The End ❤️

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Nikki's Pov

It's been 2 months since I've been back home with my family ! Eve and Bray are behind bars and just like I promise Luke and Rowen they would be safe because they were being threaten in all of this Brianna is now 8 months pregnant and she looks so damn adorable work her belly I've been working a lot to regain my title ever since Paige took it from me ! Randy is still an important part of my life and I introduced him to my friend Linda by the looks of it they have really hit off they have been going to dinner and hanging out whenever they can die to his crazy work schedule and all I know is that were all happy I've seen Layla and maxwell more over these two months because ever since that happened I realized no matter how hard and busy life gets you always have to make times for the ones you love because one day you could just disappear and sadly many times you don't come home like I did ! That's why I'm making time for my entire family and friend especially the ones who mean most to me ! John is truly the best thing that has ever happened to me and I thank god everyday for him and for my beautiful three kids ! I wish I could have at least one more but god had a different plan for me and I will respect it !!

1 month later

They were all sitting around at Nikki house because they weren't traveling !

Nikki: My babies are growing up so fast ! Next month the twins will be turning 8 and then Vince 4 ! I'm not going to have any babies to look after !

John: You know we can alway adopt one !

Nikki: Maybe !!

Nattie: How about being a god mother ?

Nikki: To who's baby ?

TJ: Ours !!

Nikki: No way !!!

Nattie: Yup !!! I found out last week I'm one month pregnant !

Nikki gets up and hugs both Nattie and TJ !!!

Nikki: I'm so happy for you ! Haha one less person to fight for the title ! Now if only someone could get Paige pregnant !

They all look at her and laugh !

Brie: My stomach is bugging me !

Bryan: Are you okay ?

Brie: Yeah I think I just need to try to walk !!

She gets up and her water breaks !

Brie: Omg my water broke !!

Nikki: Quick John ! Go get the car and Nattie can you stay here with the kids ?

Nattie: Yes go ! Go ! Good luck Brie !

Brie: Thanks !

Bryan: Okay Brianna breathe ! Breathe !

Brie: I am breathing !!

8 hours later !!

Bryan walks out of the room happy as could be !

Nikki: So how my sister and the baby !!

Bryan: It turned out to be twins !

Nikki: Omg she has twins too but the doctor only said one !

Bryan: Surprise to all of us !

Nikki: Can I see them ?

Bryan: Yeah go ahead

John: Congratulations dad !

Bryan: Omg I'm a dad huh ?

John: Haha I had that exact feeling after our twins were born !

Nikki: Haha okay come on John let's go meet the babies !

They walk in to find two beautiful baby boys !

Nikki: Omg Brianna their just precious

Brie: Thank you I got my two boys !

John: They look a lot like Bryan !

Brie: I know haha I'm so happy Nikki can call mom and Nanna and tell them ?

Nikki: Of course Brianna !!

6 months later !

Johns Pov

I never thought I would ever be in love again after my divorce with Liz but then I met Nicole ! She ran out on her wedding with Dolph ! And then we had an up and down relationship at first with Liz getting in the way an Dolph trying to destroy us as well then we had our beautiful kids then when I for lost at sea and then in that hospital for 2 years and she has our third child ! And then we found each other again and I couldn't be happier !! And when they took her from me it killed me not knowing how she was or how she was being treated thank god she was brought back home to is safe and sound I couldn't be happier and tonight we will be celebrating our 7 year anniversary ! I couldn't be happier

At dinner !

John: Nicole I love you so much and I have never been this happy ! I thank god everyday that he brought you into my life !

Nikki: I feel the same exact same way !

John: This is for you

He said handing her a black box !

She opens it and finds a beautiful bracket engraved with their anniversary date and their kids birthday !

Nikki: Soon we will have to go get it engraved again !

John: Really why ?

Nikki pulls out a paper and hands it to him ! He reads it and it's a paper from the doctor saying she was 3 weeks pregnant !

John: Were having another baby ?

Nikki: Yeah I guess that's why Vince has been so clingy to me he knows there's going to be a new baby soon !

John: I'm so happy !

Nikki: Me too were having a baby !!

9 months later Nikki gives birth to a beautiful baby girl they name Annabelle Layla Cena ! Of course Layla is her godmother and Maxwell is her godfather ! They are happy with their 4 kids Nikki has given up the life of being a diva to be a full time mother and stays with her kids while John is still living his dream of being a wrestler ! And Nicole doesn't mind because being a mother and wife is all she ever wanted and that's exactly what she is ! John always comes home to his family whenever he can ! And Nicole is always happy to have him back home ! But she's always happy ! She's living the life she's always wanted

One night !

John is here to surprise Nikki he's supposed to be home the next day but caught and early flight he checked on all 4 of his kids and found them sound asleep ! Then he slowly sneaked into their room to surprise Nikki !

John: Boo

Nikki Screams and jumps into Johns arms

Nikki: I missed you so much !

John: Me too and I'm telling you now 5 more years and I'm done with the WWE ! I want to be home with my family !

Nikki: Whatever you want baby

John: I love you ! ❤️❤️

Nikki: I love you too ❤️❤️

The end ! ❤️

So finally finished the book yay !!

Read my other books !!!!

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