Lost Baby

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We were I'm Ohio for Monday Night Raw and today was the day that John finally came out to talk to the WWE universe about what happened and well basically that he's back ! And I'm getting to walk out with him I've missed this ! Walking out with my man cheering him on ! I loved it and I was getting to do it once again!
People already knew that we found him alive but they having been dying to see him come out and talk and for the world to know that he's back and better then ever !
Nikki: You ready baby ?
John: As ready as I'll ever be
They were waiting behind the curtains of gorilla for Johns music to hot no one knew tonight was the night that he would be back so people would be pretty shocked
His music hits and they start walking out together and John doing his normal routine and Nikki following after him when the crowd saw him they all went wild cheering John John
Jerry Lawler: Omg it's John Cena
Michael: It is indeed Welcome back Cena !
John steps into the ring with Nikki
John: Well what can I say but welcome to Monday Night Raw everyone
The crowd was going crazy
John: Now I know that you were all told I was dead
He looked over at Nikki who had her head down he walks over to her and puts his arm around her and held her tight
John: I know that it's been hard on all of you but it has been especially hard on my wife and kids knowing that when I came back I had another son knowing that she went through it alone well not alone because I know that she has amazing people by her side throughout all of this but knowing that I wasn't there for her broke my heart and I will try all my life to make up for that lost time ! But you what I know that I have an amazing family and amazing fans because she showed me all of the support and love messages you sent her on social media and through the mail and from the bottom of my heart I appreciate it and I thank you because I truly believe it was the love of you and our family that kept her going not only for her but for the child she was carrying and for my two kids that I have back there watching me right now I love them and I love all of you well what I'm trying to say is I'm back and it's good to be back !
The crowd is in tears and starts to shout out let's go Cena as he kisses Nikki in the ring and John and Nikki get out of the ring so John could shake the commentators hands one being his good friend Jerry the King Lawler and then going around hugging and shaking fans hands with Nikki by his side
Nikki: That was amazing babe
She said as looked up at him
John: Thank baby
He looks down at her and kisses her
Stephanie walks up to them
Stephanie: Alright that's enough you two Nicole you have to get ready for your match John you and Brie are walking out with her
John: Okay !
Nikki: I'm going to go get ready
Stephanie: I have your belt with me so just come straight here
John: Where are the kids ?
Stephanie: With Hunter in the office
Nikki: Okay I'll be back !
She runs off and as she's running she bumps into someone
Nikki: I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going
Randy: It's fine
Nikki: Randy I
He interrupts her
Randy: No Nicole don't I don't need explanation apologies or anything not right now
Nikki: Okay I have to go
Randy: I know bye
She walks away and Randy is just standing there watching her leave
Randy's Pov
I understood what Nicole did now because I know if I was in her place I would have done the same it's going to take me sometime to get over it but I know that's she's happy so that's all that's important
Before Nikki's match
Stephanie: Okay your up against Eve today !
Nikki: Ugh !
Brie: I know haha
John: So I guess two years hasn't changed your opinion of her ?
Nikki: Nope ! She was rude to me when I told her about your death
John: What did she say ?
Nikki: That if you were with her instead of me this would have never happened
John: What a bitch !
Nikki: Thank you I'll do my Nikki rack on her !
Brie: That's right now come on let's go out there
Stephanie: Nikki's going out second divas champion always goes second !
Nikki: Save the best for last !
John: Always !!
During the match !
Jerry Lawler: Nikki is going in for the Rack Attack I love that move haha
Michael: Because of the name ? Haha
Jerry Lawler: Exactly because of that haja
She pins Eve down and the ref starts the count
You're winner Divas Champion from Scott's Dale Arizona Nikki Bella
She gets her title back and raises it for everyone to see and John and Brie walk into the ring with her Brie hugs her sister and after John picks her up and kisses her and spins her around after celebrating John and Brie get out of the ring and as Nikki is getting out of the ring there is a sudden shake and someone yells out
Nikki looses her balance and falls on her stomach and yells out in pain
Nikki: Owww...
John runs over to her
John: Are you okay ?
Nikki: No John I'm in a lot of pain I can't move
Brie looks over at her and yells someone get an ambulance she's bleeding
Nikki: What ?
She looks down and see blood she then passes out
4 hours later in the hospital
Doctor: Family for Mrs. Cena ?
John: I'm her husband
Doctor: I'm sorry Mr. Cena but your wife had a miscarriage
Brie: What she was pregnant ?
Doctor: Yes by the tests we did she was about 1 week again I am truly sorry
John: Thank you
Brie: Omg this is so sad !
John: I know you guys were pregnant at the same time !
Brie: I know omg this sucks do you want me to tell her or should you ?
John: I will but come with me ?
Brie: Yeah
They walk into Nikki's room where she is laying down looking up
John: Hi honey how are you feeling ?
Nikki: Better now but did the doctor say what happened ?
Brie: Yeah Nicole he said you were pregnant
Nikki: Were ?
John: Yeah the hit made you have a miscarriage
Nikki: Oh wow um I
John: Are you okay ?
Nikki: I don't know I mean I didn't know I was pregnant so to know that I lost the baby I guess I'm okay
John: Are you sure ?
Nikki: Yeah can we go home now ? It to the bus haha ?
John: Yeah let me just check you out
Nikki: Okay
He walks out of the room
Brie: Are you really okay ?
Nikki: Yeah but from now on I'm banning you from the ring
Brie: What ?
Nikki: I don't want the same thing happening to you so from now on I'm walking out with John only ! Or by myself no you !
Brie: Fine Nicole come on I brought you clothes I don't think you want to leave in your ring gear haha
Nikki: Haha no I don't thanks Brianna
She gets ready and the head back to the bus where Bryan is with the kids and Brie is about to tell him
Brie: Hey Bryan
Bryan: Hey Nicole how are you ?
Nikki: I'm good
Brie: Bryan I have something to tell you ?
Nikki pulls out her phone
Brie: Bryan yesterday I went to the doctor and I found out I was 3 weeks pregnant !
Bryan face was priceless
Bryan: Omg are you serious !
Brie: Yes Bryan I'm having a baby
She said in tears !
Bryan runs to her and carries her and spins her around
Bryan: I'm going to be a dad !
Brie: And me a mom !
Nikki: Omg this is so cute
Brie: Nicole are you crying haha
Nikki: Yes
She said in tears
John: Congratulations Bryan and welcome to fatherhood
Nikki: Brie welcome to motherhood
They all hug
Rosie: Omg auntie Brie you're going to be a mommy ?
Brie: Yes and you're going to be a cousin !
Nate and Rosie: Yay
John: Let's go out and celebrate !
Nikki: Yes !
John: Okay let's get dressed and go out to dinner !
Brie: Sounds fun
They all get ready and John takes everyone out to dinner
Half way through dinner someone walks up to them
Guy: Omg you're the Bella twins and you're John Cena and Daniel Bryan
Nikki&Brie: Hi !
Guy: Can I take a picture with you guys ?
Brie: Of course
Nikki and Brie got up and took a picture with them
Nikki: Hey quick favor ?
Guy: Yeah
Nikki: Can you take a picture of us ?
Guy: Yeah
Nikki: Okay come on guys up up !
Guy: Okay 1.2.3
He take multiple picture of them and leaves
After finishing dinner they leave back to the bus !
And Brie and Bryan leave to their hotel
John: Are the kids asleep ?
Nikki: Yup and I'm happy Vince sleeps through the night already
John: I hate that you had to get up all those nights on your own
Nikki: Baby it's okay it's not you're fault !
John: Come here
He said as Nicole cuddle up to him
John: I love you so much !
Nikki: I love you too
She started kissing him and going down to his neck leaving a hickie and then John flips her over and gets on top of her kissing her neck and lips then he puts her back on top and starts unzipping her dress while Nikki was taking of his tie and shirt after both had their clothes off they spend the night making love❤️
Next day in Virginia
John: Nicole
Nikki: Yeah
John: I have a match today against Randy
Nikki: Oh um do you want me to walk out with you ?
John: Only if you feel fine with it !
Nikki: Why wouldn't I be ?
John: It says you're supposed to distract the ref and cost him the match
Nikki: Oh um can't someone else walk out with me and have them cause him the match
John: You can ask but I'm not sure
Nikki: Okay um either way I'll do it ! It's fine
John: You sure ?
Nikki: Positive !
John: Okay come on let's go
They leave to the arena and go to get ready for Nikki's match against Alicia Fox
During her match Alicia tried to go for the pin but Nikki kicked out at 1 and she hit Alicia against the ropes and when she was down she went in for the Rack Attack ! Which led to her winning her match !
Brie: Great job Nikki
Nikki: Thanks sis how are you this morning ?
She said holding her belly !
Brie: Good well I threw up in the morning and I couldn't eat but now I'm starving and craving something sweet !
Nikki: Let's go to catering first just let me change into my John gear
Brie: Okay
They walk into the locker room and all the divas are there
Brie: Oh hey I'm going to tell the girls now
Nikki: Okay
Hey ladies you're attention please !
They turn to her
Nikki: Brie has something to say
Brie: I'm 3 weeks pregnant !
All the girls scream and run to Brie
Nattie: Omg I'm so happy for you and Bryan !
Brie: Thank you
Nattie: So Nicole anymore kids from you ?
Nikki: Um no I don't think so I'm mean if it happens it happens but I'm not really planning on it
Brie: Have you told them yet ?
Nikki: Oh no um you know how yesterday I was taken to the hospital ?
Trinity: Yeah ?
Brie: We found out that she was pregnant but because she hit her stomach she had a miscarriage
Ariane: Omg really !
Nikki: Yeah
Eva Marie: How are you dealing with it
Nikki: I'm fine I mean yeah it sucks ! But I didn't know I was going to have another baby in the first place so I didn't have much to say about it
Nattie: That's true
Nikki: Ok come on Brianna let's go to catering
Brie: Okay Nicole see you later girls
They walk out of the locker room and head to catering and see Randy about to punch John and Nikki runs over
Nikki: What's going on why the hell are you trying to punch John
John: Randy wants to punch me
Nikki: Why ?
Randy: Like you don't know !
Nikki: I don't
Randy: How could you not be able to have a baby with me but he comes back and you're pregnant already !
Nikki: For your information I had a miscarriage and I could have a baby with my husband if I wanted to !
Randy: I was your husband
Nikki: For a month and it wasn't even valid !
Randy: But still you said you weren't going to have anymore kids
Nikki: It's something that just happened I wasn't planning on it and whats it to you ! I'm not even pregnant anymore and if I want I could have more babies it's not up to you it's me and my HUSBANDS decision
John: I kind of do want to have another baby
Nikki: Aww really babe ?
John: Yeah
Nikki: We will discuss it later without anyone around
She said as looked at Randy
Randy: Ugh never mind I'm leaving !
John: Randy wait
Nikki: No let him go he has no right to try to hurt you just because of something stupid
John: Fine come on let's go baby
Nikki: Come sit with us John Brie has to eat
John: Okay how are you feeling Brie ?
Brie: Hungry ! Haha
John: Well you sit and I'll bring you and my queen some good food what would you guys like ?
Brie: I want brownies !!! And a burger
Nikki: Ooooh can I have the same ?
John: You're wish is my command I'll be right back !
He leaves to get the food
Nikki: Omg this whole Randy things is making me mad !
Brie: I know but I'm sure he will hey over it sooner or later !
Nikki: I wish he would do it soon
John come back with the food
Brie: Thanks John
Nikki: Thank you my love
John: Anything for my future nephew and for my loves sister
Nikki: Baby you should eat something before your match !
John: I'm going to get some grapes !
Nikki: Okay
Later walking out for Johns match
Introducing From West Newbury Masechtes John Cena being accompanied by his wife Nikki Bella ! John and Nikki walk into the ring waiting for Randy to be introduced when Randy walk out and gets into the ring and the ref is telling Nicole to get out before she does she give John a kiss and steps out
Nikki's Pov
Randy was pretty much I'm control of the match John was trying to get back into it but he couldn't !
Nikki: Come on John baby you can do it
Randy looked at me with devil eyes and I got scared at started to do what I was supposed to which was distract the ref which I did and that gave John just enough time to get back into the game and win his match when they announced his name I got into the ring and I ran into his arms where he catches me and spins me around while I kiss him the whole crowd shouting Nena Nena
And leaving Randy in the ring Nikki and John walked out with John carrying Nikki on his back
Randy's Pov
I hate John and I hate Nicole I'm happy that baby she was going to have died


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