Odd Couple !

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Nikki's Pov
The last thing I remember was being in the back of the Von's and I saw her and I saw the three of them I mean I understood why Eve was doing it she's been obsessed with John for years but why was Bray Wyatt and his brothers helping her ! Oh how I wish someone could come and help me I don't know where I am it's probably really late for all I know it's been days and here I am in this dark room with my hands tied up behind me and my legs tied together and something in my mouth I felt so helpless all I could do was cry and hope someone would come and save me ! Oh where's my Superman !
Johns Pov
It's getting really late since Nicole hadn't been back for dinner I ordered pizza for the kids and I put them all to sleep I was getting worried because it was almost midnight so I called Brie
Brie: Hello ? John do you know what time is it !
John: Yeah it's almost mid night and Nicole is missing !!
Brie: What
She said in a panic !
John: She left this morning to go get something's for dinner and she never came back Brie I'm scared and I can't call the police she hasn't been missing for 48 hours yet !
Brie was crying she was scared but it was mostly the her mines Bryan took the phone from her !
Bryan: John we will be right there !
John: Thanks Bryan !
An hour later
There a knock on the door and he runs to find Brie and Bryan
Bryan: Okay so what happened !!
John: This morning we were just here after breakfast I was playing with the kids and she was just looking at us when I saw tears forming in her eyes I asked her what was wrong and she said it was just cramps because she thought she was getting her period soon I asked if she wanted anything she said no she was going to the store to get something to make dinner and said she would get some Advil or something and she kissed me and she kissed the kids and hugged them and left !
Brie: Do you know what store she was going to ?
John: No I think the one by the high way though the Von's because it's the closest one !
Bryan: I'm going to call and see if anyone at Von's can get us security footage of the parking lot and inside the store !
John: Okay
Brie: I'm going to call Nattie
She calls Nattie and within 30 minutes both Nattie, TJ, Trinity, and Jon were at Johns house
Trinity: Where could she be ?
Nattie: It's not like her to just get up and leave !
Jon: Why would she even do that !
Brie: She wouldn't I'm sure someone did something to her
Bryan: Babe I think you should go talk to John he's a mess
Nattie: Come on Brie let's go try to calm him down
Just the the door bell rings and John walks out
John: Is that Nicole is she back ?
They all head to the door and when Brie opens it they see Randy !
John: What are you doing here !
Randy: I'm looking for Nikki is she here ?
Brie: No she's missing !
Randy: I was afraid of that !
John: What do you mean !
Randy: There's something you should all know !
John: What is it tell me you bastard he yelled at Randy and grabbed him from his shirt
Bryan: John calm down you'll wake up the kids Randy follow us to the kitchen
They all walk to the kitchen
Brie: Talk Randy !
Randy: Last week at SmackDown Nikki was all depressed and sad I asked her what was wrong and then she showed me this
He pulled out the note
Someone left it in her locker room
Brie grabs the letter and starts to read it out loud
Brie: My dearest Nicole if you wish to see John alive you will come see me at any location I tell you in the next week ! If you don't you can kiss your husband goodbye and don't even think about showing this to police or anyone who will get involved because then I will kill him I may have failed the first time but the second time my darling I won't go so easy
Nattie: Omg is that where she went !
Randy: Yea but I was there I told her I would help to see who it is then when I went to the back where they told her to meet someone hit me and I was knocked out I didn't even get to see who it was I woke up not to long ago with my phone missing in some park with this necklace and a note !
John grabbed the necklace and the note
John: This is the necklace I gave her for our fourth anniversary
Brie: What does the note say!
John: We have Nicole and I'm not asking for anything I might keep her or I might give her back depends I don't know yet have a nice day John !
John: Just stares at the note and just breaks down and cries
Bryan takes the not from him
Nattie: We can call the police now it's not a missing person this is kidnap !
Bryan: You're right I'll call
John: What am I going to tell the kids !
Brie: Nothing you're not going to mention anything to them if they ask Nicole had to do some work ! But not that she's missing
Brie hugged John
The next day !
Eve: Oh Nicole are you hungry !
Bray: Feed her
Nikki: Why are you doing this to me !
She said crying
Eve: You have things you don't deserve things that should be mine !
Bray: And well your husband doesn't deserve to be face of the company I will make sure that as long as we have you that he loses that position
Nikki: Please just let me go my children don't deserve this please !
And said through tears !
Eve slapped her
Bray: Stop crying ! You're so annoying !
Nikki still crying
Nikki: Pleas let me go !
Eve: No
Nikki: Eve please let me go I'll give you what you want I'll quit the WWE I'll move far with John and my kids just please let me go I'll let you have my title please just let me go !!
Eve: Hmm I would love to be divas champion !
Nikki: I'll make it happen just let me go !!
Bray: What about me ?
Nikki: John will make sure your the new Champion
Eve: I like the sound of that
Bray: We will let her go just as soon as hell freezes over !
They start laughing and walk away !!

For guessing Eve !

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