3 Months ❤️

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Johns Pov
Last thing I remember was that there was a huge storm and I jumped out of the water and then I don't remember anything and now I'm on this hospital bed but I can't move and I can't talk
Doctor walks in
Doctor: This is a patient who we can't identify he opened his eyes up a week ago but he can't talk or move until he can we cant identify him but for now his health is good he was just a little dehydrated because of the sea salt he eats fine and he looks strong enough I guess that's how he swam to shore before he went unconscious
John Pov
I wonder how long it's been since I've been out
He looks around the room and sees a clock that has the time and date it was January 23 almost a whole month into a new year
Omg it's been 3 months since I've seen my Nicole and my kids ! She must think I'm dead
Nikki's Pov
I'm 3 months into my pregnancy and it's been tough without John I miss him like crazy all the time I try to be strong for the kids but as soon as I'm alone I break down and cry Randy and Brie caught me the other day and Randy reminds me to try to be happy and not cry because it's bad for the baby !
Nattie: Brie we need to find a way to cheer up Nikki she so sad it can't be good for the baby
Brie: I know we will think of something ! But shh here she comes
Nikki: Hey guys
Nattie: Hey Nicole you look so pretty today and your belly is so cute
Nikki: Thank you hey guys I have something to say and I want to tell everyone so can you meet me in catering ?
Brie: Yeah we'll be right there
Nikki: Okay
In catering
Nikki: I'm happy you guys came over here to hear me out now this whole John thing has been really hard on me and going back to our house in Florida breaks my heart so I'm thinking about moving to my house in Italy
Stephanie: Nicole are you sure this is what you want ?
Nikki: I'm not sure but I don't want to sell his house I want Rosie or Nate to have it of they want it when they are older but I can't keep going back there it hurts to much the first picture I see when I go in is our wedding photo with me holding Nate and him Rosie and it just reminds me that he won't do that with this baby and even if I remove the picture and everything the memory is still there just being there the other day I heard the door open and I stupidly ran thinking it was John I can't keep living like this thinking that he's coming back because he's not
Brie: Why don't you just move back to San Diego that way you can still be around us ?
Nikki: I don't know I need to be away
from here thats all I know
Nattie: Well whatever you decided we support you
Nikki: Thank you
She walks away
Nattie: I don't want her to move
Brie: Neither do I
Randy: We have to find a way to convince her to stay !
Brie: Maybe not here in Florida ! But in San Diego
They Rosie and Nate run up to them
Rosie: Aunt Brie we don't want to move to Italy
Brie: You don't but mommy is really sad since your daddy died
Nate: So are we but we don't want to be far away from our family it will only make it harder
Nikki overheard everything
Nikki: Babies I didn't know you felt this way
Rosie: Mommy we want to see you happy again
Nate: Yes momma I know it's hard it's been hard on us too but being away from our family will make it harder
Nikki: Okay we won't move to Italy but is it okay if we move to a new house in California ?
Rosie: Yes but can we come back on his birthday and Father's Day
Nikki: Yes we can
They hug her and she smiles and walks away
Randy: Well that way easy
Nattie: Yeah I know Nicole smiled but it was fake ! She's not happy
Randy: Why don't we follows her and see what she does today I know Stephanie and Hunter are babysitting for her tonight
Brie: Okay come on
They follow Nicole where she drives to a graveyard the graveyard where they had a plaque Stephanie had made for John so Nicole and the kids could come to
Nikki: Hi baby well I thought moving to Italy would be a good thing but the kids thought other wise so I'm moving to a house in San Diego well we are I'm almost 4 months pregnant and I think I will be finding out the sex of the baby hopefully next month how I wish you were here I'm starting to feel like the first 5 months of my first pregnancy with the twins but this time there's no coming back to you oh why did this have to happen to us there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you or miss you ! You know I love and will always love you
Just then someone taps Nikki's shoulder
Mystery Guy: Hi Nicole
Nikki: Hey
MG: How are you today ?
Nikki: Same as I was yesterday and a month ago things really haven't changed
MG: I know what you mean
Nikki: Yeah hey I'm heading out to go get something to eat since you know since I'm eating for two now
MG: Yup you sure it's only one this time ?
Nikki: Yes haha I made sure the doctor checked twice !
MG: Haha okay
Nikki: Anyways do you want to come ?
MG: Sure I just finished here too
Nikki: Okay follow behind me ?
MG: Yeah after you
Nikki: Oh wait
She bend down and kissed the plaque
Nikki: Okay let's go
After a while Brie and Nattie and Randy start talking
Nattie: Who was that guy ?
Brie: I don't know I've never met him
Randy: She looks like she really knows him
Brie: I'll ask her come on let's go
They leave


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