Chapter 17: Threat

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Asgore's POV

That crazy skeleton better get off of my women. She's mine not his. I quickly ran to the skeletons house, I kicked the door open. I don't care about this stupid door, it looked pretty useless. I was walking around the house, I got the familiar scent of butterscotch-cinnamon pie. Toriel must be here.

"Thank goodness you're safe Toriel." I saw her taking out the pie then turned to me.

"Do you think it is okay for you to sneak up on me like this? You should be ashamed of yourself, Dreemurr." I saw her walking to the dark room. For some reason I saw a blue flash of light that was shaped as a heart. Then a blue dot on somewhat an eye. I saw it, Sans was in control of Toriels soul. He was holding a gaster by her.

"If you take one more step closer, get near me, or near Torie, then I will shoot this gaster at her. She'll disappear and will never see you again... Got it?"

I don't know what to do, I have to save her. But if I do, then he'll kill her and it'll be my fault. I nodded and ran out the house. I need more help than myself.

Sans' POV

I let Torie go, I started laughing myself off! Man, Asgore's reaction...It was hilarious! I couldn't stop laughing, I lost my balance and fell to the floor. Torie was laughing as well.

"OH MY GOSH BROTHER!!" Papyrus saw me on the floor, he probably thought that I was dead. "I-I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WILL LOOSE AGAINST ASGORE..." He started crying, "Sans...I don't know what to do without you...I love you very much..." He hugged me very tightly and was crying. Gee, I didn't want him to cry like this. This made me cry as well.

"I'm sorry Paps...I didn't mean to make you cry..." I started crying with him, "I don't know what to do without you Paps...I love you very much." He was in shock to see me alive, we both didn't say a word to each other. We just hugged each other, and cried.

Papyrus' POV

Thank goodness he's alright. I cannot lose my big brother, I don't know what to do without him... He taught me some powers that I had, he enjoys my spaghetti, he tells me my bed time stories, and most of all...he's there for me. No matter what time, even if it's not important, he always comes.

Sans was sleeping on me, maybe all this crying made him sleepy. I put him on the couch, I also covered him with a blanket. I saw Toriel coming out of the kitchen with some pie.

"Would some pie make you feel better?" She saw me with a little bit of tears.

"YES. THE GREAT PAPYRUS WOULD LIKE SOME PIE." I ate some pie, Frisk had some pie as well.

"What am I going to do now...?" I got confused at Toriel at first, she was talking about Asgore almost killing Sans. "I wish that Asgore never came to the surface. I wish he never existed here." I can tell that Toriel hates Asgore very much, I also kinda wish that he wasn't here.


"Taking me?! I chose him because I loved him. Asgore doesn't understand how true love is. Asgore has so much anger, and sometimes he can get out of hand and...kill someone." Wowie...Sans has to be very careful now, I don't want him to die. I felt the chills going up to my spine, I'm getting very worried now. Sans doesn't deserve to die...Asgore deserves to die. I just can't stop thinking about Sans, maybe Mettaton can make me feel better.

I was sitting at the front porch, that's when I saw Mettaton coming.

"Is something the matter darling?" Mettaton seemed concerned about me.

"YES, IT'S ABOUT SANS. I DON'T WANT HIM TO DIE..." Mettaton was shocked when I told her this.

"Why do you think he's going to die? He seems pretty healthy to me."

"ASGORE WANTS HIM DEAD. HE'S PRETTY UPSET THAT SANS IS WITH TORIEL AND..." I started crying, "I DON'T WANT TO LOSE HIM...I CAN'T LOSE MY BROTHER..." I cried a lot when I said that. It's true, I don't want to lose my brother.

"Everything will be alright darling. Just keep a good eye on him, pay attention to what he's doing. He'll be safe with all of us under our arms if we pay attention to him." I felt better when she said that. All I have to do is pay attention to him, then nothing bad would happen to him. I still had tears, Mettaton wiped them off and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Everything will be alright."

I took a peek in the window, I saw Toriel next to Sans. I bet that she doesn't want to lose him as well. He doesn't deserve to die...

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