What ?

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Nikki's Pov
Today was the day John was leaving for Iraq and I wish he wasn't leaving but it's something the has to do !
Nikki: Do you really have to go ?
John: I do but I'll be thinking about you and the kids !
Nikki: And I will be thinking about you ! A week is too long to be away from each other
John: I know hey where are the kids ?
Nikki: Brie and Bryan took them to go ice skating with the girls and the guys
John: Why aren't we there with them ?
Nikki: Because I wanted a little alone time with you if you know what I mean !
John: I know exactly what you mean
They starry kissing which led into making out which led into 5 hours of love making !
Later that day
John: I hope I don't get sea sick
Nikki: Why are you going in boat ?
John: Were stopping to see the Marie's first
Nikki: Oh how exciting
John: I know now my little angels daddy will be back in a week okay ?
Rosie&Nate: Okay
Nikki: Why are they having an easier time with this than I am !
John: We raising strong kids
Nikki: We sure are see you in a week my love
John: Take care of my kids and my heart I'm leaving it with you
They have one last passionate kiss
And they set sail
3 days later
Nikki's Pov
I haven't been feeling good today I'm going to the doctor and see what wrong with me I've been feeling dizzy
Brie: Nicole are you okay you look really pale
But before Nikki could answer she fainted again
Brie: Bryan come here !!!
Bryan: What's wrong omg what happens to Nicole
Brie: She fainted help me lay her down while I get smelling alcohol
They lay her down and she's
Nikki: Omg what happened ?
Brie: You fainted are you okay ?
Nikki: Oh it must be because I haven't really eaten anything
Bryan: Why ?
Nikki: I don't know I looked at my food and I got repulsed
Brie: Are you pregnant again ?
Nikki: No I checked
Bryan: Maybe it's food poisoning
Nikki: Maybe I just need to try to eat and sleep
Brie: Okay we will take the kids with is so you can relax a little and we will meet you at arena tomorrow okay ?
Nikki: You sure
Bryan: Yeah it's fine you relax and try to eat will take care of the kids
Nikki: Thanks you guys
Nikki is left all alone and she tries to eat but her stomach just won't let her so she sleep and doesn't wake up until the next day
At the arena
Stephanie: Brianna, Bryan come in here please
Brie: What's wrong
Stephanie: I have some bad news
Bryan: What is it ?
Stephanie: They can't find the ship John was on
Brie: WHAT !!!
Bryan: What do you mean ?
Stephanie: There was a storm a day ago and this morning they can't find it
Brie: Omg
Bryan: What does that mean ?
Stephanie: Someone could have kidnapped them or they could all be dead !
Brie starts crying
Bryan: Calm down Brie
Brie: How can I calm down Bryan John might be dead this will destroy my sister
Stephanie: How are we going to tell her ?
Bryan: Were not I mean at least not yet we should wait one more day and see what they tell us
Brie: He's right maybe nothing bad happened just got a little lost by the storm !
Stephanie: Oh let's pray that's it
Brie: I'm going to go calm down and wash my face before Nicole gets here
Bryan: I'll stay here in case someone calls
Stephanie: Well at least Nikki doesn't have a match this week
Nikki's Pov
I'm so thankful that for once I don't have a match I could finally go to the doctor and get checked out
At the doctor
Doctor: Well Nicole we did some test and......
The next day
Stephanie's office her phone rings
Stephanie: Hello
Marine: This is the Marines force I'm afraid that we have some bad new
Stephanie: What is it ?
Marine: We found the ship that Mr. John Cena was in and it was completely wrecked and we found no bodies we believe they all drowned
Stephanie: Omg this is horrible new
Marine: I am very sorry
She hangs up the phone and doesn't know what to do so she calls Brie and Nattie and Bryan in
Brie: Did you get anymore news ?
Stephanie: Yes I did ?
Nattie: And ?
Stephanie: His boat was wrecked and they found no bodies he's dead
John is dead ........


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