Third Child ❤️

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Nattie Pov
How were we going to tell Nicole that the love of her life is dead that John wasn't coming home this can't be true
Just then Nikki walks in
Nikki: Hey guys
Brie: Nicole sit down we need to talk
Nikki: What's going on
Stephanie: Nicole Johns ship was destroyed and no bodies were found Nicole John is dead
Nikki's Pov
I felt like the wind go sucked out of me no the life was sucked out of me I couldn't breathe suddenly I tried to get up but I collapses to the floor and I started yelling and kicking this couldn't be true John couldn't be dead he hit couldn't last thing I remember was being in Stephanie's office being told this horrible news and when I woke up I was on the bus surrounded by Nattie Brie Johns parents and Randy, Bryan, TJ
Nikki: What happened
Brie: We had to give you a shot to relax you
Nikki: Tranquilizer ?
Nattie: Yeah
Nikki: I need to go see the doctor !
Randy: Why ?
Nikki: Because you guys put something that I don't need to have in my body right now
I ran out of the bus and headed to the hospital
5 hours later I got back and there were more people on the bus
Brie: Nicole what the hell where have you been !
Nikki: The hospital I needed to make sure I was fine
Brie: Nicole what are you going to tell the kids
Nattie: If you want we can tell them
Nikki: And say what !!! I bursted into tears) there is nothing that's going to bring him back ! I can't handle this not right now I can't be strong I feel like a whole piece of my heart is dead I feel like the life was sucked out of me my husband the love of my life is dead how can I look at my kids and tell them that how can I even look at them without thinking about John if it was only me and him I swear to you I don't know what I would have done by now but I have 3 very good reasons not to do anything stupid I'm sorry but I need to be alone I feel like running but I don't know where nothing I do will bring him back I want John back I want to hug him kiss him have him make love to me one last time but I don't even have a body to cry over ! Please I'm sorry but please leave me alone !
Brie: Nicole
Nikki: Brianna please stop nothing anyone can say right now will make me feel better
Nattie: Fine but we are all coming to check on you on the hour
Nikki: Okay but please I don't mean to be rude but please everyone get out I appreciate you being here for me but I want to be alone I want to cry in private I want to yell I want to smash something and I can't do that if you are all here so please leave
They all leave
Nikki's Pov
How can I go on today a piece of me died my love the love of my life is dead how can I even go on the only thing keeping me alive are my little angels how am I going to tell them how are they going to grow up without a father I can't even stand being here right now I want to run just run until my legs give out but I can't and what good would that do
Outside of the bus
Nattie: Omg and just a few months ago we were celebrating their anniversary
TJ: This is so sad they were so happy how could this have happened
Brie: I wish I knew what I could do I feel Nicole's pain I guess it's this twin thing but it's destroying her
Bryan: This is just something time is going to heal
Randy: I can't stand to see her like that she looks dead inside she really does
Stephanie and Hunter walk up to them
Stephanie: Can I go in and see her
Brie: She wants to be alone
Hunter: We understand are you guys going to stay here all night
Brie: I am I'm not leaving my sister alone right now she needs me I can feel it
Nattie: I don't want to leave either
Randy: Neither do I
Hunter: What about the kids
Carol: We will take them to a hotel
JD: Yeah you all know Nicole better than we do we will be back tomorrow
They all nod and say their goodbyes
Nikki's Pov
I'm so hungry I don't feel like eating but I have to what time is it
She gets up and checks the time
It's 3 in the morning the only place the will be open is a Denny's
She steps out of the bus and sees her friends
Randy: Hey Nicole are you okay ?
Nikki: No I'm not but I am hungry I'm going to Denny's of you guys need me
Brie: We'll go with you
Nikki: I kind of want to be alone right now
She says as she starts to walk away then turns around crying
Nikki: John actually had the car keys and I don't know where he puts the spare one so can one of you drive me ?
Randy: I will come on
Brie: Nikki please let us go with you
Nikki: Fine but please I beg of you no talking about John anything else but John
Nattie: We promise
They all go with Nikki
At Denny's
Waitress: Hi what will you all be having
Nikki: Can I have this egg bacon ham, sausage, and hash brown and pancakes with chocolate fudge on the top with a ton of whip cream
Waitress: Okay what would you like to drink
Nikki: Coffee decaf please make sure it's decaf
Waiter: Right away
She leaves after everyone orders
Brie: You always get normal coffee
Nikki: Yeah well I don't want to be awake and I'm going to be drinking Decaf for the next year
Nattie: What do you mean ?
Nikki: Nothing I just want to be able to sleep at night
Brie: Okay
Nikki: And next time if I pass out please don't put any unknown toxins in my body please
Brie: We were just trying to relax you Nicole you kind of lost it
Nikki: I know but next time call a doctor or an ambulance I mean I'll try not to have a next time but if there is please just here call my doctor
She hands them a card with her doctors number
Brie: Okay
Minutes pass and then a song comes on a song that just breaks Nikki down !
Brie: Nicole what's wrong
Nikki: This is the song that was playing the first night that we were together after I ran out my wedding with Dolph and he said this would always be our song our secret song
She said and just cried and cried
No one knew what to do but hug her 5 Days later
Stephanie: Are you sure you can do this Nicole
Nikki: Yeah honestly the hard part is over
Stephanie: I know but Rosie hasn't been able to stop crying
Nikki: I know but I don't know what to do I can't do or say anything that will make her feel better
Stephanie: Okay come on it's time
Nikki walks to gorilla dressed in black to notify the WWE universe what happened a she stands out in the middle of the ring hearing the crowd shout Nena !!!
Stephanie: I am not out here today to talk to as A Principal Owner of the WWE I am here to talk to you as a person well I'm not really going to say much it's all Nicole here but I want everyone to be complexly silent please this is a serious matter
Everyone is slilent
Nikki: Hi I'm Stephanie Nicole Cena Garcia-Colace and as many of you know me I'm Mrs. Cena or A Bella twin I'm here to talk to you about John last week he set sail for tribute to the troops and something terrible happened there was a storm and his ship was destroyed they believe everyone aboard is dead because they found no bodies and they think they drowned John was on that boat and he's dead
She atarted crying and the fans did as well
And I just want to thank all of our WWE family for being here for me and my kids and I know that Johns spirt will live on in your hearts and I know he will never leave my heart I also want to take a minute to talk to him because I believe he is here with us tonight
John baby before I found out that you had died I was at the doctors because I had not been able to eat I went to the doctor that day and I found out that..... I found out that I was pregnant
Brie: Omg Nikki
Nattie: She was getting her third child
Randy: Omg
Everyone was in shock
Back with Nikki
I'm pregnant with our third child and I don't know how I'm going to do it without you baby I was so happy when I found out that I was having another baby like we wanted but now I don't know how to feel this baby will grow up without ever meeting you or getting to be held by you or kissing you but your memory will forever live on in my heart and in our two kids now and in our child I love you so much and to the WWE universe John loved coming out here with all of you he loves putting on a show for you wether you loved him or not he just loves seeing all of the fans happy and that's how he will always be remembered thank you
She said and walked out of the ring and she could bearly make it up by herself that's when Brie and Nattie came out and helped her backstage
Nattie: Nicole why didn't you tell us you were having another baby
Nikki: Because then it just made it more real not to have John around it made me cry every time I looked at Rosie and Nate their going to have a brother or sister and John won't be here for that
Nikki just kept crying


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