Chapter 9: Secrets

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Sans' POV

I helped Torie clean the kitchen and the table. I was very surprised at myself because I never cleaned a darn thing in my entire life. I like the fact that Torie called me Sansy, I think it's a cute nickname for me. Once we were done cleaning, we saw nobody except Frisk and Pap on the couch talking. "Oh my! It's getting late, I better get going. Come on Frisk, we are going home." Frisk waved goodbye to me and Paps, I saw Torie come back.

"I almost forgot one thing." She got close to me and gave me a hug. Man, I feel like if I wanted to faint. "Thank you for helping me clean up." I tried to say 'you're welcome' but the words wouldn't come out. I can tell that she saw my face turning to a dark shade of blue, I saw her face turned light pink. She let me go and said goodbye to me. All what I can do is wave, I can't even speak.

I shut the door and saw Paps looking sad on the couch. I was confused for a moment, Paps never gets upset he's always a happy person. I went over to comfort him.

"Heya Paps, what's wrong?" He seemed to upset to talk. "IT'S NOTHING REALLY..." Those words hit me, those were the same exact words that Torie told me when she was upset when monsters were at the underground still.

"It's okay to tell your big bro anything. Even when it comes to something personal." When I told him this, he felt a little better.

"Listen, if you tell me your secret, then I will tell you my secret." Paps never knew I had a secret. That's what's big brothers are for right? Making your little bro as happy as possible. Paps sighed again.

"IT'S TRUE..." I was a little confused at first, but he kept on talking. "UNDYNE WAS RIGHT, METTATON IS THERE FOR ME. THIS MAY SOUND CRAZY BUT... I LIKE METTATON. I LIKE, LIKE HER." Wow, Paps has a crush on a famous star. That probably explains why he's always on his phone texting 'Frisk.' I'm not trying to be mean but I was going to laugh, I just hold the laughter in. There's no time for playing jokes.

"Do you really want to see her in person?" Paps nodded. "Since you told me your secret, then I will tell you mine." I felt very nervous about this. I don't even know how to explain this to myself! "I uhh... I like... like someone as well." I think my face was turning blue already. "It's... T-Torie..."

Paps was in shock. "WOWIE!! I KNEW IT ALL ALONG!!" Wait he knew about this?! I just want to strangle him already, but he ran up to his room laughing like crazy.

Welp, that's another way how to end my night. Wait... Paps said he wanted to meet Mettaton in person, right? I've got an idea.

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