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Nikki's Pov
It's almost time for them to let me free when I realized that I had the dirty ripped up clothes on !
Nikki: Is there any way I could get someone to bring me clean and okay clothes so that when I return home I don't scare my kids ?
Rowen: We can let you call someone but only one person and I suggest someone who won't just burst in here and try to take you !
Nikki: I think I know who let me borrow the phone !
They giver her the phone and starts to dial a number
Randy: Hello ?
Nikki: Hey Randy it's Nikki !
Randy: Omg Nicole are you okay are you safe !
Nikki: Yes listen I need you to please bring me clothes somewhere I'll explain when you get here please don't being the police or anything just you and some clothes !! And some sandals you know my sizes please do as I say or I will not be able to escape !
Randy: Okay fine do I get them from your house ?
Nikki: No John will get suspicious and follow you I know him just buy it and I'll pay you back just please do this for me !!
Randy: Okay I will do you need them today ?
Nikki: Tomorrow's fine !
Randy: Okay now tell me where
She tells him the location of the place where she's been hidden !!
Randy: Okay I'll see you tomorrow !
Nikki: Thanks Randy !!
She hangs up
Randy's Pov
I feel like I should tell John or someone but she must be in danger so I won't say anything now what do I buy her ugh let's just hope I can do something quick !
He leaves and heads to the store !
The next day
Randy's Pov
I'm where Nikki said to meet suddenly I see two men with their faces covered and they tell me to go with him I follow with them and then I see Eve tied up and Nikki pacing back and fourth until she looked up and saw me
Nikki: Omg thank you so much Randy for doing this !!
Randy: What's going on and why is Eve tied up
Nikki: Eve and Bray are the ones who kidnapped me Rowen and Luke found me and their helping me escape ! But I have to wait until Bray comes back from traveling or else he will try to escape because if Eve is going to jail for what she did so is he !
Randy: Oh okay well why didn't you call John ?
Nikki: Because I know him and I know how he is if I were to tell him where I am he would come with cops and try to take me away !
Randy: Oh okay so why is Eve tied up ?
Nikki: Because that way we could keep her here so the police can take her away too !
Randy: Okay this makes sense now but why didn't you just go back in the middle of the night and calmly explain to John what happened and what needed to be done !
Nikki: Randy you've known John longer than I have haven't you ?
Randy: Yeah about 9 or more years then you have !
Nikki: And you still don't know how stubborn he is ? Haha
Randy: I'll give you that one haha
Nikki: Thanks for doing me this favor even after everything's that happened !
She said as she hugged him
Randy: It's okay that's all in the past now !
Nikki smiled at him and walked to set the clothes down and started to walk around the room !
Randy: Have you been cooped up in this dark room all this time ?
Nikki: Yeah but before I was tied up the way Eve was and I'm starting to feel my arms again haha
Randy: Haha well that's good !
Nikki: Have you seen John ?
Randy: Uhh yeah I have actually
Nikki: How is he ?
Randy: He misses you like crazy he hasn't been traveling with us and well Brie isn't either but oh you should see her she looks like you when you were pregnant !
That brought tears to Nikki's eyes !
Nikki: Aww my other half how is she please tell me the babies are good ?
Randy: Yeah she's good ! John is making sure this whole thing doesn't effect her pregnancy while Bryan is away ! He was going to stay but Brie said it was okay that he had to work ! Brie tried to convince John to go back to work but he wouldn't so she gave up !
Nikki: That's my John alright ! How are my babies ?
Randy: Their good John tried to put up a brave front in front of them and they think you're away on business !
Nikki: Oh thanks god they don't need to think that their loosing another parent !
Randy: Every time they ask to talk to you or where you are we tell them that you're so busy and then Nattie offers to take them out for ice cream or pizza or to the movies so I'll admit it to you when you see them they will be a little bit chubbier haha !
Nikki: Oh god haha I'll get to work on that when I'm home ! Tell Nattie to take them to train haha
Randy: I will well I should go before people start to suspect where I am !
Nikki: Okay thanks Randy !
Just as he's going to leave there's a noise
Rowen: Who could that be
Randy: What if it's bray !!
Luke: Hide !!
They do so and wait for the person to come down !

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