Home Sweet Home ❤️

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Nikki's Pov
I was really scared because I didn't know who was coming Bray wasn't supposed to be back until tomorrow and that's when I could leave so who was here ! Then I saw him and I couldn't help but run to his arms I missed him I missed being in Johns arms
Nikki: John what are you doing here
John: Question is why are you here with Randy and the Wyatt family and why is Eve tied up
Nikki: Bray and Eve kidnapped me Rowen and Luke are helping me escape and Randy brought me some clothes so that when I did get to escape I wouldn't scare the kids I mean look at me I'm a mess !
John: Woah that's a lot to take in
Nikki: Why are you here your not supposed to be here how did you get here
John: I followed Randy !
Randy: Why ?
John: I was driving around yesterday and I saw you coming out of a women's clothing store and I thought who is he getting this for and it made me suspicious
Nikki: You thought he was the one who took me ?
John: Yeah I did !
Nikki: John Randy has been nothing but helpful he risked his own life to try to protect me and that's something I will never forget
She said turning to Randy
Randy: It's no big deal you may not be mine anymore but I still care about you !
Nikki: And I care about you too Randy I want you to find someone who you can be happy with !
Randy: And I probably will find her someone day !
Nikki: I know you will
She said waking over to him and hugging him
Nikki: Now both you and John leave please if anything I'll get to leave home tomorrow that's when bray is supposed to be back
John: No I'm taking you now !
Nikki: No John listen to me if I go home now someone will see something and then bray will know and he won't go to jail
Eve: If I'm going down that bastards going down with me !
John: Why is Eve tied up ?
Nikki: Because if we let her go she might escape too I mean she knows how to get out of here I don't !
Randy: Come on let's just go John !
John: I'm not leaving without Nicole
Nikki: Yes you are you're going to go home and take care of our kids ! Please I can't risk you getting caught here !
John: Nicole I don't want you to be here anymore I need you with me !
Nikki: I know but please please ! Go home
Rowan: I promise you that we will get her home tomorrow ! With or without Bray
John: Fine
Nikki: Thank you John now go !
John: I love you !
Nikki: I love you too !
They hug one last time and he leaves
Johns Pov
I didn't want to leave her but I had to she was right that rat bastard could know that we found her and not come back to pay for what he did !
The next day
Luke: Okay I'm going to be hiding behind that door when you see bray come in just shout out now and I will hit him with the bat and make him knock out for a little I will tie him down and chain him next to Eve and then we will take you home okay ?
Nikki: Okay got it
3 hours later
Bray: Hey where is everyone
Nikki: Now !
Luke then hits bray on the back of the head they tie him up and and untie Nikki when there finished they all leave and start to head to Nikki's house ! She goes into the house and finds John, Brie, Nattie, TJ, and her kids in the living room
Nikki: Oh how I miss my babies she said running to them
When everyone heard and saw what that was they all got up to hug her
Brie: Oh Nicole I've missed you so much !
Nikki: I've missed you too I've missed all of you especially my babies !
Rosie: Mom you were gone a long time !
Nikki: I know baby I promise you that I won't be going anywhere without any of you anything soon !
Nate: We love you momma !
Nikki: I love you to babies !!
Vincent: Mama !
Nikki: Oh my baby my baby
She said in tears and she carried him and kissed his cheeks
Nikki: Mommas here now !
Nattie: Kids why don't you go make mommy a welcome home poster or present !
Nate&Rosie: Okay
They run up stairs !
Nikki: We need to call the police and have them know I'm here and here bray and Eve are !
Brie: They kidnapped you ?
Nikki: Yeah thanks to Luke and Rowen I was able to escape ! So please do whatever you can so they don't get arrested or anything !
TJ: Okay ill call the police
Nattie: Well take care if everything you just relax and enjoy the fact that you're home !
Nikki: I need to shower I haven't been able to take a normal shower in a month or so !
Brie: Go ahead and I'll make you some good food
Nikki: Thanks sis !
She hugged them all then turned to Rowen and Luke
Nikki: Thank you so much for everything you did for me I really appreciate it if you ever need anything please don't hesitate to call me !
They smiled at her and the hugged her
Nikki: You're good people don't let your brother influence you anymore !
Luke: We won't thank you Nicole for being so sweet
She smiled at them then left up stairs !

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