Chapter 2: The Promise

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Sans' POV

Every day I see the door and talk to the lady. We tell bad puns to each other and I've been noticing something strange lately. She hasn't been laughing at all.

"Heya, what's the matter?" I asked curiously. I felt like... if I was very nervous. Weird.

The woman sighed, "It's nothing really..." She seems very upset.

"It's ok to tell me." I felt my face heating up. Was I blushing? I haven't blushed before. Or was it embarrassment?
"Promise me that if any human child falls here. I want you to guide them and protect them as possible."
I sighed, I never kept promises but this woman made my day up and really loves my puns. I decided to keep that promise. That made her very happy and it did to me as well. I wanted to see her face so bad, I bet she would be beautiful like her laughs and her voice.

"When can you come out behind the door?" Man, I should have never asked that. My face was heating up, my heart skipping a few beats. Was this how love felt like? Or was it that I was very nervous?
"I'm sorry but I have to go." The woman sounded like she was in a rush. Man, this was a very bad choice I did. I told her bye and once she left, I wrapped my hands around my head trying to cover my face. This was one of the stupidest thing I've ever done.

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