Second World, Start!

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[Host! Congratulation in completing your first world!] Sora bounce at space with a wildly swinging tail.

[Host, by completing a world the system will give you a 1000 points! you can buy many skills and potion using it! you can even have super powers! isn't cool?!] Sora excitedly said at the silent Onyx.

  [Host Points: 10,040]  

[wha-what? it should be 1,000 not 10,000!!] Sora was stunned at the points. He is really sure that the rewards is 1,000 not 10,000.

Onyx ignore sora's grumbling at the corner.

"Send me to my next world" Onyx look at the dimming lights of the small world. It's was crumbling in a fast rate and the only one reason for it should be about the protagonist. That protagonist world should be dead. 

[O-ok host,  Our next world is a ancient time. Be ready in 





[Welcome to your second world host]

"Hey........come out i promise that i will not kill you but let me me kick you with this body, it should be worth it." Onyx look at the vast white land in front of him.


A cold wind brush at the skin of Onyx but he was not affected by it. Onyx could only see white trees and white land everywhere. He was in a forest and coated in an ice at that, he couldn't see any color than white and him is not an exception.

That's right his whole body is white, blending in his surrounding's. 

[Host, It's not my fault QAQ i don't know what happen] Sora cried in grievance. Wishing that his host would not punish him.


Can you guess the MC's body? (≧▽≦)

next chapter is the first chapter for the 2 Arc

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