Chapter 21: Ghost

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Sans' POV

I saw Torie cry again, was it because I said 'I love you.' Can Torie even hear what I'm saying? "Torie, I'm fine. I'm here with all of you guys." She looked at me and smiled. I can't move at all, I stay in one spot...where Papyrus put my soul at. She spoke to me

"S-Sans...can you show me your face?" She wants to see me...I don't know if I could do that.

"I'm not sure if I could do that. I'll try my best." She just stared at me. Maybe if she opened the jar, then I could probably show myself to her. She got up and walked to the kitchen, man...I miss being myself again. I wish I came back to life again. I saw Paps and Frisk playing a game, I couldn't see very well. I was too far away to see what they're doing, I guess it sucks to be a ghost.

"Heya Paps, whatcha doing?" He didn't even bother looking at me. Can anyone even hear me?! I started getting frustrated, I yelled Paps' name and he still didn't answer me. I saw Torie coming, she picked me up and took me to my room. Wonder why... She opened the jar, now I can try showing my face to her. The room was covered with a blue flash, I can see myself! I was looking around the room, but this time I was walking on my own.

"O-Oh my gosh..." Toriel was shocked to see me. I saw her face, it looked like if she wanted to cry. "S-Sans...say something..."

"Something." I laughed when she told me to say it. Huh...she wasn't laughing at all, her eyes were covered with tears. I got closer to her, I wanted to give her a hug.

"S-Sans, you're a-alright..." She cried, I wanted to comfort her. I gave her a hug, and she hugged me back.

"T-Torie...I missed you..." I wanted to cry as well, can a ghost even cry? "Where's Papyrus?" I wanted Papyrus to see me, I wonder how his reaction would be. Torie didn't want to let me go, wow, she really misses me. I miss everybody I knew, except for Asgore. I don't exactly remember what happened to me, all I did was woke up and...well... saw myself like this.

"TORIEL WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO?" I can hear Papyrus coming upstairs with Frisk. "AND WHY DO I HEAR SA-" He stopped and looked at me, "OH MY GOSH...SANS YOUR ALRIGHT!" He started crying as well. Why is everyone crying when they see me? "I-I'M SORRY S-SANS...I-IT'S ALL MY F-FAULT..." Papyrus and Toriel were hugging me tight, I couldn't feel no pain though.

"How is this your fault Paps?" Paps couldn't explain himself, he just cried.

"I-I SHOULD'VE N-NOT LEFT YOU A-ALONE S-SANS..." Left me alone? What is Paps talking about?

"Paps...what are yo-" Paps cut me off. "EVRYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT SANS...I'LL NEVER LEAVE YOU AGAIN." I guess they wanted me to be quiet, so I just stayed quiet. It felt weird being a ghost, I guess some people as a ghost can have a hard time in their lives. Toriel and Paps left the room to go eat some pie, I decided to go with them. I saw Frisk eating the pie, I wonder if they knew about me. I saw the pie, it looks so delicious to eat. I tried to grab a piece, but my hand went right through it. I forgot...ghosts can't eat regular food, they eat food that is labeled as 'ghost' then a food word. Like 'ghost pie,' this sucks...

I hid myself before coming down, I was scared if someone would want to kill me. I just can't remember their name, they looked like Frisk a little bit. They had a green shirt with one yellow stripe, brown hair similar to Frisk's, and brown leggings that are similar to Frisk's. I just can't remember their name.

"Sans, are you down here? It's okay to show yourself." I didn't want to show myself...not in front of Frisk...

"I'm in the living room..." I just stand there in front of the TV, I was hoping if Torie doesn't find me here. I was too scared to step any further, I wanted someone to be there with me.

"SANS, IT'S TIME TO GO TO BED. GET IN THE JAR." I went in the jar, I guess that I looked like a heart when I was inside. Papyrus twisted the lid shut and took me to my room, oh man...I didn't want to be here alone. "DON'T WORRY SANS, TORIEL WOULD BE SLEEPING IN HERE." That's a relief, at least I wasn't here alone. I saw Torie walking in my room, she was talking to Paps about something but I couldn't understand them. Toriel went in my room and sat down on my bed.

"Goodnight Sans. I love you."

"Love you too Torie." She just stared at me and smiled, I guess she can't hear me since I'm in the jar.

Toriel already fell asleep, so I decided to sleep as well.

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