Married Again ?

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Nikki's Pov
When we got to San Diego I was tired I wanted to sleep but they had other plans for me ! When I walked in through the doors of my new house I was surprised to see the divas and the guys there I was happy but a bit overwhelmed
Nattie: So Nicole are you still going to travel with us ?
Nikki: Yes I am I'm still going back to take my title haha
Brie: You're going to have to beat me !
Nikki: Someone should really take that title away from Brie I don't want to hurt her haha
Nattie: I'll be happy too haha
Bryan: Are you going to offer baby Vince the same thing about school as you did with Rosie and Nate ?
Nikki: If I'm still on the road then yes I will although I think by the time he's ready for school I'll be retired
TJ: That's good let's hope not though I don't know but I don't like the thought of not wrestling again
Nikki: I know exactly what you mean well you guys thank you so much for doing this for me I don't have words to describe how much I love what you guys have been doing for me these past couple months it's been really hard but you guys have made it a bit less painful
They all smile at her and hug her

German hospital !
Doctor: This man he's been able to get up and move around and feed himself but for some reason he can't seem to write or talk ! If he could we could notify his family and tell them that he here and safe and alive I'm not giving up hope with this man I know he can go on he must go on for the sake of his family that's if he was one
Johns Pov
I've been able to move around for a 6 months now but I can't talk I try to right Nicole's name so that they can call her I don't know how do go on anymore I need my kids and I need Nicole I love her so much it hurts me to be here now knowing that she thinks I'm dead ! I can't stand it I know she thinks I'm dead it's been almost 2 years and some months since I've been gone she must be destroyed my Nicole how I miss her !
Nikki's Pov
2 Years without John and it still hurts me but I've been dating Randy for a year now and even tho I like Randy I don't love him like I still love John when Randy first said I love you I said it back to make him happy but I really don't well I mean I do love him just not like John never like John Rosalie and Nathaniel like him to and their okay with the fact that I'm with him now when were on the road I don't sleep with Randy I tell him I could never sleep in the same bed as I once slept with John even sleeping with Randy makes me feel sad and miss John but what can I say John is just a part of me
Brie: Hey Nikki what are you doing
Nikki: I'm getting my bags and the kids bags ready
Brie: For what ?
Nikki: Well since it's Father's Day on Sunday and tomorrow is Thursday tonight were leaving for West Newbury to see his family then Friday night Florida and spend Father's Day at the graveyard like last year
Brie: I swear your kids have more air miles than any 7 year old should have
Nikki: I know can you hand me a thing of wipes
Brie: Here
Randy walks in
Randy: Hey babe I'm home
Nikki: Hi how was your work out ?
Randy: Good
Nikki: Good Brie can you tell Nate to come in here I want to make sure he has everything
Brie: Okay
She walks out of the room
Randy: Where are we going
Nikki: Um me and the kids are going out to see Johns family in West Newbury
Randy: Oh
Nikki: Yeah momma carol called me a few days ago and asked me to come down and I said of course I would and the kids are excited they miss papa Jon and his brothers want to see me and I miss Coverly and Lisa I haven't talked to them in a while
Brie: Hey Nikki are you giving him anything for Father's Day
Nikki: I am
Brie: What is it ?
Nikki gets up and goes to search for some papers
Nikki: Next weekend is Johns dad birthday and John once told me that when he turned 70 he wanted to give his dad a classic mustang a red one
Brie: Omg Nicole you found one ?
Nikki: Yup it took me a year to find it but I'm happy I did I intend to keep his promise to his dad in a way he's my dad too
Brie: Nicole this must have cost you a fortune !
Nikki: More like an arm and a leg but Johns stuff still sells in arenas and stores he still gets money from other contracts so I get half that money
Brie: Half ? Why half ?
Nikki: I give half to his family my man use to take care of them and so will I
Randy: Um I'm going to go shower
Nikki: Okay um Brie here I bought dad a Rolex you're going to see him right ?
Brie: Yeah here I'll give it to him hey wait isn't this one like the one you gave John ?
Nikki: Yeah I had one made just like it I still have the original one in a safe
Brie: Who are you going to give it to
Nikki: I don't know because okay he has one house one special watch and like 8 different cars I think I should just give each of them a car me keep the watch and leave the house their for my first born grandchild
Brie: Haha it's a good thing you have time to think about it
Nikki: I know I really can't wait to be in Florida I miss my house
Brie: I know you do hey I have to go Bryan must be home by now
Nikki: Okay thanks sis I love you
Brie: Love you too
She leaves and Randy walks back in
Randy: You're going to Florida too ?
Nikki: Yeah spending Father's Day at the graveyard I honestly didn't want to this year I just wanted to be in my house but the kids want to so were going
Randy: When will you be back ?
Nikki: I want to say Monday but most likely Tuesday just in time for the live event here in San Diego
Randy: Nicole
Nikki: Yeah ?
Randy: We've been together for a year now
Nikki: I know
Randy: Can we get married ?
Nikki: Married ?
Randy: Yeah I love you and you love me let's get married
Nikki: Okay ?
Randy: Really ?
Nikki: Yeah but can we just go the court house ? I don't want a huge wedding just court house and out to celebrate with some people !
Randy: Okay omg were getting married
He ran over to hug her
Nikki's Pov
I agreed to marry him why ? I don't know how I wish I was with John again
Nikki: Okay Randy I love you and I'll see you Tuesday
Randy: You're leaving now ?
Nikki: Yeah
Come on kids get your stuff to the car were leaving now
Randy: Bye baby
Nikki: Bye
They leave and before heading to the air port Nikki heads to Brie house
Brie: Bryan can you get the door
Bryan: Yeah
He opens the door
Hey Nikki come in hey kids
Brie: Hey Nikki what's up I just left your house
Nikki: I'm getting married
Brie: What ?!?!
Nikki: Randy asked me to marry him and I just said yes I couldn't say no so I just said yes !
Bryan: Isn't that a good thing
Brie: I don't think it is I mean I'm happy your dating and your happy but you're not in love with him
Nikki: Maybe this is what I need to move on a new husband I can grow to love Randy I still love John I love him with all my heart but he's not here anymore
Bryan: Are you sure marrying Randy is the best thing to do ?
Nikki: I can't back out now I already said yes
Brie: Well congratulations I guess
Nikki: Thank you anyways I just wanted to tell you now I have to go to the air port
Bryan: Florida ?
Nikki: West Newbury then Florida
Bryan: Of fun say hi to Mr. Cena for me
Nikki: I will haha you guys should come with us
Brie: I would love to see Lisa and Cove
Bryan: Let's go then
Nikki: Yay let me call and tell the pilot that there will be 2 more people and Brie we can give dad the watch some other time
Bryan: You still use Johns private plane ?
Nikki: Yeah why wouldn't I?
Bryan: No just asking
They get their things and drive to the air port where their greeted by the pilot and fly off
In West Newbury
They drive to Johns house and Nikki walks in first Nikki knocks on the door
Carol: Oh hi sweetie how are you ?
Nikki: I'm good I hope you don't mind but I brought Bryan and Brianna with us
Carol: Oh course not the more the better come in come in where are my babies
Then they come running in
Carol: oh there you are cuties
Brie: And hers baby Vince
Bryan: Hello Carol
Carol: Oh Bryan we know each other all to well if your going to call me Carol momma should be in front of it
Bryan: Okay momma Carol
Brie: Haha hey where papa Jon see I know
Carol: He's in the living room come on in
They walk in and see that everybody was there
5 hours later Nikki gets a call
Man: Mrs. Cena ?
Nikki: This is her
Man: We have the car outside waiting for you
Nikki: Oh I'll be right out !
She hangs up the phone and and excuses her self and takes Brie with her
Brie: Omg Nicole this is gorgeous
Nikki: Worth every single penny !
Brie: They even have you a bow haha
Nikki: Omg Brie go tell them to come outside !
Brie: Okay
She calls everyone outside and while she doesn't that Nikki covers the car with a drape so she could surprise John
Nikki: Papa Jon
JD=Johns Dad
JD: Yes ?
Nikki: John promised himself that when you turned 70....
JD: He would give me a Classic Mustang
Nikki: A red one
JD: Yup
Nikki: Well I wanted to keep his promise
She said as she revealed the car to him and he started crying
Carol: Omg Nicole you didn't have to do that
Nikki: I wanted to John was my husband and his family meant the world to him and you guys mean the world to me he promised and I made his promise come true
JD: Thank you so much Nicole you truly have been an amazing part of the family
Nikki: I wouldn't want to be apart if anyone else's family then Johns
Now come on Papa Jon take it for a sip with momma Carol I'll admit I took a ride in it through L.A and it made m feel 16 again
JD: Okay come on Carol let's go
They hope in and drive away
Matt: That was really amazing of you Nicole
Nikki: Thank you I just really wish John was here doing this
Matt: I know come here
Nikki starts crying
Steve: Nicole we love you very much and we are all here for you if you need us
Brie: Nicole I think you should tell them before Jon and Carol come back
Coverly: Tell us what
Nikki: Well you know how I've been seeing Randy for the past year ?
They all say yeah
Nikki: I'm going to marry him
Matt: That's great
Nikki: You think so ?
Lisa: Yeah Carol will be happy for you she's been really worried about you
Nikki: You don't think she would be mad that I'm marrying someone else
Coverly: If John were alive then yes she would be mad but he's not so she wants you to try to be happy again and if that mean getting re married than it's fine
Matt: Yeah you should try to be happy again Nicole I'm sure John would want that too
Being so busy taking the didn't hear when Papa Jon and Carol came back in
Carol: What would have John wanted ?
Matt: Nicole to be happy again now that he's no here with is anymore
Carol: Oh of course he would sweetie
Nikki: I was just telling them that my Boyfriend Randy asked me to marry him
Carol: That's wonderful sweetie did you say yes ?
Nikki: Yes I did
Carol: I'm happy sweetie I know that I wouldn't want you to be with anyone else but my son John but he's not with is anymore you deserve to be happy
Nikki: Really ?
JD: Yes you do everyone deserves a second chance you lost your first one by death maybe the second one will be better
Nikki: Oh no, trust me no man will ever come close to what John and I had he was and still is the love of my life don't get me wrong I love Randy just not as much as I still do and always will love your son
JD: We know that but try to be happy Nicole with this man we have met him he seems like a nice guy and he cares about you my son would have wanted you to be happy again
Nikki: I promise I'll try
They next day after leaving West Newbury they headed to Florida to spend the rest if the time there
Brie: Omg Nicole there's a bunch of
mail that still get here !
Nikki: Yeah it's mostly stuff from things he subscribed to here let me put them into the box
Brie: Box ?
Nikki: Yeah instead of throwing it a way I put it into boxes
Brie: Can I go to the garage ?
Nikki: Let me come with you I want to see my baby
They put their stuff down and Bryan stays to play with the kids
Nikki: Omg hellos baby !
Brie: I still don't understand why you didn't take your range rover out with you to San Diego
Nikki: Because this is the first major present he gave to me to many memories especially in the back seat if you know what I mean !
Brie: Haha I do unfortunately
Nikki: Haha oh I miss my car !
Brie: So when can I start planning your wedding ?
Nikki: Um I'm not having a wedding
Brie: But you're getting married !
Nikki: Yeah but I told Randy that I wanted to go down to the court house and then go out and celebrate I don't want another wedding
Brie: And he's okay with that ?
Nikki: Yeah you can plan a get together after we get out of the court house ?
Brie: Okay where San Diego or Florida
Nikki: San Diego Florida is all Johns so I will defiantly be getting married in San Diego !!
Brie: Fine I'll call just a few people nothing big at the most 30 people ?
Nikki: That's fine
Back in West Newbury
Matt: Are you really okay with that fact that she's going to get married again mom ?
Carol: Yes honey I knew if I was in her situation with your father and I died I would want your father to be happy again and get married again everyone deserves to be happy again I just don't want her to have anymore children
Coverly: I know it wouldn't be wrong just I wouldn't be able to love them as much as I love Rosalie, Nathaniel, and Vincent
Lisa: I know we would care for them but it wouldn't be the same
Matt: I know
JD: Well she did say 3 was her limit 4 if she had twins again I'm sure she won't have anymore children
Carol: Hopefully you know I'm going to call Brie and make her ask for us !
Back In Florida
Brie just finishes talking to Johns mom and the kids were asleep
Brie: Hey Nikki would you come and drink a glass of wine with me ?
Nikki: Yes please
Brie: So Nikki after you and Randy get married will you be having more children ?
Nikki: Nope
Brie: Really ?
Nikki: Yeah I have enough with 3 I don't want anymore I told John 3 was my limit 4 if I had twins again but no more !
Randy: What if Randy wants to have kids
Nikki: Then he has to go find someone else because I am not having anymore
Brie: Okay just wondering
Brie without Nikki noticing txts Coverly
B= Talked to Nicole tell Momma Carol she doesn't want to have more kids
C=What if Randy wants to have kids
B=She said if he wants kids he would have to go find someone else because she was done he isn't getting any children from her
Coverly: Okay thanks I'll tell Momma Carol!
End of conversation
Fathers Day ❤️
Nikki: Kids are you ready ?
Rosie&Nate: Yes
Brie: You guys are leaving around already ?
Nikki: Yeah are you guys coming with ?
Bryan: Sure
Nikki: Okay can you guys get the food out of the fridge I'm going to go get Vince and the basket
Brie: Okay
After they leave the house they get to the graveyard
Nikki: Okay kids say hi to your father and Vince come her baby Bryan and Brie do you want to talk to John for a or do you want to help me set up the picnic ?
Brie: I kind of want to talk to John but I'll wait until the kids are done
Bryan: Yeah me too
Nikki: Okay come in it's pretty sunny so let's go under that tree over there
After they settle down the kids came back and Brie got up and went over to John
Brie's Pov
Hi John well it's been a while since you've been gone and I miss you my sister misses you Bryan, the kids everyone at WWE, your family my mom and dad and oh how Nanna misses you we all really miss you John I really wish you were here my sister hasn't been happy without you and you have a new baby and you haven't gotten to know him she named him Vince because she knows you would have loved it. Well I'm going to go before I cry bye John ! Happy Fathers Day
Bryan's Pov
Well I always thought this day would come but not like this John you were so young we all miss you you were always so supportive of me well meet up one day just hope that day isn't any time soon and Happy Fathers Day

Nikki's Pov
Hi my love Happy Father's Day❤️ I thought it would be easier for me not to miss you with the time that has passed but I still do a lot for some reason I can't put you to rest it's kind of stupid of me to think that maybe you're out there somewhere I had a dream that you were alive and everything went back to normal anyways I wanted to tell you that I'm getting married again to Randy and I just don't know if I should or not but your mom said it was okay so I guess I'm doing it but just know I love you with all my heart oh and I made your promise to your dad come true he got his car well bye my love ! ❤️


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