Chapter 4

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The morning after was a bit of a strange start...I felt completely cozy wrapped up in blankets and cuddling close to what felt like a stuffed teddy.
I woke up to a loud thumping coming from upstairs.

It sounded like large footsteps, and there was creaking too...and it kept going and going.

That mixed with what sounded like squeaking was not a good sound to wake up to...

Sitting up and looking around I realized I was in a girls room. Noodles room. It had slide doors and hanging lights and a low level bed. The blankets were a pretty white sheet.
Her room looked really nice. And there was even a few things that caught my eye that seemed really fun to play with.

But setting things aside there was still a loud thumping from above me that seemed to get louder and louder

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But setting things aside there was still a loud thumping from above me that seemed to get louder and louder.

Climbing out of bed I open the door and not only did I hear more thumps but I heard echoing screams of people coming from upstairs.
Not to mention. Despite it being daylight it still scared me to bits. Feeling extremely frightened I ran as fast as I could from the sounds.
Turning corners, even climbing down a few stairs until I reached a room with a red door, it was open, and seemed to look safe enough to hide in.
It was only until after I closed it that I realized i was in trouble.

The room was pitch black all except for a few red candles that were lit in the corners but that wasn't enough light.
Attempting to grab the handle I realized that I couldn't...i was too small to reach.

There was a loud sound coming from the middle of the dark room...a low growl what sounded like a big bear. Like the one I heard at the zoo.

I backed myself way up, as far as I could running myself into a corner.
I started to cry.

What did I get myself into? I could get hurt! I would never see anything again ever. And I could get eaten by a bear!

There was a loud growl again, at that point I began sobbing, that's when the light came on.

"What tha- 'ey kiddo, what are you doing in here?"
It was Murdoc.
I was another room. A dark one, filled with black stuff and scary photos on the wall. As well as a few big photographs of girls...everything looked fuzzy due to the light being so bright once it came on, and my tears in my eyes.
He got out of bed with a groan, almost every bone in his body sounded like it broke due to them cracking as he stretched.
"Look kid, your cute but ya can't be in here. Where's Noodle?"

Relieved someone was here to save me from the terrible monsters all I could so was cry and reach for him. He looked at me giving off a worried expression.
"Hey, Hey now little one. Your safe. Your pal Mudzy is gonna make it all better for you Yeah?"

Murdoc bent down to pick me up, I immediately hugged him and sobbed feeling safe at last. All he did was rub my back until I eventually stopped.
"There there little lass, now. Where's that Noodle?"
He asked both me and himself.
"Have you seen her?"

My voice came out shaky and still a bit fearful of what might be creeping outside the room.

I sniffed a bit.
Murdoc pulls out an old rag and wipes my nose with smelled awful. Like dirt and cigarette smoke from the Nurses back at home. But at least I didn't have snot on my face.

He gave me a soft look and held me close.

"Alright little lamb, let's go find Marry."
Murdoc rasped a bit, opening the door, stepping foot outside his room with me in his arms. As for me, I held on felt dear life.
Who knows what was going to be there, just waiting to get me.

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