imagine #24 - accent challenge video, utube. {dan}

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You and your boyfriend dan are bored, what a great opportunity to do a challenge for youtube. Dan tweeted out, 'What Challenge shall myself & @{y/t} do?! Going to be recording it tonight!' Everyone was asking for the accent challenge, so you two decide on doing it.

You looked at your phone and saw a message off Dan.

"Meet me at mine at 6oclock, doing a video for my utube channel, hahaha! get your accents at the ready;)!" You laugh out loud at the message, I can't do accents you think to yourself.

You reply by saying,  "You know I can't do accents, why we doing this?!x" you hated doing accents and dan knew you couldn't do them.

"Just come round quickly!" was his reply.

You arrived at Dans, and everyone was out- good. Means they can't hear your crap accents. He opened the door, and was so excited to see you. Or was he excited about the video?  You couldn't tell.

"{y/n} I'm in my room setting the camera and stuff up, come on!" he said.

You followed him to his room, and everything was ready. A hat with different accents in. This will definitely be fun you thought. Dan started recording, and introduced the video.

"Hey guys its Dan lewis, and today I'm going to be doing the Accent Challenge with my girlfriend {y/n}!" he laughs.

"I'm shit at accents so yeah!" you realise you have just sworn. "Better cut that our dan!"

"Lets beginnnnnnnn" he says.

He handed you the hat and you pulled out a peice of paper with 'Scouse' on it. How can you do that? "I'm steven Gerrard from Liverpool" you say half laughing. Dan is on his back, near weeing himself.

"That was so bad omg" he laughed. You shoot him a evil glance to shut him up. It was his turn to pick a accent. He got Australian. Hs cleaared his throat and began.

"Put another shrimp on the barbe," he said, being serious. You sit there trying not to laugh, but you burst out laughing. Dan punches your arm gently, and laughs. "It was better than your attempts."

After about 20 minutes of doing stupid, funny and serious accents you decide to wrap it up. Dan stops the recording and laughs. "That was fun." You jump on his bed, and lie down, kicking your legs around. "I'll post it tomorrow, and see what reactions we get" he said smirking.

Dan lay beside you, and kissed your lips, them both interlocking. Heads moving in sync, kiss lasting a while. You pull away and both laugh.


This one is sort of based on a video dan did with his girlfriend at the time Louise.

Hope you enjoyed it. :)

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