Chapter 24: Returned Safe

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Toriel's POV

It's been two weeks and Alphys still hadn't fixed the machine. I was getting used to Sans' ghost form, but I still wanted his real body back. Every day I would wait by the phone and wait for it to ring from Alphys, but I've been getting calls from Asgore and I always reject them. I got tired of his calls so I blocked his number, and for some reason he manages to call me still even though I blocked his number, so at the mean time I just reject them for now. Ever since Sans died, Papyrus let Frisk and I stay in his house until Sans is back to normal again.

"Papyrus, do you ever think that Sans will be back to normal?" I wanted to hear what Papyrus was thinking.

"WELL...ALPHYS HASN'T CALLED YOU YET BUT...I THINK...NOT..." I was thinking the same way as Papyrus. I think that Sans would never come back again. I need to stop doubting, I have to hope with all of my might. At this moment, I am putting lots of doubt on Sans and Alphys. Sans will never be back to life again...

I heard a ring on the phone, I didn't bother looking at the number. "Hello, this is Toriel speaking."

"H-Hi Toriel! A-Alphys here. I-I fixed th-the machine! N-Now y-you can b-bring Sans here!" I was very excited to hear what Alphys said.

"Great! I'll come!" I hung up the phone. Finally, Sans is coming back! I've got to tell Papyrus about this.

"Papyrus! Guess what?" I went to the kitchen and I saw Papyrus cooking some spaghetti.

"WHAT?" He was holding the spoon, I was so eager to tell him. I just can't explain.

"Alphys just called and she said that the machine is fixed! Now we can bring Sans and he'll be back to normal!" Papyrus dropped his spoon and was gasping.

"WOWIE! REALLY?! LET'S GO GET SANS!" Papyrus ran up to Sans' room and grabbed the jar. "ALRIGHT TORIEL, LET'S BRING SANS BACK."

We headed out the door, Alphys' house wasn't really that far, it was about 5 minutes from here. I grabbed Frisk, they questioned where we are going, but I didn't respond. I was too eager tell them.

"Were going to Undyne and Alphys' house!" That's the only thing I can say. We all went out the house, I just can't wait for us to get over there! I was very eager to go see Alphys' machine that she'd fixed, I was walking so fast that Frisk had to tell me to slow down.

"I'm sorry my child. I'm just very excited to bring Sans back to life." They sighed. They knew how much I loved Sans, I still remember that day when we met face to face. We were already at Alphys and Undyne's house, Papyrus gave it a knock.

"H-Hi guys! C-Come with m-me!" We all followed Alphys to the same old rusty elevator where we saw the machine for the first time. The elevator took us to the same old green lab that looked like if it's here for many years. I saw the machine, it looks shiny and clean, not a single rust was there.

"O-Okay guys, p-put Sans in the m-machine. Empty a-all of h-his dust in th-there, he e-even has t-to show h-himself."

I poured all of his dust into the machine, now I have to convince Sans to show himself in front of all of us. "Sans, can you show yourself?"

"No...I am too scared what'll happen to me..." Well...looks like I got to cheer him up.

"Sans...everything will be alright. If you go in there, you'll be back to normal again. I know that you're terrified, but don't do it for me. Do it for yourself, I know that you want to be back to normal again. Don't you?"

"I-I do but...I'm a ghost, and ghosts are cowards. Asgore was right...I am a coward..." I didn't want Sans to agree with Asgore, it's fine for a ghost to be scared.

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