With Me Again ❤️

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Nikki's Pov
I can't stop crying I'm so happy my kids have their father back and I have the love of my life back with me
Nikki: Doctor I seriously can't stop thanking you
Doctor: No need when I saw this man I knew he needed my help and I'm happy I didn't give up on him because if I had they would have taken him some where to rot away
Nikki: That's horrible at first I was going to ignore your call because I didn't know a man in Germany then I thought about it and called my boss and she put the pieces together for me that's when I rushed out of my house with my kids
Doctor: Oh you have kids
Nikki: 3 one he doesn't know about because when we thought he had died I found out I was pregnant
Doctor: Oh that must have been horrible
Nikki: You have no idea so now he will be going home to a baby he didn't know about I'm so excited for kids to see their father again !
Doctor: Well what are you waiting for take him home all I will tell you is that he has been having a lot of trouble talking and writing so you might want to work with him on that he moves around normally he can eat and walk and basically do anything it's just the speaking and writing
Nikki: Don't worry we will work on that with him
Stephanie: Could he wrestle ?
Doctor: Wrestle ?
Nikki: Yeah that's what we do we wrestle well it's wrestling entertainment he is the 14 time champion
Doctor: Wow I had no idea I treated a celebrity
Carol: Here I brought so clothes just in case it was him !
Nikki: Thank you
Come on John were going home he got up and hugged her Nikki could be more happy
Nikki: You don't know how much I've wanted to be like this with you !
He went in and changed
Doctor: So he understand normally he can do anything it's just that I think he's having trouble connecting her brain to his mouth and his brain to his hands
Nikki: What do you mean
Doctor: Well he can walk eat and work out like I'm guessing he's normally done but he can't explain what he wants or what he needs he can say yes or no with his head but the thing is that I feel like physically if he wanted to he could but mentally it's not letting him do you know what I mean ?
Nikki: So it's like he needs help psychologically ?
Doctor: Yes I've tried he's made some progress as you can tell but he has a long way to go
Nikki: No problem we will do anything to make him better especially me !
JD: We will come stay for a while
Brie: It's kind of weird though how John is always helping you with your psychology now it's the other way around
Doctor: Really ?
Nikki: Yeah a few years back I had a really bad shin injury and I had 3 stress fractures and he would basically be like you know sometimes after you have healed it's not even you body that's not ready it's you and your mind
Doctor: That's is very true you physically could always be capable of something but not your mind !
Nikki: Yeah like at that same time he had this elbow injury which he got surgery for and people and doctors thought he would be out for months and during he's recovery he started bending it and I would tell him I don't think you could do that and he would be like if it can do it than I can too and I was just like okay
Brie: Wasn't he back in like a month ?
Nikki: Yup one month out and he was back to normal
Bryan:Doctors said it would take about 6 months for him to come back so when he came back in a month we were all shocked
Stephanie: Someone even said I feel like John isn't human !
Doctor: Haha well if he's really determined to talk again that he should do it
Nikki: I seriously can't thank you enough I have the love of my life back after 2 years nothing could make me happier right now
Brie: But I know what can make you mad and scared
Nikki: What ?
Brie: One word ?
Nikki: And that word is ?
Brie: Randy
Nikki: Mad yes scared a little bit
Doctor: What about this Randy man
Nikki: I was starting to get use to the idea of being without John that I married Randy
Not knowing John was over hearing
But I married him still being madly and completely in love with John that's why I said today when I came here even if I found John or not I was leaving him it's only been a month anyways I can get it annulled
Brie: Easily since it isn't a consummated marriage
Nikki: Haha yes thank god
John walks out of the bathroom and Nikki walks towards him
Nikki: You ready to go home ?
John nodded yes but before letting go of Nicole he held her from her waist and looked into her eyes and kissed her a kiss that made Nikki fly because it had been so long since John has kissed her Brie thinking that was the most beautiful thing took a picture and uploaded it to twitter
Randy's Pov
I was still in San Diego I'm waiting for Nicole to come home no one has told me anything I feel like if I was at the arena today in Florida I would have known if something happened so I was just at home and I decided to go on twitter to see if anyone knew anything and the first thing I saw was a tweet from Nicole that said With the love of her life again and when I clicked on it I saw it John was with Nicole and they were kissing in what looks like a hospital he's alive ! He really is alive and Nicole didn't waste anytime to forget about me I won't let her forget about me all to easily she's mine and legally too she's my wife just then a I got an email from Stephanie McMahon
Email read
S: I'm sorry Randy but he's alive which means your marriage doesn't exist
R: That can't be true we were just married
S: Yes but since she was married to John longer and he wasn't really dead her marriage still stands legally
R: But they were only married in a church
S: That's what you think you see a week before their church wedding they went down to city hall and got legally married so she is both what you say religiously married and legally married
R: So our marriage just gets thrown out ?
S: Yes and since Nicole didn't take your name it makes it so much easier we thought she would have to go get the marriage annulled but I just spoke with city hall and they explained to me so congratulations you are now a free man goodbye
P.S Nicole will be in contact with you when she's back in Florida
R: She's not coming to San Diego ?
S: No she wants to be in Florida she wants to be with her husband
End of conversations
Randy's Pov
So now I'm not going to see Nicole and my marriage got thrown out like if it was nothing and she didn't even have the courage to tell me she was going to Florida instead of back here to her house in San Diego she will come eventually though she has her stuff here, and her kids stuff she will eventually come and when she does I'll be waiting
Nikki's Pov
I am just so happy today the love of my life is back in my arms and when we kisses for the first time in two years it just made me want to melt this is something that I've wanted to be true for so long and I do feel bad for Randy but I love John and I will never ever in my life love anyone but John
Carol: This is amazing so okay were going to fly out to Masechtes and bring the whole family over to see John so we will be in Florida Friday
Nikki: Okay were heading home tonight so I think we will be back in Florida sometime in the morning and see everyone in the night !
Brie: Okay let's go
Nikki: Um Brie can you walk with John and his parents to the door I want to talk to doctor Ross for a second
Brie: Yeah come on let's go to the car
They leave the room and Nikki goes back to the doctors office and knocks on the door
Doctor: Come in
Nikki: Hi
Doctor: Oh I though you had all left by now
Nikki: Were making our way out I just had to thank you one last time and discuss the payment.
Doctor: You're welcome and what payment ?
Nikki: Well my husband has been in a hospital bed for two years and well I'm sure he has a long bill
Doctor: Oh no it's nothing at all see us doctors we get to choose a special patient that we serve for no money at all
Nikki: Well if you won't take money there here is all the German money I have on me and here is my number I have yours when ever and I mean whenever you need anything or your kids want to come down to one of the shows I'll be happy to fly you guys out here and get you in backstage
Doctor: Really ?
Nikki: Of course this is the least I can do !
Doctor: Go on now be happy with your friends and family and most importantly your husband
Nikki: Thank you so so so much
She hugs him and walks out of the hospital and heads to the car with her husband
She drives to the hotel and tells them to wait there she would get everything from the hotel room she heads up and ask one of the man to get all the bags to the car and when she's in the car
Nikki: Hey Bryan could you drive ?
Bryan: Yeah
Nikki: Thanks I just have to take care of some stuff while we get to the airport
Bryan: Okay
Nikki's Pov
All I wanted to do was hug my baby and kiss him but I needed to get my things from San Diego I really didn't want to kick Randy out of my house so I thought I'd let him stay but I'm not staying there at all so I sent him a text
N: I guess you heard I'm moving back to Florida you can stay in the house as long as you want but someone will be by next week to get all of my things and my kids things
R: Is this all a year is worth to you ?
N: I'm sorry but a year with you was Nice but I always loved John he never left my heart I know I said I loved you but not as much as I love John I'm sorry
R: I thought you were over him
N: No if you go into Rosalie's dressing room you'll see something you thought I had gotten rid of and when I was alone in that house I would go into her dressing room and stay with it until I felt good again please don't destroy it if you do it's fine I guess but please don't
R: I will be out of this house in a month so you can sell it don't ever talk to me again
N: Randy please don't do this if you really loved me you would understand
R: I said never talk to me again goodbye
Nikki's Pov
I can't believe him
She sighs
Brie: Nikki what's wrong
Nikki: It's rand here look
Brie reads the entire conversation
Brie: Wow !
Nikki: Yeah I know but you know what I don't care anymore I don't I'm happy I have my husband back
They hug
Brie's Pov
I feel bad for Randy but you know what this is what Nicole wanted and needs she needed John back in her life and that's exactly what she got and I couldn't be happier for her


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