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Back stage
Nikki: Are you okay baby ? It looks like glen did a good one on you !
John: Yeah I'm fine and you ?
Nikki: I'm good
John: Really ?
Nikki: Yeah why you ask ?
John: You said something that wasn't in the script
Nikki: I did ?
John: Yeah
Nikki: What did I say ?
John: You'll regret messing with a woman who just lost her husband and won't let it happen again !
Nikki: I said that ?
John: Yeah
Nikki: Oh well maybe I thought it was just something that was right to say at the time !
John: Okay I'm going to go get changed
Nikki: Okay I'll wait for you right here
John: Okay
He kisses the top of her head and goes to the locker room
She sits alone just starting deep into space to busy in her own thoughts to notice who sat next to her
Dean: Hey there
Nikki snapped out of it to see Dean sitting next to her !
Nikki: Oh hey I didn't notice you sitting there I'm sorry
Dean: It's okay are you alright ?
Nikki: Yeah just a little stressed I guess and I have a lot on my mind !
Dean: Care to share ?
Nikki: Nothing that I could say out loud
She smiled weakly at him
Dean: Alright well when you're ready you know where to contact me !
Nikki: I do thanks Dean !
She got up and hugged him and then he left
She sat back down and noticed Randy walking bye
Nikki: Hey sorry about the slap !
Randy: It's fine work is work
Nikki: I guess
She signed and sat back down
Randy: What's wrong ?
Nikki: Huh ? Oh morning really
Randy: Nicole I know you better than that I know were not on good terms but I still care about you
Nikki thought about t for a second and decided to come clean to him
Nikki: I'm scared
Randy: Scared of ?
Nikki: Losing John again
She said as tears streamed down her face
Randy: Why would you loose him again !
Nikki hands him the note she received and she watched as his eyes widen in shock
Nikki: That's why Randy I'm so scared !
Randy: Nicole you have to tell someone
Nikki: I told you and I fear that's a mistake too ! What if who ever is doing this is watching me right now I don't want my kids to go without John again I don't care if something happens to me but John not him again
She starts crying and Randy just hugs her then John walks back !
John: Nikki what's wrong
Randy: Nothing it's just that me and Nicole got to talking and I apologized for acting the way I have been acting since you came back and she crying happy tears because she never thought I would forgive her but Nikki there's nothing to forgive I hope you forgive me
Nikki: I do just like I hope you forgive me
Randy: Again no need but yeah I do
He hugs her and whispers in her ear
Randy: I'll txt you later
She nods and he pulls away and he walks away Nikki starts to clean her face
John: Are you sure that's all that happened ?
Nikki: Yeah it just really took me by surprise shall we go ?
John: Yeah I'm ready
Nikki: Good now take me !!
She leaned up and whispered into his ear
Nikki: And I mean take me in any way you want
She started to pull away and kissed his neck !
John: Let's go them
They walk out of the arena hand in hand Nikki worried about what will happen in the week to come !
In their house in Florida
Nikki: John can you help the kids I'm going to take Vince up stairs for his nap
John: Okay
Nate: Mom when are you going back on the road ?
John: Next week now come on buddy help me with your sisters stuff
Rosie: No it's fine daddy I can handle it
Nikki: Now that's my strong girl
Rosie: Thanks mom
She goes up stairs and she looks inside every room and notice that nothing is different and nothing has changed so she can relax and leave her baby sleeping he's almost 3 which makes her very happy to see him growing and healthy !
Just as she was about to turn around and leave the room arms wrap around her
John: You know you're an amazing mother !
Nikki: You're not so bad of a dad yourself !
John: I'm happy you ended up being the mother of my children
Nikki: And I couldn't think of anyone better to be the father of my children
John: I love you
Nikki: I love you too !
They spent the night playing and laughing with their kids until the couldn't play anymore and they had to sleep !
Nikki couldn't help but think what would wait for her through the week if she would ever see her children this happy again what will happen when she goes to see the person who has been threatening her family she just can't let this person harm her husband she loves him to much to have him hurt again !
Then she got a call from a blocked number !
Nikki: Hello
???: Hello Nicole
Nikki: What is it ?
???: Is that anyway to talk to the person who could kill you're husband ?
Nikki: I'm sorry
???: More like it ! Now meet me at Vons on Friday at 12 don't be late and come alone !
Nikki: The one before getting to the high way ?
???: Yes
Nikki: Okay I'll be there alone bye
Nikki's Pov
Oh dear god give me the strength to one be able to lie to John and two get through this encounter wait how will I know well I guess if this person knows me I know them so when I see him or her I will know oh god I have to call Randy !


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