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Nikki's Pov
I called Randy and he told me he would be there before I was to scope out the place and if he saw anyone we knew he would call and I would immediately call the police and show him the note ! I just wish John could remember who was on the boat with him ! And why was it that John was the only super star on the boat ? Why wouldn't they send some of the other superstars who he was going to meet up with in Afghanistan ! Why only John was to visit the marines that didn't make sense to me !
Nikki: Hey John I don't want to bring up horrible memories but have you gotten a chance to remember who was on the boat ?
John: No and I really wish I could so that I can sleep calmly at night sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night to check if you're all okay and it's hard for me to get back to sleep I have that nightmare over and over again I don't want to relive that !
Nikki: I know how you feel it's fine just forget about it sooner or later this is going to come to an end !
John walks over to her and hugs her tight
Nikki: John I need you to promise me something !
John: What is it ?
Nikki: Whatever happens today tomorrow or any day that you and me and the kids are in danger you will protect my kids and yourself and leave me to fend for my self !
John: No Nicole I can't promise you that !
Nikki: You can and you will John we have 3 children that need to be protected I can handle myself please promise me that !
John: But Nico.....
Nikki: But nothing I protect myself and myself only got that !
John: Fine !
Nikki: Good now help me make dinner !
John: As you wish !
After dinner they decide to watch a movie and after the movie the kids fall asleep and they all go to sleep
John heads up stairs and Nikki stays down stairs to turn off everything when Nikki's phones rings
Nikki: Hello
???: Hello my dear how are you tonight ?
Nikki: Can we please just get to the point ?
???: Fine I will meet you in the back of Von's no one will see us there !
Nikki: Okay is that all ?
???: One more things bring something of value diamonds money anything that has value ! Better yet bring something of value that John gave you as a present !
Nikki: Okay now is that all ?
???: See you Friday !
Nikki hangs up right away and calls Randy !
Nikki: Hey Randy
Randy: What's up did it call again ?
Nikki: Yeah it wants me too meet it at the back of Von's so that no one sees us ! It said 12 so I don't know what time you want to get there
Randy: I'll be there before
Nikki: Thanks Randy for helping me and if anything happens to me tell my kids that I love them and tell John that I loved him with all my heart !
Randy: Nothing will happen I won't let it !!
Nikki: I know but just in case please
Randy: I will
Nikki: And I want you to know that I really do love you just not the way you wish I did !
Randy: I know I love you too
Nikki: Bye
Randy: Bye
The rest of the week Nicole went on enjoying her time win her family and the man she loved she got something things done and then it was Friday the day she was dreading so much !
Friday morning
Nikki: Come down my loves I made breakfast
she yelled out from the kitchen and then one by one they came running down the stairs with John holding Vince John hands her Vince and kisses her on the cheek
John: Smells good what did you make ?
Nikki: I made eggs, bacon, sausages, ham, hash brown and pancakes !
John: Kids what do you say ?
Rosie&Nate: Thanks momma !
Nikki: Aww my pleasure my babies
Baby Vince: Pancake !!
Nikki: Baby wants pancake ?
Vince nodded his head yes and Nikki gives him a pancake after breakfast Nikki cleans up and goes into the living room to watch her man play with their kids to this she got really emotional ! Because she feared today might be the last day she sees them like this
John: Are you okay ?
Nikki: Umm yeah it's just I'm starting to get really bad cramps must be getting my period soon !
John: Do you want anything ?
Nikki: No baby go on and play with the kids I'm going to run down to the store and get some things for dinner and I'll get Advil or something !
John: You sure ?
Nikki: Yeah anything special you would like for dinner ?
John: Dinner no but I know exactly what I want for dessert !
He said as he grabbed her from the waist and started to kiss her neck
Nikki: Haha fine I'll surprise you with dinner since you already know what's for dessert !!
John: Okay don't be late
Nikki: I won't !
She heads up stairs for her purse and the necklace John gave her for their 4th wedding anniversary and went to Von's and heads to the back !! When she's sees who's it is and who's with ???
Nikki: Omg
She is shocked and scared all at the same time and doesn't know what to do before she could run someone hit her head and she was knocked out !


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