A Diva's Dream

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"You know, Trent, I get it that you don't like me traveling all the time, but I figured you would support me after all that I've done to get to the WWE!" I started packing all my things and moving my bags out towards the front door.

This was the fourth time my long time boyfriend and I had this argument as to why he didn't think I could make it in the wrestling business. "Look, Vanessa, I get that you've worked hard, but let's be honest, you don't belong there. What makes you think you can even become a champion?"

That's when I snapped. Since I was 13 years old I started my journey on becoming a WWE Diva. I sacrificed everything to make it this far, but to have Trent tell me to give up after four years together made it clear what I had to do next.

"You know what Trent? I don't need you holding me back anymore" I opened the front door, unlocked my car, and threw all my things in the trunk. "I don't need your negativity, your petty jealousy, and I damn sure don't need this!" I yanked the promise ring off of my right ring finger and threw it at his feet. Before I knew it I was pulling out of his driveway and headed towards the arena in my hometown of San Antonio where Raw was being held.

As I pulled into the parking lot I felt warm tears rolling down my cheeks. I was confused, were they tears of sadness because I just lost the person that has stood by my side throughout these past 7 years, or was it because I was finally free to pursue my dreams without doubt or hesitation?

No matter how infuriated or relieved I was, it was time for me to do what I love. I looked at the time realizing I was earlier that usual, popped the trunk and grabbed my sports bag. Before I headed inside the arena I grabbed my plain black hoodie from the back seat and put it on. The feeling of happiness crept over me with every step I took, this is where I belonged and where I've always wanted to be and nothing was going to change that anytime soon.

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