Chapter 20: Hope

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Toriel's POV

I didn't want to be near Asgore anymore, he made the worst decision in his entire life. Every time he tells me that he loves me, and every day I tell him that I don't love him. He's so stupid, doesn't he understand what no means? I took a look glance behind me, I can see Papyrus hugging the jar and whispering to it. I just want Sans to return home already, I don't know what to do without him...

"You feeling okay back there Papyrus?" Papyrus nodded while holding the jar. I stopped walking, I couldn't stop thinking about Sans. I just cried when I thought about him. Papyrus tried to comfort me.

"TORIEL, WOULD YOU LIKE TO HOLD ON TO SANS'S JACKET? I KNOW IT HAS SOME BLOOD STAINS BUT IT DOESN'T REALLY MATTER." Papyrus was holding the jacket to me, I decided to wear the jacket. It did had a few blood stains on it, I didn't long as if Sans is here with me.

"Thank you Papyrus...his jacket really means a lot to me." I just kept the jacket on. We both went to Undyne and Alphys' house, I don't think that they know about Sans. I knocked on the door and Alphys answered.

"T-Toriel! C-Come quick, I-I know h-how to f-fix S-Sans." How did she know about Sans? Maybe Frisk told them. I followed Alphys, Papyrus followed as well. Nobody was at home, "Alphys, where's everyone?"

"E-Everyone w-went to m-my l-lab. F-Frisk told u-us about S-Sans. I-I haven't u-used this m-machine in a while. T-This c-can bring S-Sans back t-to life a-again."

Was this the machine that Asgore was talking about? I was happy that Sans was going to be bring back to life. Papyrus and I followed Alphys to an elevator, the elevator looked old and rusty. All three of us went inside and it took us to this dirty green lab, it looks like if it was here for many years. I saw Undyne and Frisk sitting on a chair by the machine, the machine looked...broken.

"O-Oh no...Oh nononono...T-This c-can't be h-happening."

"Alphys what's wrong?" She seemed very worried, but on what though?

"T-The machine...I-It's b-broken!" Did she just say that the machine is broken? Asgore was the one who broke it! I bet he did this on purpose so that he won't let us bring Sans back to life. What is Alphys going to do now...? "I-I can f-fix this. I-Its g-going to t-take me a w-week or a m-month t-to fix." Great, I can't wait for that long. I want Sans to return right now...

"O-Oh...I see..." I wanted to cry again, but Alphys stopped me,

"D-Don't w-worry! J-Just hope w-with all o-of your m-might, t-then the m-machine would b-be fixed l-less than t-those days!" So all I have to do is hope? I feel like if hope is an important word for me at the moment. I nodded and left the lab. Frisk and Papyrus came along with me, I wonder if Papyrus would be alright without Sans.

We all went to Papyrus' house, I'm guessing that he wants us here with him. "Papyrus, I'd be willing to stay here with you if it's fine with you."
"YOU ARE WELCOME TO STAY HERE..." He still seemed pretty upset about Sans' death. I wish that Sans were here right now, I wanted to see his face again, I wanted to hear his voice again...I even wanted to give him a very tight hug that is showing that I really miss him. I grabbed my phone and started looking at my photos, all of these photos were me and Sans. Frisk too all of the pictures, even if we knew they were going to take a picture of us. All of these pictures are making me want to cry, seeing someone you love gone can make you very sad. I was still wearing Sans' jacket; I was going to cry.

"Mom? When will Sans come back...?" At this point, I started crying. Frisk was still too young to learn about death, I didn't know how to explain to them.

"I-I'm not s-so sure m-my child...I just want him to come already..." I kept on crying, Frisk tried to comfort me but it wasn't enough to make me feel better. Papyrus came in the room, he also tried to comfort me. None of this was working at all. Papyrus gave me the jar.


I gave it a try, "S-Sans...If you c-can hear me...please give me somewhat a signal that you're here." Nothing happened, why did I even bothered trying. He's dead...he can't hear me... I closed my eyes for a moment, then Papyrus was gasping and telling me to look. I opened my eyes, I saw the soul flash with a very bright blue color. Papyrus was right, Sans is here with us. I hugged the jar very tightly and started crying again, the more I cry, the brighter the soul gets. I wondered if Sans was crying with me, I bet he was. How would his reactions be though? I kissed the jar and waited for his response. The soul turned to a dark blue color, I made him blush. I wanted to make him laugh.

"Hey Sans. What did the waiter say to the skeleton? Bone appetite!" I started laughing, I waited for Sans response. His soul turned yellow, I can tell that he's laughing. I've got an idea, I ran upstairs to the closet and dressed myself as Asgore. I wanted to see his reaction to this. I showed myself to Sans and waited for his reaction. The soul turned red, I'm guessing that he's angry, then turned to...white? Wonder what white meant, I guess he's scared of Asgore. I took off the costume and his soul turned blue again.

"Sans, say 'I love you.'" His soul turned pink, he's telling me that he loves me. "I-I love you too..." I started crying a little bit, he was there with all of us.

[I have school now :( It's going to take awhile with this story]

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