Chapter 21

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"Tha' rubbish on the bus goes in the bin!"
I continued to sing loudly...everyone was bored but also kind of impressed.

"On the floor more like."
2D mumbled with a chuckle.

"In the BIN!"
I corrected him with my arms crossed as I continued but giggled a bit.
Buses were a bit dirty
"In the bin. The-..."

I stopped thinking what else to find that I could sing about.
"I ran out of things on the bus..."

I said sadly. Noodle pet my hair down, looking a bit sleepy.

"That's alright lov' 'm sure we could find somethin'..."

It was silent for a bit before Russel nudged Murdoc while he drove.

"Yo Mudz, D, we need to talk about what we-"

"How about..."
Murdoc interrupts him with his loud, horrible voice.
"The Drunkies on the bus go herk, herk..."

I began to giggle as he made fake gag sounds, even Noodle began to giggle a bit.

"Mudz I'm serious."
Russel's tone makes everyone go quiet.
He seemed so serious.
"What are we going to do about Sia?"

I quiet down as Russel began to talk.

"Wot abou' Sia? We got 'er. Unless dis is abou'...P-"

"For Satan's sake Face Ache of you say her name im gonna put another dent in ya head!"

I watched as 2D sank back in his chair.
They were acting strangely. And driving slower than usual.
Everybody seemed on edge about something but what?

"Wot's wrong?"
I asked with a bit of quietness in a quiet voice.

"大丈夫だよ Sia-Chan. It's noting yo' should worry abouto."
Noodle rubs my frizzy blonde hair.
Giving a Noodle a nod I played with my seatbelt strap getting a bit restless. I didn't want to sit in this car anymore.

Stretching my legs a little I kicked the back of the seat making it wobble. That was the only entertainment I could find that involved moving my body.

I continued to kick the back of the seat out of boredom.

"Sia Please don' kick de seat."
2D said as he sat in front of me.

"I want out."
I stated still kicking the seat as I squirmed in my seat.

"We're almost there lov jus'...please stop kickin' the seat."

I continued kicking every now and then even if he told me to stop.
I wanted to be home now.

"Sia-Chan Toochii said to stop."
Noodle placed her hand on my lap as if that was too g to stop me from kicking.

"Sia I said to stop."

"I wan' go home!"
I shouted kicking the seat more as I grunted, kicking the seat harder now.

2D just let out a long sigh.

"We're almos' dare. Jus' stop kickin' we seat."
His voice became higher but more annoyed.

"Home now!"
I shouted now getting upset.

"Not yet Sia!"
Noodle shouted in annoyance.

"Home NOW!"
I shouted again as I rapidly kicked the back seat.

2D yelled at me again. Which only made me more fidgety and angry.

I yelled and began kicking and squirming. I began screaming and yelling in anger as my seatbelt straps rubbed against me.

I wanted out. Why weren't we home yet?
I continued grunting and screaming wanting to get out.
Seconds later I find something loosen.
My belt was off but the car was still moving.

"You guys have zero childcare skills."
Russel spoke as he took me out of my seat to sit me on his lap pulling out a bag from between the door and the seat. He then pulls out a cup, a stuffed fox toy and...was that a dummy?

I took a drink from the small sippy cup as I held the fox plush. Afterwords feeling a lot more calm. Afterwards he placed the dummy in my felt oddly soothing yet familiar.
I remembered Graham and I had one growing up but once we got older they were taken from us for some reason.
I felt less restless as I watched the buildings go by.

"How did yew do dat?"
2D asked stunned.

"It wasn't much of an issue. Be prepared, especially if there's a little kid."
He shrugged as he held me.
"Kids can't communicate there feelings well D. It's easy for them to get frustrated and short tempered if they don't get what they want. You just have to let them know that's it's okay. Right Sia?"
He looked at me with a smile as he held me.

"Where did yo' get this stuff Russ-San?"
Noodle Pulled out more things from the bag.

I watched as Noodle looked at the things in the bag.
I continued to suck on the dummy as I held my new toy. It smelled good. Being held felt amazing too. It brought back a feeling a never thought I'd have again.
The car ride just made it more enjoyable as it felt as if I was being rocked.
I felt my eyelids become heavy as I drifted off. Listening to the conversation.

Honestly...i don't even think I've been this comfortable before. It felt nice.

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