Chapter 18: The Rise of Chara

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Asgore's POV

I got tired of that stupid skeleton. I only know one person that can kill him. Chara. My child, when they fell to the underground. I still had Chara's soul, I've got to find a way how to bring them to life. I've got it! I'll just sneak into Alphys secret lab, then I'll work the 'machine' that can bring people back to life. It was night time, everyone is still sleeping. I went to the front door and I realized that Undyne would get mad at me for waking her up at midnight.

I went to their backyard, there is a shortcut somewhere here. The shortcut that takes me to the secret lab. I quickly scanned the grass to see any strange marks... There! By that tree. There was a lever there, so I switched it. I didn't noticed but the entrance was beneath me. I fell to the ground, I have no idea where I was at. Right there, the machine; empty. I quickly put Chara's soul into the machine, I even put a picture of them inside. I stepped back to the control panels, and pressed the on button. Nothing happened, I pressed the button multiple times until there was a flash of light. The smoke was everywhere, I can't see what's going on. The smoke cleared up a little bit, and there. My eyes can't believe what they're seeing. I saw Chara coming out of the machine, they were looking at themselves and then looked at me.

"Hello there father. So nice to see you again." I saw their red eyes, I am guessing that they wanted to kill me.

"Hello Chara. There is no need for killing, I've got a mission for you."

"What is it?" They wanted to do it.

"Tomorrow, I want you to go kill Sans. Tomorrow, I'll explain to you what you have to do. But first we need to get some rest for tomorrow, we've got a big day." They nodded and followed me home. I let them sleep on my bed and I slept on the couch. This was the best idea ever.

Chara's POV

Finally morning time. I got up very quickly and I saw dad downstairs, they were sharpening something. I can't wait to kill Sans. "Here you go Chara. This will help you a lot." He handed me a sharpen knife, it was so shiny that I can see my own reflection. It feels great being back to life, I want to thank my dad a million. We went out of the house and started walking to the skeletons house.

"Alright Chara, listen closely." I already know what to do. I just listened. "First we wait till everyone leaves the house but Sans. Then you go sneak up on him. Finally you kill him. Got it?" I nodded, I waited till everyone leaves. They all just left, now it's my time to kill Sans. "Before you go, I have to tell you something. Once you kill Sans, your body will fade away. Then your soul will disappear." Dad gave me a hug and said good luck to me. He took one of Alphys cameras so that he can watch me. I ran to the house, I can see Sans' reaction when he sees me. Now I've got to think of a plan on to open the door. Wait...Ima soul, I can just phase through the door. So I did, I can see Sans getting something to eat. I made my voice like Papyrus.

"Hello there brother. Come, I've got something to show you." I can hear him walking.

"Heh, didn't expect you to come so soon..." He stopped talking when he saw me. "Chara! How did you..." I got closer to him, he seemed terrified. I made myself a soul, and went behind him. He's trying to look for me, I tapped on his shoulder, and he turned around. Then I sliced him.

"K-Kiddo...W-Why..." His shirt and jacket was getting covered with blood. "I-I know y-you killed everyone e-else..." I didn't bother talking, my body was fading away.
"See you later Sans..." Just then, I disappeared.

Sans' POV

I was covered with blood, my body was super weak. I felt some dust by my feet. Oh no...I am fading away, and it's going pretty fast. "P-Papyrus! F-Frisk! T-Torie..." I started crying when I said Tories name. I called everyone's name...but nobody came. I tried to get my phone, but my hands were faded away. This was it, the end of my life. Almost my whole body was gone, it was just my head.

"T-Torie...I-I love you..." I closed my eyes, I couldn't open them again.

" a good boy...I-I will miss you...I love you..." I had tears coming, my eyes were still closed. My friends, my family, even my love...will disappear...

The whole place turned black, I couldn't hear anything else, but only the silence... 

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