Imagine #10 - Liverpool signing{Michael}

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Michaels POV

So here we all were, sitting in a room at the back of the CD shop, waiting to go meet 100s of fans. "M.A.D, M.A.D, WHO DO WE WANT M.A.D, WHEN DO WE WANT THEM?NOW!" That's all I could hear, fans chanting our names. We didn't ever think we'd become this big.

George walked in and stood there. "It's time boys!" We all stood up and fixed our selves. We wanted to look good! Harry - our merchandise guy was already out talking to the fans.

We walked out with George, in order, Me, Dan and Ben. We walked past the fans who were patiently waiting in the line too much us and get their things signed, they were all taking photos and screaming.

We took our seats and got ready. The first girl that came up was shakinf and crying. "I..I...I love you Michael!" she said hysterically crying. When fans say this it makes us feel special and loved! I kissed her cheek, and she went to Ben. "Hey darling, you ok?" I heard Ben say.

A few hours passed and we were starting to get tired. There was this girl I had noticed from the very start she was stunning. She came up to me and talking, she was fine. She didn't fan girl nothing, she was obviously used to it.

"Hey babe, whats your name?" I asked, like always.

"{y/n} nice to meet you atlast Michael." she said sweetly.

I winked at her and she laughed, "maybe you should come out for dinner with us one night? me you?" I asked.

She laughed and nodded. "How will I-?" she said, but I cut her off by taking her phone, I added my number, and saved it under, 'Sexy Mike' she took her phone back and looked at it, and laughed. "Thanks Mike!" with that she walked off with her friend.

sorry its short just home from a walk :)))

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I have just published the first chapter of my Ben Pryer Fan fic 'From Belfast to London' go check it out, vote comment ect!

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