Chapter 11: Nightmares

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[This mainly contains spoilers for the genocide route. If you've never played it THEN DON'T READ IT.  If you have then enjoy this chapter ]

I woke up in a pile of snow. I must be dreaming, monsters have already gone up to the surface. I realized if Torie was in my dreams, I quickly ran to the door where we first met at. I can hear her talking to someone, but who? I put my hand at the door, my hand just went right through it. I can just put my whole body through the door. I was in shock to see who she was talking to, it was Chara. I thought that little brat was dead. I saw them with a knife, and they just only took one hit then... Torie was dead. I cried, I just watched Torie die and I did nothing about it.

"D-Do you... really hate me that much? Ha...Ha...Ha..." Torie sounded very weak, I saw her body slowly fading away while she was talking to Chara. Chara didn't care and just walked away, I had to see who they will attack next.

My heart sank. Papyrus was next. "NOW NOW HUMAN...THERE IS NO NEED FOR A FIGHT." Chara swung the knife at him. His body faded away in a snap. "I-I KNOW HOW TO FIX THIS HUMAN...I BELIEVE IN YOU THAT YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THIS..." Chara just put their foot on his head and... crushed it until it turned into dust. "Papyrus!" He can't hear me since I'm a ghost and that he's already dead. I only saw his scarf that was covered in his dust. I lost track where Chara was at. I saw them with Undyne, but Undyne seemed...different. Undyne had low HP but Chara's HP was maxed out. Chara took one last swing and killed Undyne. Undyne was melting, she was giving Chara an important message but Chara didn't care.

I got tired of this, I saw Chara kill Mettaton, then Asgore, and his best friend Flowey. "Hee hee. You see, I wanted to kill the king. But I see you've done that already. We can make the world a better place. I can... I can... I can... PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!" I can see Flowey crying. Chara didn't care, they swung the knife multiple times, slicing Flowey into little pieces.

There was only me left. I was at the halls waiting for Chara. This time I felt like if the dream was real to me. I saw them, covered in blood.

"It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. On days like these, kids like you..." I felt my eye sockets turned black, "... Should be burning in hell." This was it the final battle, I had only 1 HP. I decided to dodge every move they did. They swung the knife at me, but I dodged it. "Heh. You really think that I'm just gonna stand there and take it.

The battle had been going on for hours. I felt very tired, "Hey listen kiddo, I am getting tired of all this fightin'" They didn't care and we kept on continuing the battle. I got very tired and went to sleep. What was I thinking?! Wake up you sleepy head! I didn't have time to wake up and they sliced me.

I gasped on my bed. I was crying, it was necessary for me to. Oh god, it was only a dream.

"BROTHER ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Thank god Paps is alive. "I-I'm fine brother. Don't worry about me." I felt like crying again after I said those words.

"HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO NOT WORRY IF YOU'RE CRYING? IT'LL BE ALRIGHT SANS, IT WAS ONLY JUST A DREAM." That was true, it was only a dream. I hugged Paps very tightly, he always makes me feel better. "I CAN STAY IN HERE FOR THE NIGHT IF IT'S ALRIGHT WITH YOU." I nodded. We both fell asleep on my bed. This was the worst nightmare I had ever had.

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