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Callie Bay Gidion - main character

Jason Gidion - Callie's new adopted dad

John Winchester - Callie's Bio dad

Sam Winchester  - Callie's Bio half bother

Dean Winchester  - Callie's Bio half bother

Spencer Reid  - Callie's Bio half bother

Lisa - Ben's mom and Wife to Dean

Jessica - Sam's wife

Samuel White - ex daddy, doctor, baby daddy

Zi Landen - Callies best friend

Toni White - Zi's daddy, Samuels brother

Diana Reid - Callie's  Bio mom

Dicky Pommer - old resident of the hospital Callie was in.

Tina West - Dickys girlfriend, old resident of the hospital Callie was in.

Morgen, Panalapee, Rosi, J.J, and Hotch - friends of Spencer and coworkers.

Other Characters

Taylor Anderson - Callie's old adoptive father

Lindsey Anderson - Callie's old adoptive mom.

Adam Winchester - Callie's Bio half bother. (Not mentioned yet)

Jack - Hotch's Son

Mary Winchester - Sam and Dean's bio mom (died in a house fire when Sam was a baby, not mentioned yet)

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