Yes momma
Nikki: Okay go together here's my phone if you get lost call daddy ok ?
Rosie: Daddy you promise one of these days I can walk out with you and momma ?
Nikki: Aww sweetie your going to have to ask uncle Hunter that !
Nate: Hey if she can then I have to too
Brie: Okay you little monsters come on I'll walk you to Aunt Stephanie's office
Nikki: Thanks Brie here take my phone and leave it to them when you leave
Brie: Okay
Nikki: I'll see you soon monsters !
Rosie& Nate Hug Nikki and give her a kiss then Rosie heads to John
John: I knew you wouldn't leave without giving my my good luck kiss
Rosie: Good luck daddy bye mommy
Nikki: Bye baby
They leave
Nikki: So who's directing this segments cause I have no idea if I should just stay in this or go get the shirts I always do with our segments ?
John: He'll be here right now but for now I haven't seen you this whole time and I haven't gotten my good luck kiss
Nikki: John you know that's before you go out but why not
She kisses him and then Eve clears her throat
Nikki: I'm sorry forgot you were here
Eve: So I take it your the mother ?
John: Of course
Nikki: You didn't hear ?
Eve: Hear what ?
John: Me and Nicole have been married for 3 years now 4 in a week
Nikki: Aww baby always remembering
Eve: But your kids look at least 4
Nikki: What can I say we're not traditional anyways baby do you know who you're tag team partners are for tonight ?
John: No Stephanie said it was a special surprise though
Nikki: I know that's what she told me too
John: Wonder who picked them and who they are
Then the director walks up to them
Director: Okay Nikki and John you guys are being a lovey dovey as usual then Eve walks up to you guys announcing she's back ! And you just look at her in disgust got it !
Nikki: No problem is what I'm wearing fine or should I go change into the stuff I wear when I do segments with John ?
Director: Actually what you have on is perfect motherhood suits you very well
John: Hey what about me !
Director: Hey your not the one who pushed out two babies and still looks like that (he said pointing to Nicole as she flaunts her body) no offense but she has a better body than Eve
Nikki starts to laugh
Nikki: It's okay baby I still think your very sexy !
John: You better !
Then he smiles and looks down at her and kisses her
After their segments Nikki goes to change into normal clothes when she hears someone in the locker room
Eve: Why didn't anyone tell me he was married to that slut and that they had two kids ! Now it's going to be even harder to win John back ! I'm still going to do it though I will win him back !
Nikki's Pov
That bitch I won't let her have my baby and my family !
Eve walks out of the room without noticing Nikki and Nikki gets into her John gear and she then walks out to gorilla where she seas everyone as usual and sees that John has Rosalie and Nathaniel in his arms while Eve is playing with them which only made Nikki mad and she walks up to them
Nikki: Hi my angels she said and kisses them including John
Nate&Rosie: Hi mommy
John: Hi Momma bear someone seems happy
Nikki: Well I am just seeing you three makes me so happy
John: Well I'm happy you're happy !
Stephanie: Hey Rosie you ready ?
Rosie: Yes auntie Stephanie
John: Ready for what
Stephanie: Well today while I was in my office I didn't know who I was choosing to put on your side for the tag team match and then she came in I was talking to her about it and she picked someone and I agreed
Nikki: My little Rosalie picked who her daddy's tag team partners would be ?
Stephanie: Yup tell them who sweetie !
Rosalie: Uncle Jey and Uncle Jimmy !
John: Good Choice !
Rosie: I just like that their twins just like mommy and auntie Brie !
Nikki: Aww baby your a twin too just not identical !
Rosie: I know but I still love my brother very much
John: You better he said
Okay now come on Nikki it's time !
Nikki: Okay kids give daddy his kiss
They kiss her
John: Now give mommy her kiss
They kiss her and they start to walk out
As they are walking out Eve can't help but stare at Rosalie and Nathaniel in envy that they aren't her kids with John
Eve: Hi Rosie
Rosie: Hi
Eve: So you and your brother have pretty names
Rosie: Yeah but their long too
Eve: Oh really
Rosie: Yeah my full name is Rosalie Natalya Nicole Cena Garcia Colace
Eve: Wow that is long and your brother ?
Rosie: Nathaniel Anthony John Cena Garcia Colace but I'm Rosie for short and he's Nate
Eve: Very pretty
Just then Nikki walks backstage
Nikki: Sweetie have you and your brother eaten anything ?
Rosie: I ate a little with auntie Stephanie I don't know about Nate
Nikki: Nate have you ?
Nate: A little
Nikki: Are you guys hungry they have your favorite today chicken nuggets
Eve: They have food for children now ?
Nikki: Yes for my kids thanks to Stephanie
Eve: Wow I guess sluts do get far when the sleep their way to the top
Nikki: Brie please take Nate and Rosie to get some food
Brie: Okay come on my little monsters
She waits till they leave and
Nikki got so angry she slapped her
Eve: Wow I see you haven't changed
Nikki: You listen to me I want you far away from my kids ! I would say John to but sadly for him he has to work you !
She walks away
Trinity: Nikki are you okay what happened
Nikki: I'm sorry I'll explain later I have to go find my babies
Eva Marie: Well go with your right Trin,Ari,Nat
They say yes
Nikki: Okay come on their in catering with Brie
They all leave and sit the kids in a different table and Nikki tells them everything that happened since she heard Eve in the locker room
Brie: Omg that Bitch
Nattie: I never liked her
Eva Marie: This is my first time even meeting her but omg
Trinity: I believe you had every right to slap her !
Brie: You slapped her ?
Ariane: Omg I would have loved to see that
Nikki: Yeah I slapped her and told her to say away from my kids and I would say John too but she has to work with with her
Nattie: I have an idea ?
Nikki: What is it
They continue talking about Natties idea and they all leave after main event is done


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