The Home That Has My ❤️

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Nikki's Pov
I'm now 8 months pregnant and I'm starting to feel better again with the help of my friends and Maxwell
Brie's Pov
I met Maxwell and he's a really good guy I guess I had nothing to worry about but you honestly can't blame me for trying to watch out for my sister anyways me and Nikki are now pretty good friends with him and when he came to us saying that he thought he was ready to date me and Nikki were more than happy tog find him a girl just so happens that Layla was single and hey their both British and they seem to have hit it off so much that they've been together for 6 months now and he's happy and Nicole is happy to see that he is happy too I just wish she were happy
Nikki: Brie are you okay ?
Brie: Yeah just thinking about you ?
Nikki: Me ? Why ?
Brie: You don't seem happy Nicole I mean you do but sometimes you just seem so sad and out of it
Nikki: Well I am having a baby in a month from a husband who is dead you can't really be happy with that
Brie: I know but think about it this way he will be watching over you and our little Vince
Nikki: Stephanie was so happy when I told her the doctor said my baby was 90% a boy haha
Brie: Well you are naming him after her father
Nikki: It's my way of honoring John and Vince if it wasn't for him I might have never met John
Brie: What about Doloh ?
Nikki: He introduced me to John who was a working friend of Dolph and why were they working friends ?
Brie: Because Vince hired him
Nikki: Exactly haha
Brie: I'm so excited to welcome this baby into the world
Nikki: I'm half and half
Brie: I can imagine it will be okay Nikki we will be here for you
Nikki: I know so I think Randy still is in love with me
Brie: Why do you say that
Nikki: I caught him talking to himself he doesn't know but I heard him say that and I don't know it just hurts me to see him not happy
Brie: Imagine how it makes him feeling seeing you suffer
Nikki:I know but he needs to find someone to date
Brie: Why not you ?
Nikki: I'm pregnant and married
Brie: I'm sorry to break it to you but your a widow
Nikki: I know but I can never love again
Brie: If Maxwell can you can too
Nikki: No I can't John will be my one and only husband
Brie: Nicole you can....
Nikki: No Brianna enough please
Brie: Fine come one we have to get you to your baby shower
Nikki: Okay come on let's get this over with
Brie: Try to be more excited ?
Nikki: I really can't I'm sorry Brianna I would love to but I can't
Brie: It's fine come on let go
The drive 20 minutes and they arrive to the place where she had her first baby shower when she walks in she is greeted by all of her friends after an hour of being there she feels arms wrap around her and it makes her want to cry
Nikki: Hi dad
(ND Nikki's dad)
ND: How are you sweetie ?
Nikki: Hanging in there
ND: I'm so sorry John couldn't be here with us today !
Nikki: It's okay daddy it's just that when you hugged me it reminded me of my first baby shower when John arrived and he hugged me from behind she said as she bursts into tears
ND: I'm sorry honey
Nikki: It's fine I'm sorry let me go wash my face
ND: Okay baby
As Nicole is in the bathroom she sees a woman she knows well
Nikki: Liz ?
Liz: Nicole ?
Nikki: What are you doing here ?
Liz: I'm here with a friends for a retirement party you ?
Nikki: My baby shower is here
Liz: I see John finally got you pregnant
Nikki: This is our third child !
Liz: What ?
Nikki: Yeah when you said you were pregnant with someone else's child I was pregnant with Johns and when he discovered it wasn't his baby I came back and told him I was pregnant with his
Liz: So where is John I haven't seen him come in
Nikki: You haven't heard ?
Liz: Heard what ?
Nikki started crying
Nikki: John died a few month ago
Liz: What !?!?!?!?
Nikki: Yeah he was doing tribute to the troops and before going to Iraq he was going to the marines and the boat he was on was destroyed and no one ever found anyone's body on the boat they searched for days and found nothing it's been almost 9 months
Liz: But you're pregnant
Nikki: I found out before I found out he was dead
Liz: And when did you have the other two
Nikki: The first time I was pregnant I had twins you know it kind of runs in the family
Liz: Omg Nicole I'm so sorry
Nikki: It's okay it's not like it's your fault
Liz: I know that I hated you enough to break you and John up but never enough to wish you or him death
Nikki: I know
Liz: Wow that kind of sucked the life out of me
Nikki: Imagine how I felt when I found out I was only 3 weeks pregnant with our third child a another baby he wanted to have and now here I am all on my own with two 5 year olds and a baby that's due any day now
Liz: I really am truly sorry
Nikki: Thank you now if you excuse me I must return to my baby shower
Liz: Go ahead
Liz watches her leave with an extreme sadness in her
Back at the baby shower
Brie: Nikki where have you been
Nikki: Bathroom
Brie: It's time to open presents
Nikki: Okay let me just go get....
Brie: Get what
Nikki: Nothing never mind well actually I want water
Nattie: I'll get it for you
Nikki: No it's fine I got it
She heads over to get water when she feels a sharp pain in her stomach
Nikki: Owww
She screams as she bends down to hold her stomach and Brie runs over to her
Brie: Nicole what's wrong
Nikki: I don't Brianna, omg Brianna
Brie: What !?!?
Nikki: Why is there blood on floor
Brie: Omg !! Someone call an ambulance now
Nikki: Brianna what's wrong with me
As she said that she collapsed to the floor
Brie: Nicole !!!
The ambulance was there in second and they rushed her to the hospital
9 hours later everyone is waiting for news to come out about Nicole and her baby
Doctor: Family for Mrs. Cena
Brie: I'm her sister
Everyone else got up as well
Doctor: Miraculously your sister and the baby are fine
Brie: Oh thank heavens what happened ?
Doctor: The baby was trying to push his way out before his time we had to remove him no one can see him yet though we have to keep him here for another 3 weeks so the rest of his organs to be fully developed but if Mrs. Cena wishes she may go home tomorrow
Brie: Thank you doctor
Doctor: If she needs me she know where to reach me
Brie: Can I see her ?
Doctor: Yes you may all see her just try not to crowd her
Brie: We won't thank you
He leaves
Nattie: Omg what a relief
Trinity: I can't believe John isn't here to deal with this with her it's too painful
Brie: I know it is but she has all of us and that all she needs now that he isn't with us anymore I just like Nicole wish John were here but we have to show her our support
Bryan: Brie's right we all miss John but we have to be strong for Nicole
Ariane: You're right what can we do ?
Brie: Okay Nicole found a house in San Diego she loves it the kids love it because it has a pool and it's close to the beach now I don't want Nikki to go back to here house here in Florida it will only make her sad so I'm going to make sure she stays here until she can leave home with the baby
Nattie: Okay what do you guys want us to do ?
Brie: I want you guys to get her things and the baby's things and Rosie and Nates things to her house in San Diego I think it's okay to pack something that belongs to John like a few hats shirts anything you guys think will be okay for Nicole to have and maybe pass down to Nate or Rosie or now Baby Vince there is already furniture in that house for them just get her things there please !
Nattie:Were on it !
Trinity: Anything to help Nikki !
Ariane: Yes I'm in
Eva Marie: I'll help too
Brie: Thanks girls now here is a key to her house here and here is a key to her house in San Diego me and Bryan going to fly out with her when she can leave with baby Vince and help her unpack you guys just pack and get her things there me and Bryan will help her get settled when she gets there okay ?
They all say okay and get to work
3 Weeks later !
Bryan Brie and Nikki are getting in the car
Nikki: Thanks you guys
Brie: No problem Nikki now come on we have to get to the air port
Nikki: Why the air pot
Brie: Because while you were here I wanted to make sure you didn't have to go back to your house so we moved all if your things to San Diego in your new house
Nikki: Really ?
Bryan: Yes the girls and they guys have been working hard making sure you can get settled in San Diego
Nikki: You guys are amazing but small favor ?
Brie: Yes ?
Nikki: Can we stop by I want Vincent to see the home and I want to be in it one last time
Brie: Yes we can just letting you know tho we only took your stuff and the kids some pictures but not all just enough but we got a copy of the main one of your wedding but the original still hangs in your house
Nikki: Okay
They drive to the house and Nikki walks into it trying not to cry looking down at baby Vince
Nikki: You see that man baby that's your dad he was an amazing man and I loved him so much and if he were alive he would have loved you just like he loves your brother and sister in this house we shared so many beautiful memories we were so happy together he wanted you he wanted me to have another baby and your that other baby it's going to be hard explaining to you what happened to your father but over time you will understand but you know what you will never have a day without a father because you have uncle Bryan who will teach you stuff and uncle Hunter, Randy,Jon,Roman,Dean,Seth, and so many others in the WWE and uncle Maxwell who won't be able to teach you wrestling but he's an amazing man who has helped me you will have an amazing family the WWE family and your fathers family and mine you will never feel alone I just wish that I didn't sometime I know I'm not alone but I feel so alone it must be that part of me that isn't there anymore but just know something I will never ever love anyone more than I love you and your brother and sister and I can assure you there is no man in this world that could ever replace your father in my heart no one that I could ever love as much I love him
Nikki hears crying behind her
Bryan: That was beautiful Nicole
Brie: That was
Nikki: Thank you here can you take him out to the car I want to be alone for a minute
Brie: Yeah here
They walk out to the car and Nikki starts to walk around the house remembering the times she had with John the good and the bad and when she was done she stepped outside and locked the door to the house that holds her heart ❤️


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