See You Again ❤️

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Nikki's Pov
I woke up and I realized it was the next day I got up and walked around to see who was here Bryan was sleeping in the couch Brie and Stephanie were sharing one of the beds and the Johns parents were on the other one and even though I was mad at Stephanie I made sure to order breakfast for everyone one while I waited for the food to get here I woke Bryan up
Bryan: What's up Nicole
Nikki: I'm sorry for waking you up but I need help and I don't know what to do anymore
Bryan: Sure Nicole what is it ?
Nikki: I'm scared
Bryan: Why are you scared
Nikki: Because for the past two years this is what I wanted to find out that John is alive but what if he resents me for marrying Randy
Bryan: Nicole I'm sure he will understand we thought he was dead for the past two years he can't blame you for trying to rebuild your life and you know we all know that you never stopped loving him
Nikki: I also don't want to hurt Randy's feelings he really loves me and I do too but never the way I love John
Bryan: If Randy really loves you he should understand and back out of you're life to be with John again
Nikki hugs Bryan
Nikki: Thanks Bryan I really appreciate you being here for me and for being so amazing to my sister and for putting up with her taking care of me when I was sad all the time and for being a second dad to my children
Bryan: No problem what's family for if it's not to help each other
Nikki: Thanks well if you don't mind I'm going to go shower I order breakfast for everyone so if it comes up here's the money and the tip for the man
Bryan: Okay
She leaves and takes a long hot shower when she is done she dries her hair straighten it then does loose curls and does a light natural make up and puts on some gym clothes and decides to change before the leave when she walks outside and sees everyone is awake and eating
Nikki: Oh momma Carol
Carol: Come here sweetie
JD: How are you holding up ?
Nikki: Not good I'm very nervous and scared
Carol: Me too I hope he's alive
JD: Yeah it would make things feel normal again !
Nikki: You have no idea but I'm married to another man
JD: We can get that fixed in no time
Carol: Either way your going stay married to my son right ?
Nikki: Of course I am !
Carol: Then we have morning to worry about just making sure it's John
Nikki: I have this feeling inside of that says yes Nicole it's John it's John !
JD: So do we
Carol: Now come on eat something
Nikki: Okay
Brie: Wow momma carol where were you when we needed you yesterday
Carol: Why haha
Stephanie: You just calmed her down with no problem I had to drug her
Bryan: Twice
JD: Drug her ?
Nikki: They gave me sleeping pills which by the way I will not be accepting anymore drinks from you Stephanie
Stephanie: Told you Brie
Brie: Nicole you kept pacing back and fourth you were making us dizzy and nauseous
Nikki: I'm sorry but I was anxious
Stephanie: It's fine what time do we have to be at the hospital
Nikki: At 6 that's when his turn starts today
Carol: Okay that gives me time to shower and contact Matt and the family back at home
Nikki: You didn't tell them
JD: No we kind of just left in a hurry when you called
Nikki: Okay tell them and let them know that as soon as we know something we will contact them immediately
Carol: Okay
Nikki: Well I'm going to go lay down for a bit
Brie: Okay if you fall asleep we will wake you up an hour before it's time to go
Nikki: Okay thank you
She goes into the room that has the single bed and lays down just as she's about to fall sleep she gets 3 texts from Randy
R= Hey honey I miss you

R=Hey when are you coming home ?

R= How's Florida

Nikki's Pov
I should text him back but what do I say I'm not in Florida I'm in Germany chasing what might be my not dead husband either way I have to reply
N= Hey Randy um I'm not in Florida anymore I'm in Germany I don't know when I'll be home but I guess I'll let you know what the situation is here.
10 seconds later
R=Okay so hey I was thinking that when you get home we can have a date night and discuss us having a baby
N= Um Randy I told you already I am not having more babies
R= Why not ?
N= 3 is enough for me
R= But none of them are mine
N= I know that and to me it doesn't matter they are my world the thing that keeps me close to my beautiful memories I'm sorry but this is not open to discussion I will not have anymore kids
R= But I want a baby that's mine
N= Well you know where the door is go find someone who will have your baby
R= But you're my wife
N= Today that might change I'm sorry but you know if I didn't have Vince maybe we could have had a kid but no I had him and my baby making years are over no more babies please understand
R= Why are you chasing after something you know isn't true he's not alive Nicole it's probably some fan that is messed up in the head
N= If that's what it is then fine but I am not giving up until I see it for myself with my own eyes ! And you know what even if that was the case and more doctors called me over the years I would still come running if I had to
R= Wow now I see how much you love your husband
N= I do love my husband with all my heat I always have and I always will and I'm sorry to say that you're not that husband so if I were you I wouldn't be holding on to that title it might not be
there for long
R= Just like that huh ?
N= Yes just like that now if it is John that's in that hospital I expect you to leave my home it's not like anything that belongs to you is there
R= Yes you !
N= No my heart has always belonged to John and it still is his !
R= And if he isn't alive
N= Then you better figure out what you want with me because kids is something you won't have goodbye
Randy's Pov
I can't believe she gets one little call saying a man is saying her name and she goes running thinking it's John what if she gets a hundred more of those calls and what about me I want to have at least one kid with her and she won't have more because she told John she would only have 3 kids and when we are on her bus we can't sleep on the same bed she slept with John we can't live in Florida because that's his house I love living in Florida but since it hurts Nicole we have to live in San Diego if he is alive I will loose someone who I have loved for the last 4 years
Nikki's Pov
I realized that might have been harsh but he got me so mad how could I stay married to someone who one calls me to ask to have a baby even though I already said no and how dare he call me crazy for chasing after something that might be John it is I know it is and if it's not I don't care I'm leaving Randy I can't be with him I really can't be with someone until I really heal from the loss that's if he isn't alive right now ugh I can't sleep
Brie: Nicole what's wrong
Nikki: It's Randy !
Brie: What happened
Nikki: He complained to me that he wanted kids and I told him no and then he called me crazy for chasing after something stupid I'm not being crazy this might be John he might be alive and I have to make sure
Brie: And what did he say ?
Nikki: He said so what if he is alive and I told him then you better get out of my house and then he said but I'm your husband and I was like if I were you I wouldn't be holding on to that title because after today that might change
Brie: Wow
Nikki: I told him that even if that wasn't John and I were to get a hundreds more calls from doctors I would go running if I had to
Brie: Wow I'm sorry but wow is all I can say
Nikki: I've made up my mind if that isn't John in that hospital I'm leaving Randy
Brie: Really ?
Nikki: Yes I rushed into marrying Randy I should have waited until I was ready like Maxwell I wasn't ready
Brie: Okay come on Nicole you still have two hours until it's time to go try to relax and get some sleep
Nikki: Okay but can you hug me and rub my hair like mom use to ?
Brie: Of course come here
Nikki lays in Brie's arms and Brie hugs her tight and lays with her until she knows Nikki's asleep
In the other room
Carol: How is she ?
Brie: Bad she got in a fight with Randy
Stephanie: Why
Brie: Randy wants a baby and Nikki told him she was done having babies and he got mad that she wouldn't have anymore babies and then he called her crazy for chasing after something so stupid
Bryan: Wow
Brie: I know that's all I could say when she was telling me and she told him you know what if it's not John in that bed and months from now I get a hundred more calls saying that there's someone that might be John she would go running if she had to !
JD: That's something alright
Brie: Anyways she said either way today goes she's leaving Randy John or no John
Stephanie: Well it's only been a month so it should be easy to get it annulled
Brie: Yeah but what if Randy doesn't let her ?
Bryan: He's going to have to she's legally married and then the church wedding so she has two over Randy
Stephanie: What do you mean ?
Bryan: A week before their wedding in the church they went down to the court house and got legally married so when all of us saw them get married they were already married just this time it was religiously I guess
Brie: Yeah so in order for John and Nicole to get divorced they have to go to the pastor and then go through couples therapy and if it doesn't work then they are allowed to hey divorced but if the pastor doesn't approve then they can't
Stephanie: I never knew that
Brie: Yeah that's how my grandmother and grandfather were married
Carol: How lovely
JD: Nicole always had so May nice words for her grandfather
Brie: Well do he was the best hey what time is it ?
Stephanie: 5
Brie: I'm going to go wake up Nicole !
She walks into the room and sees Nicole sound asleep
Brie: Nicole
Nikki: Yeah ?
Brie: It's 5 go get ready
Nikki: Okay um question ?
Brie: What is it ?
Nikki: What do I wear ?
Brie: Something that will make his eyes pop out and something that's amazing so just in case it is just a fan it will leave him happy ?
Nikki: Thanks Brie
And hour later Nikki comes out of the room ready to go
Nikki: I'm ready let's go
Carol: Wait ! Let's pray
They all hold hands and bow their heads
Carol: Dear god please let it be him and is it not help the man who is in that bed find peace in his heart and his family
Nikki: Amen
They leave the hotel room and when they arrive at the hospital Nikki goes straight to ask for doctor Ross
Nikki: Hi I'm Nicole Cena I'm looking for Doctor Ross ?
Lady: Oh right this way he's with our patient who we found on the shore
Nikki: On the shore ?
Lady: Yes wait right here I'll call him out
Nikki: Okay thank you
She goes in and in 20 minutes later he comes out
Doctor: Hi I'm doctor Ross
Nikki: Hi I'm Nicole Cena and this is my sister Brie and her Husband Bryan Danielson and this is Stephanie McMahon and these are my parents in law Mr. and Mrs. Cena
Doctor: It's really nice to meet you all come in to my office and I'll explain to you everything
They walk away with them
Doctor: We found him about 2 years ago and about maybe 9 to 10 months and when we brought him here we was very dehydrated from the sea salt he looked and still is in amazing shape he opened his eyes 4 months after being here in the hospital he was in a coma and from then on it took him a year to be able to move around and be able to feed himself he works out right now it makes him relaxed about 5 months ago he started speaking a little bit but all he could say is Nicole, Nicole and we didn't think much but then he started saying Nikki Bella, Nikki Bella and normally I went through some records and couldn't find you until one day I said why not and I giggled and you and I found you and your sister Brianna and I showed him a picture of the two of you and he smiled so I thought maybe he knows you and I contacted the WWE and asked for your number the only reason they gave it to me was because I said I was a doctor and that's how I contacted you
Nikki: Wow he's been through a lot I really hope it's my husband
Doctor: What was he doing out at sea
Stephanie: He was doing tribute to the troops and was stoping by a marine base of the coast
Doctor: Well Mrs. Cena come this way let's go see if it's your husband
Nikki: Okay
Nikki and everyone followed behind the doctor down a long hallway to where the room was when he opened it Nikki slowly came in and when she saw the man in the bed
Nikki: Omg !


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