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Nikki's Pov
That letter made me sacred I didn't know what to say or think John was being threaten but by who
Everyone left except Nattie, TJ, Brie, Bryan, Stephanie and Hunter
Brie: Who would send that
Nikki: I don't know but I'm scared
Bryan: Let me see the note again!
The note read
You got lucky this time Cena but next time you won't be so lucky you will be dead
Nikki: Who is threatening my husband !
Stephanie: I don't know how could we find out ?
Hunter: We would need a private investigated
Nattie: Where's John ?
Nikki: He's upstairs with Vince he can't take his eyes off of him
Brie: What I don't get is why does it say you got lucky this time
Nikki: What do you mean ?
Brie: Well it's saying this time that means this person tried to kill him once already !
Nikki: Could it be that he was on the boat with John the night of the storm and tried to kill him then but when the storm hit it messed things up for him ?
Stephanie: Could be just for now well get the private investigator and make sure that no one leaves him alone with anyone you don't trust for all we know it could be Randy !
Nikki: I doubt he would so something like that but you're right he might be mad and is trying to scare me
Nattie: Exactly
Nikki: I'm really scared I don't know what I would do if I lost John again
Brie: Nicole you won't now try to relax and go be with John and don't tell his parents about this we wouldn't want to scare them !
Nikki: Okay thank you guys I'll be right down I'm going with John
They nod and she heads up stairs to where John is watching baby Vince sleep
Nikki: Hey
He turns around and walks over to her and hugs her right
Nikki: John I'm scared I really am scared
Johns Pov
Oh Nicole if only I could tell you who was on that boat with me I can't find the words or the way to explain to you but even if I did I can't remember who he is his face is like a balm in my mind I'll make sure to be safe around anyone I don't know or don't trust I couldn't handle being away from you any longer my kids Vince has grown up without his father for two years and I won't allow more time to pass without me
She looks up at him
Nikki's Pov
When I looked at him I knew he was worried and scared too I could see it in his eyes but honestly what else could we be I'm happy he's back but I'm scared at the thought of loosing him again I couldn't bear it my life would seriously fall apart even more so then the first time because this time I feared it would be the real thing
John: N...Nicole
Nikki: Yes John try come on try hard
John: D...d..don't scar...scared
Nikki: I'll try not to be
He looked at her both of them had fear in their eyes
Nikki: Come on let's go down stairs
He nodded and they walked down
John Pov
I had to try I just had to
John: w....a...was
I tried but I couldn't something wasn't letting me say what I wanted was it the fear I won't give up trying to get my words out I need to be able to figure out who's out for me
Nikki: Baby what are you trying to say ?
Brie: Was someone we know on that boat with you
John nodded
Nikki: Who !!
John: I... don't ... remember
Bryan: But do you remember this person trying to kill you ?
John nodded yes again
Nikki broke down in years
Nikki: Omg why us what did we ever do she kept crying and John was just hugging her
Hunter: Nicole you need to calm down yes this is a very bad situation but we will figure this out ! You need to be strong for him and for yourself crying will get us no where
Brie: He's right Nicole we just need to figure this out and the sooner the better
Nikki: Okay so what's the first plan
They stay a while longer and discuss what they will do !


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