Engaged Again

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Nikki's Pov
I felt bad I made Randy loose his match but I didn't care he has no right yelling at me or John for having another baby if I want another baby that's my decision and Johns no one else but him and me
John: Babe are you okay ?
Nikki: Huh ? Oh yeah I'm fine I'm just kind of sleepy
John: Well we didn't really sleep last night
Nikki: Last night ? How about the past 2 weeks haha you haven't let me sleep
John: Well two years away did make me miss you !
Nikki: I missed you too so much every single day
John: I know you did I can tell when I'm kissing you ! So can you blame me for trying to make up for those two years every night ?
Nikki: I can't and I'm not I'm just saying one of these days one of us is going to need sleep !
John: I think I'll be fine but if you need sleep
Nikki: No I want to be awake with you every single night !
John: Okay next week we have a break what do you say we have someone take care of Rosie and Vincent and Nathaniel
Nikki: And where would we be ?
John: We can go to our house in Maui or your house in Italy or wherever you want
Nikki: Are you just trying to get me pregnant again ?
John: Maybe or maybe I just missed being alone with you with no interruptions no screaming no crying just you and me and silence
Nikki: I love that idea take me away now !
John: Well we still have Friday night smack down let's leave after that ?
Nikki: Who will babysit ?
Stephanie walks up hearing babysit
Stephanie: You need a babysitter ? Can I do it please ?
Nikki: Haha yes but me and John want to go away next week that we have our break
John: So we need someone to take care of the kids from this Friday until the next !
Nikki: But if you want to ?
Stephanie: I'd love to just know that me and Hunter will still be traveling so you don't mind that we take them with is right ?
John: Not at all actually take the bus it will make it a lot easier !
Stephanie: Are you sure ?
John: Yeah we won't my using it all week and everything you would ever need is there !
Stephanie. oh well then I would love to babysit let me talk to Hunter and I'll let you know !
Nikki: Okay
She walks away
Nikki: Well that was easy now we have to decide on somewhere to go
John: Well where haven't we gone that we should go ?
Nikki: Paris !!
John: Paris ?
Nikki: Yeah I just remembered I've been dying to go to the Eiffel Tower and there's a locks of love river there we can go and you buy a lock you put our names and date that we started dating or got married and then we lock it on the fence and we throw the key in the river
John: So romantic
Nikki: Paris is the city of love !
John: Then Paris it is !
Nikki: Yay !!!
Bryan and Brie walk up to them
Brie: what's going on why you celebrating
Nikki: Were going to Paris next week
John: If we find a babysitter
Nikki: Stephanie offered so maybe her but I hope I really want to go to Paris !
John: I'd go anywhere with you
Stephanie walks back
Stephanie: Hunter said yes so you guys go have fun your kids are in good hands
Nikki: Yay
Stephanie: Where are you going ?
John: Paris
Stephanie: So romantic I wouldn't be surprised if you came back pregnant
John: Here's hoping
Nikki: Omg John she said as playfully slapped his arm
Brie: Haha come on let's go Bryan we have to get going
Nikki: Have you told mom ?
Brie: Yes I told her last night and Nanna and JJ
Nikki: Good !
John: Soon we will be telling her the same haha
Bryan: We would have pregnant twins
Nikki: That would be fun
John:Haha okay come on we have to go back on the bus
Nikki: Okay we'll see you Friday by guy
They all say bye and leave
On the bus Nikki is making reservations
John: You almost done babe ?
Nikki: Yup all done !
John: Now can you come to bed with me ?
Nikki: No I need to feed Vince
John: Let me do it you can go lay down
Nikki: Really ?
John: Yes go ahead go lay down I'll be right in
Nikki: Thanks babe
She kisses him and goes to lay down
Nikki's Pov
I have felt so amazing since John came back I'm so happy Randy never offered to feed Vince or Rosie or Nate he never got up to check if Vince was okay he never wanted to do anything with my babies so why would I have a baby with him I'm going to pretend to be asleep then when John lays down I'll kiss him !
John walks back into the room
Johns Pov
She looks so beautiful sleeping I really missed her and my kids I wanted to make love to her again tonight but she must be tired I'll let her sleep
He lays down and and kisses her when he was about to pull away Nikki holds the back of his head and starts kissing back
John: I though you were asleep
Nikki: Not before having a little fun with you !
They start kissing again and Nikki starts to pull of Johns shirt they make love and fall asleep in each others arms !
The next day Nikki calls Nattie and Brie on a 3 way call
Nikki: Hey girls !
Brie: Hey sis
Nattie: What's up Nikks
Nikki: I was wondering if you guys would want to go shopping with me ?
Brie: I'm up for it
Nattie: Me too what time ?
Nikki: 12 ?
Brie: Okay that's fine
Nattie: Okay I'll drive so I'll pick you up from the bus
Brie: I'll meet you guys there than
Nikki: Okay see you soon girls !
They hang up
Nikki: Hey John
John: Yes ?
Nikki: I'm going shopping with the girls later today maybe lunch too why don't you do something with the guys and I'll take Vince with me and you can take Nate and Rosie ?
John: You enjoy your girl time I'll take he kids
Nikki: Are you sure ? I have no problem taking Vince with me
John: I'm positive now get ready and enjoy you're afternoon with the girls !
Nikki: Thanks babe I love you !
John: I love you too
Later with Nattie and Brie ?
Nattie: So Nicole what are you looking to buy ?
Nikki: Lot of sexy lingerie !
Nattie: Haha you planning to get away
Nikki: Yup next week
Brie: To Paris with John ! Only John !
Nattie: Oh so who's babysitting the kids ?
Nikki: Stephanie and Hunter she offered I wasn't going to refuse haha
Nattie: That's true so how are you really with the whole losing the baby
Nikki: I'll admit sometimes I look down and feel my stomach it's makes me sad to think I was having a baby and lost it but John said we can try to have another one
Brie: What if you get pregnant and have twins again ?
Nikki: I would be happy ! And I think John would be too !
Nattie: I think he would be too !
Brie: I would be happy if I had twins than I wouldn't have to get pregnant again haha
Nattie: You only want two ?
Brie: Yeah but it's like Nikki said if I get pregnant again than I would be fine with it but if I don't I'm okay with it too
Nikki: I really want just one last baby ! But at the same time I don't know but if I do then I'm having a baby !
Nattie: And I'll be happy for you !
Nikki: What about you Nattie ?
Nattie: What about me ?
Brie: When can we see you with a belly ?
Nattie: I don't know I don't think kids is in the future for me and TJ
Nikki: Really ?
Nattie: Yeah were happy and I don't think kids is for us
Nikki: So I won't be a god mother ?
Nattie: Sorry
Nikki: It's okay if it isn't your thing it isn't haha
Later that day
Nikki: Thanks girls see you Friday !
Brie and Nattie said good bye
She goes into the bus and sees rose pedals and candles everywhere and no kids just John
Nikki: Omg what is this for ?
John: I realized that it's been almost a month since I've been back and you spend 2 years without me I want to make it up to you and I want us to start over again
Nikki: Start over again ?
John: Stephanie Nicole Garcia Colace will you make me the happiest man alive again and re marry me in Paris ?
Nikki starts to cry
Nikki: Really ?
John: Yes if you say yes I will arrange for it to be just you and me and renew our vows
Nikki: Of course yes nothing would make me happier
John pulls out a new ring one that's bigger then her Nanna's but still beautiful
Nikki: Were keeping my grandparents wedding bands though
John: Of course
Nikki: I love you ! ❤️
John: I love you too ! ❤️
Nikki: Here let me take a picture of us with my ring
John: Okay !
Nikki pulls out her phone and takes a picture of John kissing her with Nikki's hand covering her mouth and posted it on twitter !
Engaged again ! ❤️💍💎
In second second millions of people started commenting and her phone started blowing up
Brie: Congrats sis love you guys !
Stephanie: Gorgeous ring congrats
Nattie: Yay another wedding !
Trinity: Yay !!! Love you guys !
Nikki shows John the messages and he smiles and kisses her ❤️


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