Paris Wedding ❤️

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Nikki's Pov
I smiled when I heard him say he would try to win summer again I know they just started out as a storyline line but he fell for her and I knew she always felt something for him too
Nikki: Fandango you still love her
Fandango: I do I always have
John: Well now that you know she's coming back you should try to get her back
Fandango: I will now I'm going to go and get ready for my match
Nikki: If you ever need help let us know !
Fandango: Thank you !
He leaves
Nikki: Wow this was a surprise but after what summer had to deal with I'm happy she has her kids with her and Dolph will be locked up for a while
John: Long enough for us to have a romantic vacation in Paris
Nikki: Can't wait !
After smack down Nikki and John said goodbye to their children and headed to the private plane that would take them to Paris
In Paris
Nikki: Omg Paris is so beautiful especially at night !
John: You know what I think !
Nikki: What ?
John: Nothing is more beautiful than you !
Nikki: Aww John
She looked up at him and they kisses they got to their hotel and made love to each other all through the night
They spend the days there sight seeing and going to museums and shopping of course and on the fourth day they would be there John had a surprise that night !
Nikki: Come on John I want to be at the River early so no one can recognize us !
John: Okay I'm ready how do I look
Nikki: Amazing as always now come on !
They head down to find a cab and the head to the Locks Of Love Bridge
John: Okay here's the lock do you want to write the names ?
Nikki: I do here I bought two one just for us and another for us and the kids name
They write stuff down on the lock
Nikki: Okay here's a spot for the one with the names of the kids
John put the lock on the bridge
John: And here's a spot for ours !
They put it together and kiss as they kiss they throw both of the keys into the river !
Later that night
John: Okay I have to go do something I'll be back in 5 minutes !
Nikki: Okay
He leaves and Nikki lays down on the bed when there's a knock on the door
Bell Boy: Mrs. Cena ?
Nikki: I am her
Bell Boy: This is for you !
Nikki: Thank you
It's a clothes bag and a note the read
So I lied I'm not coming back I have a surprise for you and I need you to wear what's in the bag and meet me at the Eiffel Tower at exactly 7:50
Don't be late my love ! ❤️
Nikki smiled to her self and looked at the time it was about to be five so she quickly got in the shower and when she got out she blowed dried her hair and straighten it then curled it she did a light natural make up that made her look flawless and when she opened the bag she was wowed at how beautiful the dress was
Nikki's Pov
When I got the note I was surprised but then I saw the dress and it was absolutely stunning i couldn't believe John had picked this out himself he has good taste but this was just gorgeous !
There's a knock on the door
Bell Boy: Mrs. Cena
Nikki: Yes ?
Bell Boy: Your limo is waiting for you down stairs
Nikki: Oh okay let me just grab my bag !
Bell Boy: Okay
Nikki takes on last look in the mirror and gets her bag and heads out when she steps outside of the hotel she sees a white hummer stretch limo and walks inside where she finds another note that read
I love you with all my heart and I can't wait to see how gorgeous you look ! Like always now we will be saying our own vows again so I hope you have yours ready !
Nikki Pov
I don't need to prepare something I know exactly what I want to say I know how I feel about the love of my life !
She got closer and closer to the Eiffel Tower she started to get butterflies in her stomach like on her first wedding day just then the car came to a stop and someone open the door and to her surprise it was her dad
Nikki: Omg daddy what are you doing here ?
ND: Im here to walk you down the aisle again but not before your brides maids he said as he pointed over at Brie, Nattie, Stephanie and her little girl
Next to them was Bryan TJ Hunter and Nathaniel
Nikki: Omg I'm going to cry
Brie: Oh no not until after you're married again
Nikki: Fine
Music starts playing
Nattie: Here we go Stephanie and Hunter go first then me and TJ then Brie and Bryan the Rosie and Nathaniel and then of course you
Nikki: Okay
They all walk down the aisle one by on until it was Nikki's turn
ND: You ready baby
Nikki: Yes daddy !
The wedding march song begins and reveals John standing in a black tuxedo standing talk and as handsome as ever
Nikki's Pov
As I was walking down that aisle I felt all these emotions run through me the first time I was ever in his arms our first time kissing the first time he said I love you all that came into my mind seeing John standing there the man of my dreams the man I will always love until time stops.
Johns Pov
When I saw Nicole I lost it she looked so stunning she is the one I have been waiting for my entire life I just looked at her and I saw no one else but her and me she was the most beautiful thing in the world to me and today she is going to be my wife again
Preacher: Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to join these two in holy matrimony now they will exchange vows Nicole you may go first
Nikki: I.. I can't even speak right now I'm so happy you have made me happiest person in the world because of you I have 3 amazing children you've made me a mother two years ago when we thought we lost you I felt lost I didn't know how I was going to go on with my life but the love of our family and our kids pulled me through and then when they told me that you might be alive I wanted it to be true I wanted nothing more than to have you by my side again to have you hug me to have you kiss me to hear you say you loved me I wanted to hear those words coming from you and that day that we found you in the hospital those were the first word you said to me and I was extremely happy to have the love of my life back with me I was happy that my kids had a father again I love you so much and I will always love you ! ❤️
Preacher: Beautiful now John it's your turn !
John: The moment I saw you walking towards me all these emotion came through me and I remember our first kiss the first time you said you loved me and I've always known that you're the one I will always want to spend the rest of my life with you made me a father to 3 beautiful children that night on the boat I jumped off and swam to shore because I knew I had to come home to you those years I spent in that hospital were the worst because I wasn't with you I fought all that time to try to get back to you and you came to me Nicole I will always love you there's no one in this world that I could ever love more than I love you ! I have loved you for 6 years and I will love you forever and forever isn't even enough to love you
Everyone was in tears including John
Preacher: I now pronounce you husband and wife you me kiss your bride
John grabs Nikki and kisses her a kiss that makes her feel like nothing ever changed everything was the way it was 6 years ago when they first got married ! People started walking up to them and congratulating them on their marriage
Nikki: This was such a surprise to me !
Brie: Really ?
Nikki: Yeah I mean I knew we were going to get married again but I didn't know you would all be here he told me it would only be me and him
John: Now what monster would I be if I didn't let my family and your family our closets friends and our children be here for when we got remarried
Stephanie: A huge one !
They all laughed and headed to the carousel to take pictures ! At the end of the night they said their good byes and that they would see each other Monday the kids left with Stephanie and Hunter so John and Nikki could enjoy the rest of their trip
Back at the hotel
Nikki: You are the most amazing man in the world
John: I have to be having the best woman in the world by my side
Nikki: I love you so much I hope we never have to spend a day apart ever again !
John: I love you too and you won't
They looked deep I to each others eyes and John began to kiss Nikki which suddenly turned into a heated make out session which tuned into them making love the whole night !
They spend the rest of the time in Paris wrapped up in each others arms wether it was out and about it or inside their hotel room


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