The Old Randy

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Nikki's Pov
After a week of being in Paris we met up with everyone in New Jersey for Monday Night Raw
Nikki: John were here
She said trying to wake him up from his sleep
John: Already ?
Nikki: Yes come one I have a match tonight and so do you !
John: Fine come on !!
They head to the arena where they are greeted by their children , Stephanie and Hunter !
Hunter: Welcome back Mr. and Mrs. Cena
Nikki: Oh god that sounds amazing !
Stephanie: Sure does now you guys need to make an announcement tonight about MITB next Sunday Nikki you will of course be walking John out and John you will be thefts to say how next Sunday at money in the bank you will once again be the World Heavy Weight Champion !
John: Awesome do I just say whatever comes to mind or am I scripted ?
Hunter: You know you're the only one who is the least scripted so what do you think ?
John: I'll be pulling stuff out of my ass
Stephanie: You got it
Nikki was to busy hugging and kissing her babies especially Vince
Nikki: Oh how mommy misses my baby boy !
Vince: Mamma dadda
Nikki: Yes baby mommy and daddy are here
John: I don't think Nicole is really paying attention haha
Nikki: Hey this week has been the longest I've ever spent away from my babies leave me alone !
They laughed at her and then started to walk fully into the arena so they could get ready for the night
Hunter: Oh one more thing John
John and Nicole turn around
Hunter: The opponents will also come out after you make your speech to make their speeches as well saying that they will win as well
Nikki: Who are the other opponents
Stephanie: Sheamus, Bray Wyatt, Cesaro, Alberto Kane, and
Nikki: And who
Hunter: Randy
Nikki: Oh
Hunter: Yeah well good luck
John: Thank you !
Later that night after Nikki lost her match
John: Hey you okay ?
Nikki: Yeah I just got a little dizzy during my match that's why I lost
John: Are you sure you don't want to go see the doctor ?
Nikki: Yeah I'm sure just need water !
John: Okay come on
They walk into catering and Nikki gets some water John and Nikki decide to sit down
John: Nikki you look kind of pale
Randy walks up to them
Randy: Hey Cena try to keep your speaking to a minimum of 10 minutes so the rest of us can
Before John could talk Nikki got up and went to the trash and threw up
Randy: Nicole are you okay ?
Nikki: Yeah I don't know why but the smell of that cheese made me sick
John: Come on I'm taking you to Doc
Nikki: No please John I'm fine I promise !
John: Nico....
Nikki: John please we will go tomorrow just not tonight
John: Nicole I want you to get check out now and if you won't go I'll have to call someone who will make you go !
Nikki: And who is that
John: Brianna and Natlya !
Nikki: Fine I'll go you go get ready for your match and I'll go to doc !
John: Fine after I get ready I'll meet you over there
Nikki: No it's fine I'll see you by gorilla
John: Okay
He kisses her forehead and leaves
Nikki: Just stands there watching him leave
Randy: Um doc is that way !
He pointed I a direction
Nikki: I know I'm not going
Randy: But you just told John you would
Nikki: I say a lot of things just please don't tell him I didn't go I think I know what wrong I just need to go to the pharmacy and I don't have time
Randy: I won't say anything I hardly even talk to him anymore
Nikki: Thank you !
She walks away and Randy noticing she's holding her stomach
Randy Pov
Yeah I know what's wrong too she must be pregnant great ! He's going to win his match and find out he's having another baby lucky John ! How I hate him so much !
Nikki's Pov
I think I might be pregnant again and I don't want WWE doctors telling me that I want to find out at home with John for once like a normal couple
Nikki walked to gorilla and she saw that Joh was already there
Nikki: Hey !
John: What did the doc say ?
Nikki: That I'm fine just a little dehydrated I drank some Gatorade and a bottle of water I should be okay for out segment !
John: Okay
Nikki: And I washed my mouth out thank god I had my tooth brush and tooth paste with me !
John: Yes because them I wouldn't be able to do this !
He leaned down and wrapped his arms around his waist and kissed her
Nikki: Yes that would have been a huge shame
They kiss again and then John music hits and we walk out
From West Newbury Masechtes John Cena being accompanied to the ring but the lovely Mrs. Cena
Jerry King: Now I have an understanding that the for remarried last week in Paris
Michael: They did and look their showing a picture on the of the newly remarried couple everyone turned to the big screen and everyone awes at the beautiful couple when they get in thing ring they turn to see it then the cameras go back on them and John kisses Nikki
John: Well first of all I heard a couple congratulation when the picture of me and my wife came up and I just want to say thank you !
Now I am here to say that next Sunday at Money In The Bank Ladder Match for the WWE World Heavy Weight Title let's just say I won't be going home with just my wife and my kids I will have my two belts back with me ! And I will walk out of that arena and come back to Monday night raw and say the things I've been waning to say for a while now
He turned to Nikki and she got closer to him and they both started saying
The Champ Is Here !!
By the end of that sentence the whole crowd was saying it with them the Sheamus music came on !
Sheamus: Lad first of all congratulations on the second wedding with the beautiful Nikki Bella but next Sunday I will walk out with the title in my hands
Then comes out Roman Regins and gets into the ring
Roman: I don't care who you think or you say you are but come Sunday that title will be mine he said staring down at John while he pushes Nikki behinds him and took off his dog tag kissed it and handed it to Nikki who kissed it as well and stepped aside far from Roman and John the Randy's music started playing
Randy: Oh Roman you say all this things like you can actually beat every man in that ring ! Well maybe you can but one problem I'm not in that ring
Just when he was getting in the ring he looks over at Nicole who doesn't look too good
Randy: Mrs. Cena are you okay you look scared for you husband just then Nikki faints John runs over to her
The crowd didn't know if it was scripted or if it actually was going on
John: Sheamus please help me get her out of the ring this isn't apart of the segment she actually fainted !
Sheamus: Okay
They get her out of the ring and is rushed to the hospital
3 hours later Nikki wakes up
John: Hey are you okay ?
Nikki: Yeah what happened ?
John: You fainted and we brought you to the hospital
Nikki: Ugh why I just probably needed water and air
John: Nicole
Nikki: John I think I might be pregnant again
John: You're not I thought that too and I asked them to do some test on you and it's not
Nikki: Oh then what is it ?
John: Dehydration he thinks something you ate on the trip made you sick you haven't eaten since we left Paris and then you came here and you got sick
The doctor walks in
Doctor: Oh Nicole you're awake we need to tell you we did more test and I have some bad news
John: What is it
Doctor: When you told me she might pregnant we did test and it was negative but we detected some other things Nicole you can't get pregnant anymore
Nikki: Are you serious ?
Doctor: Yes the last miscarriage you had and the hit kind of disturbed your uterus and well now you can't have anymore kids
Nikki broke down I'm tears
Doctor: I'm sorry !
John: It's okay thank you doctor
He walks out of the room and Nikki's just keeps crying !
John: Baby calm down it's okay !
Nikki: I can't I really wanted to have another baby
John: Nikki look at me we should be thankful we have 3 amazing kids some women have this happen to them without ever having a baby but you have had three let's just be happy and thankful that we at least had 3
Nikki: You're right but John it still hurts
She said crying into his chest
John: I know baby I know !
Brie walks into the room
Brie: Hey Nicole what's wrong ?
John: The doctor told us that she can't have anymore children because the miscarriage messed with something in her uterus so she can't carry a baby anymore
Brie: Oh my god Nikki I'm sorry
She walks over to hug her
John: I'll be right back I'm going to go check her out so we can go
Brie: Okay I'll stay here with her
He leaves
Nikki: I though I was pregnant can you hand me my bag ?
Brie: Yeah
she gets up and gets it
Here you go
Nikki: Thanks Brianna can you throw these away ?
She said while starting to cry again
Brie: Yeah she said feeling really sad
She threw away 5 pregnancy test Nikki had bought Nikki then stops crying starts washing her face and putting her make up back on and got into the clothes she had in her bag
Nikki: So how are you Brianna how is my future niece or nephew !?
Brie: I'm good well I miss being in the ring a lot and I've been having morning sickness everyday and through out the day I don't know why they call it morning sickness if it hits you at anytime of the day !
Nikki: Well I had that a lot my first 2 month I was like you hopefully by your third month you have night sickness
Brie: How is that any better ?
Nikki: Because it's better to have been throwing up all night then waking up in the morning and the first thing you have to do is puke trust me night is better !
Brie: I'll take your word for it
Nikki: And then after my third month I was fine I felt happy and like I was glowing now I did feel huge because of the twins but I couldn't have been happier and now I won't have that feeling anymore
She looks down
Brianna: Nicole be happy at least it's not like you and John didn't have any kids at all and you never know miracles happen if it's meant to be it will happen
Nikki: Thanks Brianna I don't know what I would have done without you and John by my side
Brie's phone rings it's Stephanie
Stephanie: Hello Brianna ?
Brie: Yes Stephanie what happened ?
Stephanie: We just want to know how Nikki is feeling what happened ? Everyone here wants to know including the fans since the last time you she's had to been rushed to the hospital !
Brie: She's good here you can talk to her
She passes the phone to Nikki
Nikki: Hi Stephanie
Stephanie: Nicole are you okay ?
Nikki: Yeah it was just dehydration !
Stephanie: Okay well we just wanted to make sure you were fine because we were all worried including the fans
Nikki: I'll speak tomorrow at the live event !
Stephanie: Are you sure you don't have to we can just release a statement
Nikki: I'm fine with it well actually let me talk to job and I'll let you know !
Stephanie: Okay Nicole feel better they hang up
Brie: Are you seriously going to tell people about your miscarriage ?
Nikki: Yeah it's no easy but women should know that were just like them and that they can relate to us !
Brie: Okay hopefully John says yes
Nikki: I mean he shouldn't say no but let's see what he says
John walks back in and sees that Nikki is calm and ready to go
John: Baby you ready to go ?
Nikki: Yeah let's so
Brie: Well I'll let you guys go I have to meet up with Bryan !
Nikki: Okay bye Brianna thank you for coming !
Brie: Always
They hug and she leaves
As their driving to the bus Nikki decides to ask John
Nikki: John I have a question ?
John: What is it Nicole
Nikki: Would it be okay if I talked about what happened with me today and with our baby
John: The one we lost ?
Nikki looks down
Nikki: Yeah
John: I would be fine with it if that's what you really want
Nikki: Thanks John
She reaches over to give him a kiss on cheek
They next day
Stephanie: Are you sure you want to do this ?
Nikki: Yeah people should know their worried about me I should give an explanation !
Randy was waiting because after Nicole was done talking him and John had a match so John was accompanying Nikki to the ring
Announcer: Introducing from Scottsdale Arizona Nikki Bella being accompanied by her husband John Cena !!!
The crowd cheered as they got in the ring
Nikki: So I'm here to talk to you about what's been going on with me lately well yesterday I fainted because I was dehydrated I got sick after I came back from Paris and well that was yesterday a week or so before yesterday during Raw there was an earthquake in Ohio where I was getting out of the ring and when the earthquake hit I lost my balance and fell hard on my stomach I was in a lot of pain and I was bleeding I was again rushed to the hospital were I found out I....I.... I had a miscarriage
The crowd was silent and looked at Nikki
Nikki: Yesterday when I started feeling sick I thought oh maybe I'm pregnant again then I fainted and was rushed off to the hospital they did some test and it turned out that the miscarriage effected my body in more than one way I can't get pregnant again !
And I'm telling you this because I know some of you were worried about me and also because I want all you women to see that even tho we come out every week to do what we do we still go through things you do and it effects us as well I wanted to be a mother again and now I can't but I at least have 3 children that I now cherish more than anything more than I did before I just wanted to let you all know what was happening ! Thank you for listening
She turns to John and is crying a little bit he hugs her while the crowd is clapping for Nikki !
The Randy's music hits and come out and as John is getting ready for his match by taking off his shirt and his dog tag and kissing it Nikki doing the same again and stepping out of the ring just before the match started out came Kane
Randy: You see Kane is in my corner for the match you don't mind you ?
John: Nicole leave
Nikki: No I'm not leaving you out here !
John: Nikki please I don't want you to get hurt Kane is out here
Nikki walk back into the ring
Nikki: If Kane gets to be out here then I want to call on someone for John as well
Randy: Go ahead
Nikki: Jimmy And Jey can you come out here please
The USOs them come out and stand in Johns corner
Nikki: Now can I stay ?
John: Yes but stay behind them
Nikki: I will baby
She kisses him and the crowd cheers
She gets out of the ring with the help of the USOs and goes to sit next to Jerry and Michael
Michael: So happy to have you out here with is Mrs. Cena !
Nikki: Thank you always a pleasure to be with a good fiend of my husband how are you Jerry ?
Jerry: I'm good just one question has been pondering in my head
Nikki: And what is that ?
Jerry: Who do you believe will win next Sunday at Money In The Bank ?
Nikki: John of course !! He will climb that later and not only walk away the 15 time WWE World Heavy Weight Champion but he will also get to walk out with me
Michael: Well that's not at all bad for John
Nikki: Not at all I am the divas champion and no one has been able to take it from me
Jerry: Now what if John looses this Sunday
Nikki: Well then he looses that doesn't change the fact that he is my husband and that I love him more than my own life
The crowd cheers Awww
Nikki: But let's be honest my baby will win
Michael: How so you feel about your match against Naomi ?for the divas championship ?
Nikki: Confident and I'll he honest a little worried she is an amazing athlete and she's a real threat now can we stop talking about my match and focus on my husband
Jerry: Yes I'm amazed at how John has been holding up after everything that's happened and plus that match he had against Bray Wyatt
Nikki: The last man standing match !
Michael: Yes he had just been back a week and he already had an intense match and he's doing amazing
Nikki: I know isn't my man incredible ! And he isn't looking to bad either I mean look at those abs and his muscles
Randy's Pov
I got a little distracted hearing Nikki talk about how much she loved John and now amazing she thought she looked I got so jealous it was getting my distracted and made me loose the match John went in for the AA and he pinned me
Michael: Well Nikki I say your man is waiting for you to celebrate with him !
Nikki without responding runs into the ring and hugs John as he picks her up and kisses her
The crowed cheered and they headed backstage
Nikki: You did good babe !
John: Well you motivated me when you said you loved me more than your own life
Nikki: Well it's true !
John: And I love you like no other man has loved a woman
Stephanie: Good job Nikki you too John now for Sunday at money in the bank Nikki you will walk out with him and do commentary as well
Nikki: Awesome !!!
John: Where are we going for the match ?
Stephanie: Boston Masechtes !
Nikki: Yay the kids can see their grandparents !!
Stephanie: And come see you in your matches here's the tickets for front row !
John: Thank you !
Nikki: So excited I know you will be the champion again !
Randy: No I will be I bet you miss being with a champion then
Nikki: I'm sorry John do you hear something
John: Just an annoying bug but come on let's go out the kids down for bed so I can lay you done
He said as he kissed her
Nikki: I love the sound of that
Randy: Wow you really are horrible
Nikki: I'm only this way to you because you're a jerk to me now where's the Randy that took care of me when I was sad the Randy before he fell in love with me I loved that Randy the Randy I see now is someone I don't know and someone I wish I didn't know !
Randy: It's all his fault he should have just stayed dead !
Nikki slapped him the living daylights out of him
Nikki: Don't you ever say that if you ever say that to my face again I will hurt you !
Randy: More than you ever have
Nikki: Yes way more !
He walks away
John: Are you okay ?
Nikki: Yeah he just gets me so mad !
John: I don't blame him for hating me
Nikki: I can't either but he should be a bigger man and just get over it and if he can't at least don't disrespect me and you he has to accept that fact that you're back and he can't do anything about it !
John: Come on let's go
They walk away John hugging Nicole he noticed a saddens in her but he didn't know if it was because of Randy or because of what she had to do tonight and talking about the fact that she couldn't carry a child anymore


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