The System: "Unfortunates's Helper

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*speaking in her/himself*


"normal conversation"

{Note: All the pics that you will see in this book is not mine}


The System: "Unfortunates's Helper

"ugh...." Waking up with a strong headache isn't the best experience. definitely

Onyx sat up and held his aching head and massage his temple till the headache subside and finally looking around his surroundings. A large empty white room that has many black-like stars that surround him as a center.

"Welcome to the System's space host" A bubbly voice broke the silence

"Who?" Onyx calmly said and tried to find the voice

"Host! I'm a system and currently, I don't have a body and name so you can't see me but you can give me a body and the contract will automatically be done. easy right?" the bubbly voice said again

"Contract?? what contract?..... and system?" Onyx can feel that the headache slowly worsening because of this conversation.

"A contract is what will bind you to me and allow you to experience different worlds. While doing the task, a system is the one who will give you the task and assist you in doing it." The bubbly voice explained excitedly.

"system what will I get by completing the task and I remember that I died.could you explain to me SYSTEM what happened to me?" Onyx chilling voice resounded to the system's space.

"H-host calm d-down...whu whu (crying sound) don't be angry with me alright? i-i took your soul who's about to reincarnate.......wahhh wahhh I'm sorry host I don't know what I'm going to do. in this thousand years than I wander around I still don't have a host so the higher up send a warning to me that in one week if I still don't have a host they will terminate me."

the system has begun to plead mercy because he can feel the chilling aura of onyx that's saying 'if I'm not satisfied with your explanation just go die' whu whu truly terrifying.

"So.....?" Onyx really wanted to smack the system away. Why so many people or soul there wandering yet the system pick him.

" i-i feel that you still want to find something or someone in your life so-so I feel attraction to your soul" the system hastily explain to onyx

"Bullshit! I died content" onyx urge back

Because in onyx life you can't say it's perfect nor lacking in life experience. he died content on what he had. A huge business that he started with his friends and a parents and siblings that love and care for him. even onyx doesn't have his own family. he whole wholeheartedly lives his life to the fullest so there is nothing he can't be satisfied.

"Host please believe me alright? I'm begging you whuu whuu" the system despair. whuu whuu I just want to travel around before I took a host and they want to terminate? meanie higher up! ahhhhh why did I took his soul?! I want a cute but smart host!

"Hahhh... okay let's stop this and make a contract," Onyx said while messaging his temple. he really wants to stop the headache.

"Ah! really host?! then imagine the body that you want me to look like and give me a name" there is the bubbly voice again.

"hmmmmm... a wings and a small body should be alright and your name will be Sora" Onyx imagine the body of Sora.



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A white light beam in the space room and sora's new body emerge in the white beam.

"Perfect!" Onyx clap his hands in appreciation to his work

" Host now I will tell you about the system. The system's name is 'the unfortunate's helper' it's quite simple. you just will help characters to avoid their unfortunate event. The system has one only rule that you must follow. You can't kill the protagonist of the world." Sora explains the system while familiarizing to his new body and he really likes it.

"So I can do whenever I want?" Onyx finally felt his mood up.

"Yes, host. The system will give you reward to the task that you will complete"

"Then send me to my first world" Onyx smirked evilly

"the first world is modern. Host, please be ready."





Welcome to your first world host



Onyx=Black,white gemstone

System: The Unfortunate's HelperWhere stories live. Discover now