Marriage for a Billion (BRITTANA)

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A/N: And finally, i'm able to post this thing. 

“Brittany you’re late!” Mrs Marin yelled when I reached the counter, I just ignored her words before grabbing my apron and slung it into my neck.

I have been working in this coffee shop for 4 months now, I practically don’t have a stable job. Tina has been telling me to teach dancing and I just shook my head every time she does.

Tina is my best friend, we have been since we were like 9. She was asking me to stay at her place and we could just share the bills, I really don’t know why I don’t want to agree with her though, it’s maybe because I wanted to live alone and be alone.

“Sorry.” I muttered. I don’t know why I’m late, well probably because I haven’t got a good night sleep last night. What happened that night where every single part of my family vanished flashing back keeping me up.

It’s been 4 years since the accident and honestly until now, I can’t move on. I know that I can live my alone but sometimes I get to think that what if I still have my family around me? Someone there to hold my hand if I’m sad, someone I can lean on to, and someone can laugh with me if you I have some silly jokes to tell. I miss that. I miss them.

Sometimes I get to blame myself for everything that happened, I should have visited them instead and I should have died instead all of them. I hate myself for that. I wish that I should have sacrificed my classes for them. I hate dancing since that moment. I hate everything that involves the twirling and jumping in every beat of music. I hate myself I get to say that.

“Next time you’re late, you know you’re fired Brittany.” She warned as I started the espresso machine. I just rolled my eyes and faced the next customer.

I get to consider this days to be a normal one, working for 12 hours and head straight home after, well excepts Friday night that we usually have some drinks and if I get lucky enough I get laid.

It’s Christmas, Hanukkah, the Christ was born depending on who you ask, for me it’s just a normal day. I don’t know why but if I just get the chance to celebrate it, then I’ll celebrate it, there in my bed, remote in my hand as I watch some shit that’s on on TV. But no, Tina always threatens me if I won’t celebrate Christmas with them, a lot of Asian rituals, yes but thanks to her for I can somehow feel how to be with a family once again.

And the biggest question is, why do I work anyways? I live alone and I’ll die alone. That’s for sure. Well maybe I wanted to fulfil my parent’s dreams for me? And for my sister? I don’t know. All I want is to earn a lot of money to keep myself contented and happy. I still have a dream, that’s for one. And one of them is not to die alone. I sort of doubt that.

“Miss, can I have a Cappuccino?” The next customer in line asked me she got her eyes plastered on her phone as she tapped away. I just hummed in approval as I smiled widely, lots of customers get to return in this coffee shop because of me. They said that! I’m not boasting or something. They said that I look so happy and bubbly at the same time. And yes, before I go here I make sure that I look happy and fresh so that I can spread the smile written all over my face, even though it’s fake.

“Name please.” I asked as I bowed my head and prepared to scribble her name, I sort of, well not sort of. I fucking held my breath when she averted her eyes on me. Her fucking brown eyes, I swear I almost drowned on them. I can almost feel my legs giving away as she licked her lips before mumbling something. I just held the pen tightly, my jaw probably falling off. I can’t take my eyes off of her, God!

“Santana.” She answered. And there I just fucking stare at her, I don’t know how to use the pen or even my voice to say ‘sure, it’ll be up. Next!’

Mercedes just nudged me by the shoulder and my trance was disturbed, or should I say drooling? The brunette gave me a weird look and just smiled before she turned on her heels and walked towards one of the stool by the glass wall. Still my eyes was plastered on her, receiving another nudge from Mercedes, more forceful this time causing me to almost lose my balance and stumble, luckily I gripped the counter tighter and regained my poise.

“Did you get her name?” Mercedes asked me innocently.

“Santana.” I whispered, I can feel my stomach doing backflips the moment my tongue released her name, I don’t know why but I wanted to hear and call that name once again, actually not just once.

“Then go write it, girl.” My co-worker huffed before she took over for the next customer who looked pretty pissed. I just smiled at the ginger boy customer before turning on my heels to prepare this Santana’s drink.

I can feel the anxiousness running into my veins as I gripped the brunette’s drink on my hand, thank god it haven’t yet slip off for my hand was pretty drenched. I gulped dryly before clearing my throat, the shop was pretty full so I needed a louder voice to catch the customer’s attention to grab their drinks. This was not used to be a problem before, but now. I fucking don’t know where my voice went.

My eyes roamed the shop landing to the brunette’s head, one more time I cleared my throat before calling her attention.

“Santana-“ I hollered calmly even though my chest is pounding. Thank god my voice went normal!

She took the phone from her ear as she neared the counter, there was little smile written all over her face as she approached me. Still I held her cup like my life depended on it.

I offered the drink awkwardly still my smile can’t be written off, she mirrored the smile as she creased her brows like she’s questioning me why I’m smiling like that before she motioned to grab her drink.

“Thanks Brittany.” She trailed. I knit my brows together as she took the coffee from my hands. She just gave me a smug smile before she pointed to my chest. I thought she was checking out my boobs or something causing my ears to burn and my cheeks to blush, I’m probably pink right now. Fuck pale skin!

I slowly bowed my head, and I literally face palmed myself when I saw that yes I’m wearing my nametag.

“Shit.” I whispered I just bit my lip before I face her once again. I can feel the disappointment modified my veins, she already turned on her heels and walk away, I even jolt at the sudden chiming when she went out the door.

9:45 I take note. She’s here every 9:45. I knew it!

Marriage for a Billion (BRITTANA)Where stories live. Discover now