Imagine #22 - Bumping into Ben.

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this a real one for me, but its based on a true thing that happened to me on sunday, I was attending the gig that they were doing, and was meant to be having nandos with the 3 of them but it emded up just 1 plane circumstances. well, at about 1pm me and my 2 friends decided to go and get something to eat and basically we bumped into todd and ben. I fangirled so much ahahah anyway here goes.


You were up at 7am, to make sure everything was ready for tonight's gig. You get ready and surely by 9am you are completely ready, buzzing for what today would bring. You head to the train station to get a train. You surely arrive at the venue and there are already MADones.

You are reunited with your friends that you have met through twitter and through them. All hugs and catching up! You and 2 friends decide you want to go and get something to eat and drink because its early and the doors dont open for ages.

You and your two friends start walking to find a small, cute wee coffe shop that sells Bubble tea. Everyones been talking about it so you decided you want to try it. You are too busy talking to you two friends, that you realise you've gone the wrong way. You decide to turn back  and go the other way. You are walking down a street, with mcdonalds, mothercare on.

"Is that Ben?!" Your friend asks. Before you could answer your other friend is across the road already! You both follow her, to see that it is Ben. You all get photos with him. He was lovely, on the way back you fan girl the most, nearly crying. You love Ben so much and he's amazing.


M.A.D imagines!★☆ Ben, Michael & Dan|xWhere stories live. Discover now