Alive !! ❤️

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Nikki's Pov
Omg I can't believe it,
Nicole walks closer to the bed and collapses to her knees when he smile at her
Nikki: Omg John it's you it's really you
Brie: Omg
Bryan: It really is him
Stephanie: I need to call Hunter and Nattie
Carol: Oh my baby
JD: My son he's been alive for the past 2 years omg
Nikki gets up to the doctor and hugs him
Nikki: Thank you thank you so much for taking care of him all these years if you didn't call me I could have spent many more years not knowing he was alive
Doctor: You don't know how much I've spent time with him and now I finally found his family
Nikki walks back to John
Nikki: Omg baby I've missed you so much there's so much I need to tell you
Just then John starts to talk a little
John: N...Nicole I you
Nikki: I love you too baby
Nicole couldn't stop crying two years being without John and now she was back with him again
Carol: John you need to pull through you need to talk again
JD: Can we take him home ?
Doctor: Of course you can he's been ready to go home for a while now
Stephanie on the phone with Nattie
Nattie: Hello
Stephanie: Nattie are you at the arena ?
Nattie: Yes
Stephanie: Recruit everyone in catering then put me on speaker
After 5 minutes everyone is in catering and
Nattie: Okay your on speaker what's going on
Stephanie: I have amazing news
John is alive he's alive !!
Everyone looked shocked but at the same time happy and they started hugging each other and crying with joy
Nattie:Omg that's amazing news !!!
Stephanie: We will be home by tomorrow night
Nattie: Omg we can't wait to see him
They hang up
Nattie: Omg this is the best news anyone could have ever received
Trinity: Imagine how Nikki must be feeling
Ariane: She must be crying her eyes out in joy !
Eva Marie: We should defiantly celebrate
Nattie: I still have Nicole's keys to her house here in Florida !!
Ariane: Omg party to celebrate !!!
Nattie: Hey everyone party at Johns to celebrate that he is back !!

What will happen next ?

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