Believe In Us ❤️

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Nikki's Pov
It has now been a month since these bastards have me here I miss my kids I miss John I wish someone would take me out of this hell hole someone anyone I just want to be back with my kids and with John I wonder how they are John must be worried sick ! Oh dear lord help me
Johns Pov
It's been a month and the police hasn't been able to find her I miss her so much ! My love I can't imagine the horror she must be living at my expense I want her back here with me they could take me if they wanted not the mother of my children they need her oh god just please send me some sort of sign that she's alive that she's thinking about me that she's okay something to reassure me that things will be okay is that to much to ask for ?
Brie: John come on you have to eat something !
John: What for ! For all I know Nicole isn't eating why should I eat !
He snapped at Brie
Brie: Because you have 3 kids out there who need to see you happy and strong ! They don't need to see you like this don't do it for yourself or for me do it for Rosalie, Nathaniel and Vince they need you !
John: You're right I'm sorry for just going off at you I'm just so desperate I miss her so much !
Brie: How do you think I feel she's my twin I can't bare the thought of what she must be going through and the damn police hasn't found anything you're not the only one who's being affected by this but were all pulling through for the kids so that they don't see us worrying now you have to too !
She yelled at him
John: I know I know
Brie: I'm sorry for yelling it's.....
John: It's fine it's the emotions and the hormones it's fine !
Brie: Okay come one Nattie and TJ are here too they offered to take the kids out
John: Okay I don't need them seeing my destroyed
Brie: I know now go down stairs and eat I'll be right down !
He leaves the room and Brie breaks down and cries
Brie's Pov
Oh how could this be happening to my sister she doesn't deserve this she needs to be here home with her husband and kids with her family oh dear lord please help us find her help us make sure she's alive that only you can help us now !!
She collected herself and went down stairs
Rowen& Luke
Luke: Bray has gone to far Rowen we have to help her she didn't do anything !
Rowen: I know but we have to do it soon before he they go to far
Luke: Then lets figure out a way to let Nicole free but also have our self protected I'm not going to let him hurt us like he said he would if we didn't help him and Eve
Rowen: Okay come on before they hear us let's go check that she's okay !
They walk into the room where Nikki is
Rowen: Nikki are you hungry ?
Nikki: Yeah but I won't eat if you don't let me go
Luke: Were working on a plan because we don't want to be apart of what Eve and Bray are doing but please eat something so that we can return you safe and healthy
Nikki: Are you really going to help me ?
Rowen: Yes now please eat !
Nicole nodded yes and ate away thinking if they really would help her or not but believing them was the only things she could do !

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